Title: Digital Rights Management The enabler of information society
1Digital Rights Management The enabler of
information society
- Leonardo Chiariglione CEDEO.net
- Bellaterra, ES, 2007/05/16
2The business of intermediation
- In the physical world there are people who
- Own things
- Look for those things
- Act as matchmakers
- Advertisers, Resellers, ...
- Matchmakers are important when they know
- What things people want
- Who has the things people want
- Matchmakers are less important when
- Things are of general use
- Many offer the same things
- The delivery of solid things is important
- Haulers,
3The old business of content
- Content is far from physical, but
- It cannot be transmitted from mind to mind
- If it could we would still like to know which
mind has something interesting -( - Content can be distributed by physical carriers
- As a physical object it is no different from
other things - Publisher can easily replicate it
- End user typically requires a special device
- Content can be distributed by electrical
carriers - Content distribution still requires an
infrastructure - End user has the means to replicate content
- Its use typically requires a proper device
4The new business of content
- Digitally represented content
- Is abundant and liquid
- Value chains are still needed to move content
from creator to end user - Importance of delivery decreases
- Abundance and liquidity are threats to current
value chains players - Make digital content as scarce and solid as
analogue content by acting on - Content (Digital Rights Management)
- Distribution (Proprietary networks)
- You have better talk to those who foot the bill
5Wrong music rights/1
- When the king of England wants to see a show,
they bring the show to the castle and he hears it
alone in his private theater. If you are a king,
why dont you exercise your kingly privilege and
have a show of your own in your own house. - From an ad for the Edisons phonograph, 1906
- For decades millions of kings have exercised
their kingly privilege - Buy music and play it anywhere
- Record music from live broadcasts
- Copy their music to any device
6Wrong music rights/2
- 10 years ago kings have become emperors
- Find any content they want
- Organise/play/copy/share music
- Some want emperors to become sanculottes
- Digital content costs as much as physical content
- Play content on dedicated players
- The new lettres de cachet break the lock and go
to jail - We are not in 1789 and not in Paris but there has
been a revolution... - The future of the record industry hangs on a
7The wobbling movie industry/1
- The end user as a pawn
- If you want to see my movies go to the theatre
- The end user as a duke
- Watch the movie on show in your castle
- The end user as a count
- Record the movie but no guarantee that you can
share it - The end user as a king
- The movie of you choice in your castle
- With pestering mosquitoes (region codes)
- The end user as an emperor
- All the movies anytime anywhere on any device
8The wobbling movie industry/2
- Some want emperors to become sanculottes
- Digital content costs as much as physical content
- You can play it only on dedicated players
- The new lettres de cachet break the lock and go
to jail - Trailblazers have a hard time
- Smart followers may avoid the pitfalls...
- The people who handle strategy have to get
together to talk about this (interoperability),
not just the same technical people (From a
speech by Dan Glickman, MPAA President)
9Learning from the mistakes of others
- Golden rule 1 Respect your customer if you want
to have your property respected - Still a value chain player needs the means to
manage his rights - Beware the technology must be pervasive and
mostly invisible - Golden rule 2 Give your customer what he wants
- All the nice features of digital content
abundance and liquidity are still there - Universal content format and network access
10Talking of standardsMPEG for affordable content
11MPEG changes the media landscape(only uses gt 100
M reported)
- Video CD players
- MPEG-1 Systems/Video/Audio Layer 2
- MP3 players
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
- Digital TV set top boxes
- MPEG-2 Video/Systems and MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2
- DVD players
- MPEG-2 Video/Systems
- Photo cameras
- MPEG-4 Visual
- Mobile handsets
- MPEG-4 Visual/AVC, AAC/HE-AAC, File Format)
- Compressed movie players
- MPEG-4 Visual MP3
12Digital media is now a maturing market (but very
- Todays MPEG portfolio of standards covers most
aspects of digital media - Industry still needs the traditional MPEG
products (video and audio compression) - Consumers (and not just them) crave for
interoperability - But interoperability needs have moved up one
level - From single technologies to assemblies of
technologies - MPEG is providing solutions in that space
13An example of a MAF standard Media Streaming
- Many applications need streaming of AV content
- In many of them the content is governed
- MPEG standards have contributed to bring the
industry to its current level of development - Hundreds of million devices deployed
- So far there was no complete standard for
content governance - This is what the MS MAF standard is about
- MS MAF to lead the video broadcasting/streaming
industry to its next level of development
14An MS MAF reference scheme
Domain Management Device
License Provider Device
Media Streaming Player
Media Streaming Player
Content Provider Device
Media Streaming Player
IPMP Tool Provider Device
15MS MAF provides what everybody (should) demand
16MS MAF is an example of a DRM standard
- The NIST definition of Digital Rights Management
(DRM) - A system of Information Technology components and
services along with corresponding law, policies
and business models which strive to distribute
and control Intellectual Property and its rights - With DRM rights holders can manage (and possibly
protect) the flow and use of their content by
setting appropriate limits - DRM limits communication, but it is still a
communication system - To be successful DRM needs the same old recipe
standards ?
17Can we have a DRM standard?
End user
18A small problem from a big one
- A DRM standard should enable any Value-Chain User
(End-User included) to execute value-chain
Functions through Interfaces and using Protocols
of open specification obtaining predictable
19A DRM standard shall
- Be value chain agnostic
- We do not know what existing value-chains will
become - We do not know what future value-chains will be
- Standardise basic technologies
- Supporting existing value chains
- Enabling new value chains (by adding new
technologies) - Enable innovation
- If rights holders have total control, total
stagnation will result - We are not face-lifting analogue value-chains by
making them digital - Be easy to use to deploy value chains
20The Digital Media Project
- Launched as Digital Media Manifesto in Jul 2003
- Manifesto published in Sep 2003
- http//www.chiariglione.org/manifesto/dmm.htm
- Digital Media Project established in Dec 2003
- http//www.digital-media-project.org/
- The basic DMP position
- Digital technologies are an asset of mankind
- Creators, intermediaries and end-users should all
benefit from them - The goal can be achieved through standardisation
of - Data formats
- Protocols
21Four years later
- 3 versions of Interoperable DRM Platform
specification (IDP-1, IDP-2 and IDP-2.1) released - IDP-3 (May 2007) being developed
- Reference Software (Chillout) as Open Source
- Conformance testing
- Mapping of Traditional Rights and Usages to the
digital space - DMP governance being set up
- Content Registration Authority to be appointed
22The IDP Approved Documents(In italic under
23AD 1 Value Chain Functions and Requirements/1
- Document built with contributions from
- Civil Rights Associations
- Association of People with Special Needs
- Individuals
- Collective Management Societies
- Producers
- Public Service Broadcasters
- Sheet Music Publishers
- Telecommunication operators
- Device Manufacturers
24AD 1 Value Chain Functions and Requirements/2
- Contains
- The list of Value-Chain Users so far identified
- The list of General Requirements
- The full list of Requirements of PFs
- Represents 30 months of work
- Is the foundation of other DMP documents
- Is work in progress (by definition)
- Used to extend IDP
- Is open to more contributions from anybody
25Example Represent Use Data
26Walkthrough in the value chain/1
- The Creation Model
- A Work is made by a Creator
- In the form of a Manifestation
- That becomes an Instance
- Digitally Represented as a Resource
- Resources are combined with Metadata in a
structured way as a single entity (Content) - Content that is digitally Represented is called
DMP Content Information (DCI) - Conditions to Use a DCI are expressed with a
License digitally Represented with a Rights
Expressions Language for Use on - Devices, Users, sets of Devices and Users
27Walkthrough in the value chain/2
- Resources can be in clear-text or protected (i.e.
Encrypted) form - A DCI can convey
- Keys and related DRM information
- Blocks of executable code (called DRM Tools) to
Process various types of Governed Content - In general a DCI is Packaged for Delivery between
Users, i.e. - Wrapped in a file as DMP Content Format (DCF)
- Streamed according to DMP Content Stream (DCS)
28The DMP Models
- Creation Model
- Distribution Model
- Delivery Model
- DRM Tool Model
- Device Model
- Domain Model
- Import/Export Model
- Data Model
29The DMP Content Information(example)
Represent Content
Represent Resource
Represent DRM Information
Represent DRM Tool
Represent DRM Tool Body
Represent Device Information
Represent License
Represent Key Body
Represent Domain Context for Content
Represent Key
Represent Key Body
30Some Devices in a Value Chain
License Provider Device
Domain Mgmt Device
License Identific. Device
Domain Identific. Device
Content Creation Device
End-User Device (SAV)
End-User Device (SAV)
PAV eXternal Device
Content Identific. Device
Content Provider Device
Device Identific. Device
End-User Device (PAV)
Non-DMP device
DRM Tool Provider Device
DRM Tool Identific. Device
31AD 3 Interoperable DRM Platform
- The collection of specifications of all Tools
making up the Interoperable DRM Platform (IDP) - Four main components
- Represent
- Protocols
- Package
- IDP Schema
32AD 4 Use Cases and Value Chains
- Defines 12 Use Cases
- Describes Use Cases by means of walk-throughs
(some Use Case may have gt 1 walk-throughs) - For each use Case and walk-through all IDP Tools
required to implement it are listed - Normative AD
33AD 5 Certification and Registration Authorities
- Value-Chains rely on the guaranteed
- Integrity of Entities e.g. Device and DRM Tool
- Identity of Entities e.g. Content, Device,
Domain, DRM Tool and User - AD 5 collects roles, qualification requirements,
appointment procedures and operation rules of
Certification and Registration Authorities - Process
- DMP selects and appoint Authorities
- Authorities appoint Agencies
- Agencies Certify or Identify Entities as
34Authorities and Agencies
Agency 2
Agency k
Agency 1
Entity 1,2
Entity 1,l
Entity k,1
Entity k,2
Entity K,n
Entity 1,1
Entity 2,1
Entity 2,m
35AD 6 Terminology
- 160 terms defined and used in all ADs
- Some examples
- Conformance The status of a Content or Device
that has been judged to positively meet the
requirements of a Technical Specification - Content Interoperability The capability of a
Content Item to be Used by a Device in the way
expected by the Device(s) from which the Content
has originated - Device Interoperability The capability of a
device to exchange data with other devices across
standard interfaces, using standard protocols,
and to be processed by the devices exchanging the
data in a predictable fashion - Being extended to support DMP ontology
36AD 7 Reference software Chillout
- A set of Java libraries
- Exposed as web services
- Organised as
- Core library implements the IDP specification
- Auxiliary library encapsulates a number of
functionalities - Applications a set of sample applications
(devices, )
37Currently developed Devices
- Device Identification Device (DID)
- Content Creation Device (CCD)
- Content Identification Device (CID)
- License Provider Device (LPD)
- Content Provider Device (CPD)
- DRM Tool Provider Device (TPD)
- PAV eXternal Device (PXD)
- Content Consumption Device (PAV)
- Content Consumption Device (SAV)
- Domain Management Device (DMD)
38AD 8 End-to-End Conformance
- Questions requiring an answer
- Has an Entity been correctly implemented
according to the Technical Specifications? - Can an Entity be safely admitted to the
Value-Chain? - Purpose of AD 8 is to provide
- Means to test an Entity for Conformance to ADs
- Methodologies
- Test suites
- Software (where possible)
- General information to be used by Certification
39AD 9 Mapping of TRUs to the digital space
- Why do we need to support TRUs?
- Users could desert IDP-based offers because the
IDP experience may be poor compared with - The analogue experience
- The current digital experience
- Repackaging the TRU experience with IDP
technologies may lead to some new Digital Media
Business Models (DMBM) - Many TRUs can be supported and DMBMs implementing
using the IDP toolkit
40What is offered by AD 9
- For a selection of TRUs identified by DMP the
following is provided - A rationale for the TRU
- One of more than one solution enabling support of
the selected TRU, each with - A walkthrough
- The IDP technologies required to support the
walkthrough - The Recommended Actions that may be required to
make the TRU support by IDP possible
41Some TRUs supported
- 1 Quote
- 2 Personal Copy
- 3 Space shift
- 4 Time shift
- 5 Private communication
- 6 Personal Annotation
- 7 Personal Edit
- 8 Rating Content
- 9 Continued Access
- 10 Paternity
- 11 Integrity
42Relationships with MPEG
- Most of the IDP technologies are derived from
MPEG-21 and other MPEG standards - Two DMP use cases are being developed as MAFs by
MPEG - Open Release
- Media Streaming
- In 5 months there will be ISO standards for two
important application areas
- In the analogue society people have always
managed rights - In a digital society people still manage
rights - Large corporations as well individuals
- DRM is the technology that can achieve the goal
- To be acceptable and succeed DRM must be
- Flexible ? Toolkit (MPEG-21 standards)
- Interoperable ? A well-defined specification
(DMP) - Open ? Open Source Software (Chillout )
- Future proof ? Designed to include innovation
- It is time to stop talking and make it happen
- Join the community at http//chillout.dmpf.org/