Broadband Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Broadband Applications


... text material, newspapers magazines, white papers and billions of pages of text. ... A Verizon spokesperson called WiMax 'a step beyond a twinkle in an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Broadband Applications

Broadband Applications
  • Sangonet Conference 2006
  • John Joslin
  • 082-969-2497

  • What is broadband ?
  • The last ten years-narrowband
  • The next ten years-broadband
  • Why is broadband spreading?
  • Old and new architectures
  • The new global IP networks
  • Broadband access networks
  • Bandwidth of access networks
  • Deployment of broadband
  • Broadband applications
  • Video and IPTV
  • Communications
  • Broadband applications
  • Education
  • Health
  • Entertainment
  • Gaming
  • Telework
  • Gaming and gambling
  • Advertising
  • Business
  • Home networking
  • Google applications
  • Broadband applications deployment

What is Broadband ?
What is Broadband?
  • Narrowband
  • The highest speed modem used with a traditional
    telephone line, known as a 56K modem, offers a
    maximum data transmission rate of about 45,000
    bits per second (bps).
  • For example, using a 56K modem connection to
    download a 10-minute video or a large software
    file can be a lengthy and frustrating exercise.
  • Broadband
  • By using a broadband high-speed Internet
    connection, with data transmission rates many
    times faster than a 56K modem, users can view
    video or download software and other data-rich
    files in a matter of seconds.
  • In addition to offering speed, broadband access
    provides a continuous always on connection (no
    need to dial-up) and a two-way capability
    that is, the ability to both receive (download)
    and transmit (upload) data at high speeds.

What is Broadband ?
What is broadband ?
What is Broadband ?
  • Broadband or high-speed Internet access is
    provided by a series of technologies that give
    users the ability to send and receive data at
    volumes and speeds far greater than current
    Internet access over traditional telephone lines.
    In addition to offering speed, broadband access
    provides a continuous, always on connection (no
    need to dial-up) and a two-way capability, that
    is, the ability to both receive (download) and
    transmit (upload) data at high speeds.

Last ten yearsnarrowband
The last ten years - narrowband
  • Remarkable
  • Completely unexpected
  • The best expert forecasts were way too low.
  • The Internet
  • World has 800 million users
  • South Africa about 3-4 million
  • Mobile Cellular networks
  • World has 2 billion users
  • South Africa about 20 million

The last ten years- narrowband
  • Both the Internet and the mobile cellular
    networks in the first ten years were mainly
    narrowband networks
  • From 5kbps to 128kbps
  • This restricted the use to mainly text material,
    newspapers magazines, white papers and billions
    of pages of text.
  • The next ten years will be the era of broadband
  • 1Mbps to 10 mbps to 100mbps at the end of the ten
  • This will allow the distribution of video, TV,
    Movies, music, online grid computing or computing
    on demand, and millions of other applications.
  • Major challenge to traditional TV broadcasters

The last ten years-narrowband
  • The narrowband Internet and mobiles were
    dramatically disruptive technologies
  • Many traditional telcos went bankrupt- Worldcom
    and many others.
  • The Internet was a complete winner both the
    fixed and mobile networks are moving to IP
  • The traditional telcos are writing off and
    replacing R3 trillion of plant worldwide.
  • BT closing down all old TDM/circuit switched and
    ATM networks and replacing it with all-IP
  • 80 of old telcos are doing the same.

Next ten years - broadband
The next ten years- broadband
  • Everybody gets next generation Internet access
  • Internet with improved quality and security
  • All the networks become the new Internet
  • Cellular phones become wireless Internet access
    providers ( WIAP)
  • Telcos become high quality and more expensive
    Internet access providers (IAPs)
  • The richness of the services improves and the
    coverage grows to 3 billion

The next ten years - broadband
  • The world is moving to Ubiquitous communications
    based on
  • Internet protocol (IP) as a seamless transport.
  • SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol) for session
    setup and management.
  • These protocols will allow for seamless
    interoperation between
  • Mobile cellular networks
  • Fixed line operators
  • The Internet
  • Internal enterprise networks
  • This will enable converged, seamless, rich
    communications between mobiles, fixed, Internet
    and enterprises.

The next ten years- broadband
  • Richer, integrated and more valuable
  • Voice, video and data on the same network
  • Much more value carried on lower cost networks
  • At a lower cost to the operator and price to the
  • New technology
  • Competition
  • Standardization
  • Open layered architecture
  • Globalization and mass production
  • PC type economics
  • It comes as a surprise that none of this applied
    to traditional telephone networks.

The next ten years-broadband
  • The NGN Internet will carry real-time telephony
    and other rich applications as well as the world
    wide web.
  • The transport or connectivity (electronic pipes)
    suppliers will be separate businesses from the
    Service providers and content providers
  • Sentech is the wireless pipe vs SABC is the
    Service and Content provider.

The next ten years - broadband
  • The NGN Internet will transmit a variety of
    services and content from anywhere in the world.
  • Telephony
  • Instant messaging
  • IPTV
  • SMS
  • Email
  • Video on demand
  • Newspapers
  • Unicast, broadcast and multicast
  • Etc.etc.etc.

The next ten years-broadband
  • Person to person communication
  • Searching and finding the person, business
    Service or content provider
  • Google like. Get public ID, email address,
    telephone number, IP address.
  • The system will find the person whether on mobile
    or fixed line.
  • Initiate telephony ( VoIP), instant messaging or
    video call.
  • Could be peer to peer with no telco company
    needed other than as a pipe

The next ten years-broadband
  • Person to business
  • If you do not know the number search like Google
  • Call the business. Use email, SMS, instant
    messaging or telephony.
  • Interaction is between handheld ( client) and
    Enterprise server.
  • If customer access contact centre
  • If remote worker access company and internal
  • No telco needed other than pipe.
  • Network operators ( telcos) Internet access
    servers only provide connectivity.
  • Licensed network operator

The next ten years-broadband
  • Customer has choice of what pipe to choose.
  • Choice of Telkom, SNO, TNO, mobiles like Vodacom,
    MTN, Sentech, etc and ISA ( Internet access
  • Other sources of revenue for ex-telcos will have
    to be in fair competition to all other service
    and content providers.
  • Telkom SP and CP will need license ( class
    license) to feed SABC content using multicast to
    DSL users.
  • Sentech broadcast and Sentech ISP could also sell
    TV feed from SABC..

The next ten years-broadband
  • All the 3 billion users of the world will access
    the global NGN ( Internet) via their local
    pipes .Mostly ex-Telcos and Ex-cellular
    operators and ISPs. These are the access
  • Many ex-telcos and now Network operators will own
    the global core network, which will be mainly
    fibre optic cable but also Satellite.
  • There must be interconnection between the Core
  • Could be peering like the Internet. They swop
    traffic freely.
  • Or Interconnection monitoring and payments. Like
    Telcos now.
  • The core network will accept any type of access

The next ten years-broadband
  • Services and content from anywhere in the world.
  • Search and find
  • persons
  • newspapers
  • TV programs
  • Video
  • Movies
  • Business
  • Books
  • Software
  • Now on Google, search for videos on demand via
    the Internet.Content from Time Warner.
  • Find and see streaming TV, or download and pay
    0.50 per movie. ( streaming too slow now).

The next ten years-broadband
  • The world will have 3 billion users with mobile
    wireless Internet access
  • 1 billion broadband mobile wireless Internet
  • South Africa could have 30 million mobile
    wireless Internet access users
  • South Africa 15 million broadband mobile wireless
    Internet access
  • The world could have 1.5 billion fixed line
    Internet access
  • South Africa could have 10 million fixed line
    internet access

The next ten years-broadband
  • TV
  • SABC is a content provider
  • Moving to digital video origination
  • World Cup want HDTV
  • But most of the population will not be able to
    afford new TV sets
  • SABC could multicast digital IPTV to the country
    via Sentech, Telkom, SNO, Mweb, Internet
    solutions and Vodacom and MTN etc
  • Could multicast digital TV to Telkom, SNO and
  • Could multicast TV to 3G mobiles

The next ten years-broadband
  • The viewer will be able to receive TV, video and
    movies on
  • Home and office (?) PC
  • Notebook
  • TV with set top box
  • 3G mobile computer phone.
  • Wireless office phone
  • Sufficient should be in place by 2010 to have a
    real pilot or launch.

The next ten years-broadband
  • SABC could broadcast to the world with IPTV
  • BT, DT, FT and many of the South American
    Internet operators and those in Europe Asia will
    have IPTV.
  • SABC could provide Football feed, in realtime or
    delayed to all these Internet IPTV operators
  • This will be wonderful test. Who could want
    better than a World Cup.!!
  • Advertising revenue
  • Work with Google to get targetted advertising to
    soccer fans.

The next ten years-broadband
  • South Africa viewer will have access to the world
    TV. Videos and movies cheaply
  • Just as SABC could multicast TV to the world
    using IPTV so the world could sell TV and video
    to South Africans.
  • As we roll out the NGN ( Next generation Network)
    and broadband Telkom, SNO, ISPs, and mobile
    cellphone networks will be able to deliver any
    TV, or Video or Movie or Music from the world.
  • Google has a video search and stream and
  • Google charge 0.50 for most downloadable movies.
  • In future access any TV channel? Subscribe or pay
    per view.
  • My son tested it on his ADSL line and flatscreen
    TV set.

Why is Broadband spreading?
Competition and technology
  • Why is broadband spreading?
  • Technology
  • Cable modems
  • DSL
  • 3G WCDMA
  • 3G HSDPA
  • WiFi
  • WiMAX
  • PLC
  • Competition
  • Internet vs Telcos
  • vs Mobiles vs Utilities
  • vs Digital Cities

Competition and technology
  • Technology and new standards
  • 3G upgrades specifies broadband
  • ITU-T and ETSI new standards for fixed line (
    Telcos) require broadband.
  • Support of broadband access networks
  • Metro ethernet, DSL
  • WCDMA, WiMAX etc
  • Internet needs broadband for VoIP and video

Competition and technology
  • Competition
  • Cable TV started the broadband explosion
  • Offered telephony and Internet access with
    broadcast TV
  • Telcos answered with xDSL-triple play
  • Telephony, video and Internet
  • Mobile cellulars followed
  • Broadband wireless in 3G specification
  • Internet with WiFi and WiMAX
  • If none of these deploy broadband digital
    cities will.
  • Many cities deploying fibre and WiFi and soon

Competition between networks
  • Internet Improving performance
  • Internet performance is improving each year with
    packet losses typically improving by 40-50 per
    year and Round Trip Times (RTTs) by 10-20 and,
    for some regions such as S. E. Europe, even more.
    Geosynchronous satellite connections are still
    important to countries with poor
    telecommunications infrastructure. In general for
    HEP countries satellite links are being replaced
    with land-line links with improved performance
    (in particular for RTT).. 1
  • 1 . January 2005 Report of the ICFA-SCIC
    Monitoring Working Group.

Competition between networks
  • Internet - Quality improving every year
  • Of all the sites pinged the percentage of those
    that are good to acceptable for packet loss and
    RTT for the purpose of VoIP increased from about
    55 to about 77 in the 7 years displayed.. from
    1998 to 2004 1
  • RTT ( round trip time)
  • 1.RTT less than 100ms in North America.
  • 2. Europe, South Korea and Japan have RTT 100
    to 250ms.
  • Less than 250ms roundtrip time is Ok for
  • 3. 250 -600ms. Includes South Africa, Russia
    China, India and Mexico.
  • 2
  • 1 . January 2005 Report of the ICFA-SCIC
    Monitoring Working Group.
  • 2 . January 2005 Report of the ICFA-SCIC
    Monitoring Working Group.

Old and New Architectures
Old and new architectures
  • Old architecture
  • One product, one network and one license
  • Telephony
  • TV broadcasting
  • Radio broadcasting
  • Data transmission
  • Frame relay
  • X.25
  • ATM
  • GSM
  • 3G or UMTN

Old and new architectures
  • Old architecture
  • In telephony the telephone service was built by
    the hardware
  • The hardware and service was one
  • The terminal device ( telephone) was only used by
    the network. For each network there was a unique
  • You could with the old technology not provide
    telephony without the hardware
  • TV a license for different frequency spectrum for
    each channel
  • No sharing of channels ( pipes)
  • TV set was designed to accept only TV signals.
  • Could not accept Frame relay or Internet signals.
  • TV only
  • Same with radio.

Old and new architectures
  • New Architecture
  • One pipe can carry many different services and
  • On broadband Internet you can buy books from
    Kalahari or Amazon, auction goods on eBay,
    telephone free on Skype, search the world for
    holiday resorts and a million other things.
  • Content can be radio 702 in China, one of 8000
    newspapers online, or individual telephone
  • A million different contents.
  • Common pipe or network
  • The infrastructure of the network is separated
    from the services or content.

New Global IP networks
New Global networks
  • Global Core networks
  • Fibre optic cable
  • Satellite
  • Fibre IP/MPLS/DWDM
  • Access networks
  • Cable
  • xDSL fixed line
  • Ethernet
  • ATM
  • FTTP
  • WiFi, WiMAX
  • PLC, BPL
  • Satellite

Broadband Access networks
Broadband access networks
  • Wireline
  • Cable modems
  • xDSL
  • Metro ethernet
  • FTTP
  • PLC ( Power-line Communications-BPL)
  • Wireless
  • WiFi and WiMAX
  • 3G WCDMA and HSDPA
  • Satellite

  • Ultrafast broadband services from phone and cable
    companies could speed up your downloads to 15
    megabits per second or more.
  • A new generation of superfast broadband Internet
    access promises to do more than accelerate Web
    browsing and file downloads. Five to thirty times
    as fast as DSL, these new--and surprisingly
    affordable--wide pipes can in some cases enable
    new video, voice, and data services

Broadband access
  • These include cable, an enhanced telephone
    service called digital subscriber line (DSL),
    satellite technology, terrestrial (or fixed)
    wireless technologies, and others. Cable and DSL
    are currently the most widely used technologies
    for providing broadband access. Both require the
    modification of an existing physical
    infrastructure that is already connected to the
    home (i.e., cable television and telephone

Broadband access networks
  • DSL
  • is a modem technology that converts existing
    copper telephone lines into two-way high speed
    data conduits. Data transmission speeds via range
    up to 7 Mbps for downloading and 1 Mbps for
    uploading. Speeds can depend on the condition of
    the telephone wire and the distance between the
    home and the telephone companys central office
    (i.e., the building that houses telephone
    switching equipment).

Broadband access - DSL
  • DSL 25mbps up to 5000 feet .
  • In contrast, SBC Communications and BellSouth
    have adopted a less expensive solution by leaving
    the copper line in place as a last-mile DSL
    connection. The success of active networks
    depends on getting the fiber close enough for
    DSL, the speed of which is sensitive to distance.
    The latest DSL technology can achieve 25 megabits
    for homes less than 5,000 feet from the network
    node, making it comparable to Verizon's all-fiber
    offering. Improvements could boost the rate to
    100 megabits for those no more than 500 feet from
    the node, notes Jay Fausch, a marketing director
    at Alcatel, the Paris-based telecom giant.

Broadband access-ADSL
  • ADSL
  • uses frequencies much higher than those used for
    voice communication, both voice and data can be
    sent over the same telephone line. Thus,
    customers can talk on their telephone while they
    are online, and voice service will continue even
    if the ADSL service goes down. Like cable
    broadband technology, an ADSL line is always on
    with no dial-up required. Unlike cable, however,
    ADSL has the advantage of being unshared between
    the customer and the central office. Thus, data
    transmission speeds will not necessarily decrease
    during periods of heavy local Internet use.

Broadband access-ADSL
  • ADSL
  • A disadvantage relative to cable is that ADSL
    deployment is constrained by the distance between
    the subscriber and the central office. ADSL
    technology over a copper wire only works within
    18,000 feet (about three miles) of a central
    office facility. However, DSL providers are
    deploying technology to further increase
    deployment range. One option is to install
    remote terminals which can serve areas farther
    than three miles from the central office.

Broadband access-Satellite
  • Satellite
  • Like cable, satellite is a shared medium, meaning
    that privacy may be compromised and performance
    speeds may vary depending upon the volume of
    simultaneous use. Another disadvantage of
    Internet over satellite is its susceptibility to
    disruption in bad weather. On the other hand, the
    big advantage of satellite is its universal
    availability. Whereas DSL is not available to
    many South Africans, satellite connections can
    be accessed by anyone with a satellite dish
    facing the This makes satellite Internet access
    a possible solution for rural or remote areas not
    served by other technologies.

Broadband access - satellite
  • Satellite
  • Like wireless, satellite access uses radio waves
    instead of wires to deliver access. In many cases
    it may be the only technology that works in
    remote settings.

Broadband access-fixed wireless
  • Fixed Wireless
  • Though mostly used for businesses, fixed wireless
    Internet is beginning to be deployed for
    residential broadband service. Advantages are the
    flexibility and lower cost of deployment to the
    customers home (as opposed to laying or
    upgrading cable or telephone lines).
    Disadvantages are line-of-sight restrictions (in
    some cases), the susceptibility of some
    technologies to adverse weather conditions, and
    the scarcity of available spectrum.

Broadband access -WiFi
  • WiFi ( IEEE 802.11)
  • Additionally, unlicensed spectrum is being
    increasingly used to provide high-speed
    shortdistance wireless access (popularly called
    wi-fi) to local area networks, particularly in
    urban areas where wired broadband connections
    already exist

Broadband access-WiFi
  • Wi-Fi Workings
  • Wi-Fi networks comprise Wi-Fi-equipped mobile
    computers (laptops or handhelds) or special Wi-Fi
    telephone handsets, as well as access points
    (APs). APs are base stations that communicate by
    radio and by wire with both mobile systems and
    the networks that ultimately provide entrée to
    the Internet.
  • Each AP can send and receive signals within a
    limited range, typically 20 to 50 meters inside a
    building. The coverage area of an AP forms a
    three-dimensional spherelike cell (analogous to a
    mobile telephone cell but much smaller) that can
    serve many mobile devices within it

Access networks - WiFi
  • Skype and Google fund WiFi
  • Spanish Wi-Fi startup FON, a day after gaining
    more than 21 million in funding from
    heavyweights Google and Skype, today is
    backpedaling from claims that every ISP supports
    its idea of shared wireless connections.
  • Taking a page from peer-to-peer networking, FON
    hopes to expand its current 3,000 members (or
    "foneros") and build 1 million shared Wi-Fi
    hotspots worldwide by 2010. Borrowing a lesson
    from investor Skype, FON will gain revenue
    through multi-leveled subscriptions with names
    "Bill," "Linus" and "Alien."

Broadband access-WiMAX
  • Fixed WiMAX
  • lthough mobile WiMax has captured most of the
    headlines, and a series of trials by mobile
    carriers highlights the future of wireless
    broadband, fixed WiMax remains the technologys
    bread and butter through 2009, according to a
    report from Visant Strategies.
  • WiMAX
  • While 802.16e, the mobile WiMax standard, could
    reportedly be ratified as early as the end of the
    month, the market for cable modem and digital
    subscriber line replacement  is expanding today,
    while WiMax in the mobile network remains two to
    four years away, says Andy Fuertes, author of
    the Visant report entitled 802.16 / WiMax
    Assessment of Fixed and Mobile Opportunities.
  • .

Broadband access -WiMAX
  • Italian WiMAX trials
  • Airspan recently announced a WiMax trial in three
    Italian regions around Piedmont and Sicily. The
    trial is intended to demonstrate that Airspan
    customers can upgrade from fixed to mobile WiMax.
  • Testing 802.16e
  • Sprint Nextel also announced a similar test of
    802.16e with Samsung. The lab and field trials
    will validate requirements for future wireless
    offerings, according to Barry West, Sprints
    chief technology officer.

Broadband access-WiMAX
  • ATT
  • ATT has also announced plans to conducts WiMax
    tests. The first, in Middletown, New Jersey,
    concentrates on data transfer a second trial
    will focus on VoIP.
  • Verizon
  • Verizon said earlier this month that it has no
    plans to deploy WiMax, according to an Associated
    Press article. A Verizon spokesperson called
    WiMax a step beyond a twinkle in an engineers

Broadband access-WiMAX mobile
  • 802.16e will eclipse 802.16 2004
  • What happens to the demarcation line between
    fixed and mobile WiMax after 2010? We believe
    that the lines between fixed and mobile gear will
    blur, says Fuertes. 802.16e will quickly
    eclipse 802.16.2004 products, due to improved

Broadband access-FTTH
  • FTTH
  • Another broadband technology is optical fiber to
    the home (FTTH). Optical fiber cable, already
    used by businesses as high speed links for long
    distance voice and data traffic, has tremendous
    data capacity, with rates in excess of one
    gigabit per second (1000 Mbps). The high cost of
    installing optical fiber in users homes is the
    major barrier to FTTH. Several

Broadband access-FTTH
  • Fiber to the home
  • FTTH is the latest offering of residential
    broadband and is being rolled out in many
    metropolitan areas. It uses very thin glass
    fibers that transmit signals in the form of light
    pulses. It offers speeds similar to Cable or DSL,
    but has the potential for far greater speeds.

Access networks -FTTN
  • FTTN
  • FTTN entails installing fiber from the central
    office to a neighborhood node that is within
    3,000 to 5,000 feet of all 300 to 500 customers
    served out of that node. From the node, customers
    will receive voice, video and data service over
    traditional copper wire.

Broadband access- PLC
  • PLC
  • ANASSAS, Va. -- Just one year after the Federal
    Communications Commission (FCC) approved rules
    for the deployment of broadband over power lines
    (BPL), the technology made its commercial debut
    in this Washington suburb.
  • Broadband communications via electrical grid
  • In a public-private partnership with
    Communications Technologies (ComTek) that Waldron
    said cost his taxpayers "not a penny," the city
    is now offering a 30-per-month broadband service
    through its electrical grid. Both Comcast and
    Verizon already offer broadband in Manassas.

Broadband access-PLC
  • PLC equals DSL and cable modems
  • With speeds that rival DSL and cable modems, the
    service is available to all 12,500 households and
    2,500 businesses in Manassas. With the city
    receiving a share of every subscription to the
    service, Waldron said Manassas currently has 700
    paying customers with another 500 signed up.
  • "Make no mistake about it what we are announcing
    todayis something that we could be rolling out
    in a year or two from now in literally scores of
    communities across the United States," CEO Joseph
    E. Fergus of ComTek said.

Broadband access- PLC
  • 20 PLC trials in USA alone. 250000 homes access
  • According to a report by the New Millennium
    Research Council last year, there were more than
    20 BPL trials underway in the United States in
    2004 with roughly a quarter million homes already
    having access to BPL.
  • Many more trials and deployments in Europe

Broadband access 3G
  • 2G Radio access networks
  • GSM
  • GPRS
  • EDGE
  • 3G radio access networks
  • 3G cdma2000 (USA)
  • EV-DO (USA)

Broadband access- 3G
  • EV-DO
  • But not anymore. Gradually, and with relatively
    little fanfare, Verizon Wireless has deployed a
    nationwide cellular data network in the United
    States that blows away the fastest widely
    deployed networks in Europe, the so-called 3G
    networks that have been rolled out there to huge
    publicity. And Sprint is starting its own rollout
    of a similar speedy network based on the same
    technology Verizon uses.

Broadband access EV-DO
  • 400 to 700 kbps
  • How fast is EV-DO? Verizon is predicting average
    speeds of between 400 and 700 kilobits per
    second. That's up to 10 times its previous
    fastest data speed, on an older network called
    1X. In my tests, Verizon's promise proved
    realistic, and I often topped 700 kbps.

Broadband access Wireless and wireline
  • Wireless cannot beat DSL or Fibre for mbps
  • Radio signals cannot hope to match the
    transmission speeds that copper wires or
    fiber-optic cables make possible. Nor can Wi-Fi,
    or other wireless technologies that rely on
    radio, supply the same degree of security the
    transmissions can be intercepted by nearby radio

Broadband access- EV-DO
  • EV-DO
  • That technology is called EV-DO, for
    Evolution-Data Only, or Evolution-Data Optimized.
    It is the first wireless technology deployed over
    a wide area that matches the speed of home
    broadband at least the slower reaches of that
    wired service. Unlike the most common form of
    wireless broadband, Wi-Fi, the new EV-DO service
    doesn't rely on hot spots. It's available all
    over a metro area, wherever there is cellphone
    service even in a moving car.

Broadband digital cities
  • Broadband digital cities
  • Danville is on the leading edge of what is
    quickly becoming a broadband revolution.
    Frustrated by the slow speed of broadband
    rollouts in their towns, local governments across
    the USA are building their own networks. Their
    common goal to secure a bright future by
    building a business-quality network now.
  • This is about three things, says Jerry
    Gwaltney, Danville's city manager. Jobs, jobs
    and jobs.

Bandwidth of Access networks
Bandwidth of access networks
  • 1) Dialup    64 Kbps
  •  (2) DSL/Cable 0.1 40 Mbps      Cable 
    110 Mbps(shared)      ADSL  110 
    Mbps(dedicated)      VDSL    2050 Mbps
    or more (dedicated) 
  • (3) Ethernet   100 Mbps 10 Gbps (dedicated)

Bandwidth of access networks
  • ) Wireless LAN 
  •         802.11b 11
    Mbps(shared)        802.11a         54
    Mbps(shared) 802.11g 54
  • 802.16 50 Mbps(shared)
  • 802.20 2 Mbps with mobility(shared)
  • (2) Mobile Phone
  • 2.53G   0.12 Mbps
    (dedicated)         4G  
    2050 Mbps (dedicated)

Bandwidth of access networks
Why 1000Mbps?
  • or Why do we need 1001,000 Mbps? )
  • (1) Higher Definition Video (HDV, HDTV)
  • Streaming
  • Down loading
  • (2) High Definition Video Conferencing and
    Class (3) High Definition Video Education
  • (4) High Definition Online Game
  • (5) Bulk File Transfer

Why 1000Mbps
  • (1) Broadband Is Fully Deployed    - 80 of
    household    - Dialup has become "horse
    carriage"    - Broadband is social
    infrastructure like       telephone or
    automobile or television(2) Looking for Next
    Generation Broadband    - VDSL(gt10 Mbps) vs
    FTTH/FTTB(100 Mbps)    - LAN(FTTB)
    deployment at 1015

Deployment of broadband
Broadband in 2003
  • Economy       Subscribers Per Capita
    Per Household   Growth Rate Korea     
    11 million   24 80
    lt 10Hong Kong 1.2 million 17
  • Taiwan  3.1 million       13
  • Canada   2.5 million       11
    36 20Japan      13
    million    10 35
    80USA        21.5 million     8
    20 20 Singapore
    0.3 million 7
    20China 10 million 1
  • Remark
  •  China is catching up, in particular among big
    cities.   Korea, Japan, Canada and Sweden are
    leading in FTTH/FTTB/LAN.
  • Source WSJ (2003.10.13), ITU (2003.4.7), Frost
    Sullivan and,,

Broadband - Europe
  • Broadband in Europe-2005 90 urban BB
  • The decision to open the spectrum also coincides
    with the EC's open debate on bringing high-speed
    Internet access to more areas of Europeanother
    item considered vital for the i2010 initiative.
    Members of the EU are facing a digital divide
    between urban and rural areas. As of January
    2005, 90 percent of the urban population of the
    EU could get broadband, while only 62 percent of
    rural residents could do so.

Broadband - Europe
  • 114000 hotspots in EU in 2009
  • The EC says, based on information from Pyramid
    Research, that Europe will have 26,000 hotspots
    in 2006, going to 114,000 by 2009.

Broadband - Europe
  • 44 million BB users-EU
  • The besotted Englishman is just one of the more
    than 14 million Western Europeans who have signed
    up for broadband access in the last year alone,
    bringing the total number of subscribers to 44
    million, says consultant Pricewaterhouse-Coopers.
    That's more users than in the U.S. Some 25 of
    European households now have high-speed Net
    access -- enough to qualify as a mass-market
    phenom. "Broadband has become mainstream" in
    Europe, says Charlotte Davies, an analyst with
    London-based telecom researcher Ovum Ltd

Broadband in Japan
  • Japan
  • (1) Fast Growth in 20022004.     3 millions
    --gt 8 millions (--gt 11 millions in 2003)
  •      Tough price competition ( 20/month)
  • (2) Looking for Killer Applications    
    VoIP     Video(3) Mobile Internet     50
    penetration     2.5G/3G are taking off

Broadband in China
  • China
  • (1) Internet is taking off in China     90
    millions in 2003(2nd after USA)     Expected to
    take over USA in 20052006(2) Broadband is
    taking off in major cities.    

Broadband access- WiFi
  • City of London
  • Wi-Fi network operator The Cloud will install and
    manage the network, with most of the City's area
    covered by October.
  • This follows The Cloud's announcement of plans
    to set up a string of public wireless local area
    networks in UK cities. It has already set up a
    Wi-Fi zone covering Canary Wharf in London's
  • The City of London, which is responsible for
    local government in the Square Mile, is paying
    nothing towards the project, said a spokesman.
    "It's free - we're just providing access. It's up
    to The Cloud to bear the costs. Th e City of
    London will give The Cloud access to lampposts,
    road signs and other "street furniture" to
    install the network infrastructure.

Broadband WiBRO - WiMAX
  • WiBro for earthlink
  • Additionally, a major Internet service provider
    without a physical network of its own, such as
    EarthLink or AOL Broadband, could go for WiBro.
    In January, for example, SK Telecom and EarthLink
    announced a partnership that could eventually
    bring WiBro service to EarthLink's 5 million U.S.

Broadband Japan-DSL
  • Japan-DSL-8mbps for 20 in 2001
  • In contrast, look at Japan. Consumers there could
    buy direct subscriber line (DSL) Internet
    connections (the broadband service sold by phone
    companies in America) with 8 Mbps download speeds
    for 20 to 40 -- back in late 2001. Today,
    standard packages operate in the 12 to 40 Mbps
    range. Better product for a lower price,
    naturally enough, turns out to be an excellent
    method of achieving the ostensible goal of
    American policy getting people to sign up. By
    2003, 15 million Japanese had broadband
    connections, compared with 30 million Americans
    (in a country whose population is 2.3 times
    larger and signi?cantly younger). And Japan is
    ostensibly in the middle of an extremely
    prolonged economic slump.

Broadband Korea-FTTH
  • South Korea 50-100mbps in FTTH
  • n South Korea, well over 20 percent of the
    population has broadband service, more than twice
    the U.S. ?gure. These connections typically
    operate at around 10 Mbps, and a collaborative
    project by businesses and the Korean government
    is prepared to start rolling out ultrafast
    ?ber-to-the-home connections offering speeds of
    50 to 100 Mbps (Japan currently leads in this

Broadband South Korea
  • WiBro
  • promises much higher data rates than you can get
    even from a third-generation (3G) cellular
    systeman initial rate of 1 to 3 megabits per
    second, versus the 384 kilobits per second
    typical in advanced mobile phone networks today.
    And the WiBro download rate may eventually rise
    to about 18 Mb/s, fast enough for even
    high-definition television, as well as voice,
    video, and old-fashioned e-mail and Web traffic.

Broadband Access South Korea
  • WiBro data
  • On the other hand, while even the most
    sophisticated mobile phone networks are still
    customized mainly for voice, WiBro handles
    strictly data. It can carry voice traffic, but
    only by chopping it up into data packets and
    using voice over Internet Protocol. (VoIP is
    increasingly seen in wire-line telephony but has
    yet to be deployed on cellular systems.)

Broadband Access South Korea
  • WiBro and 3G (WiMAX)
  • Users, as they roam, will be able to toggle
    between WiBro and 3G, says Joo Sik Lee, vice
    president of the company's Network RD Center, in
    Seoul. Thus, bored bus and subway commuters will
    be able to tune in to their favorite radio
    stations, watch on-demand movies, and play games

Broadband access- South Korea
  • WiBro or 802.16e
  • till, there are two obstacles in WiBro's way
    before it can safely come into port. First, there
    is the matter of certification WiBro's backers
    would very much like to get it recognized by the
    IEEE 802.16 committee as the mobile version of
    WiMax, which could happen as early as this fall.
    Support from Intel Corp., which lately has thrown
    its weight behind fixed WiMax, will probably be

Broadband South Korea
  • South Korea Gov pushing WiBro (mobile WiMAX)
  • t's hard to imagine South Korea needing even more
    connectivity. Yet the republic is making a
    collective bet that it does. Even as leading
    carriers like SK Telecom, in Seoul, are investing
    heavily to improve data rates on their cellular
    networks, which already are state of the art, the
    governmentwith the full support of the nation's
    wireless providers and equipment makershas
    pushed a competing technology called "wireless
    broadband," or WiBro for short.

Broadband South Korea
  • Mobile rates of 1 to 3 mbps. Only VoIP .
  • WiBro promises much higher data rates than you
    can get even from a third-generation (3G)
    cellular systeman initial rate of 1 to 3
    megabits per second, versus the 384 kilobits per
    second typical in advanced mobile phone networks
    today. And the WiBro download rate may eventually
    rise to about 18 Mb/s, fast enough for even
    high-definition television, as well as voice,
    video, and old-fashioned e-mail and Web traffic.

Broadband - USA
  • USA 45 households use broadband 80 by 2010
  • ower broadband prices are partially responsible
    for increased high-speed adoption in the United
    States. More than 43 percent of online U.S.
    households now connect via broadband, according
    to a new report from JupiterResearch, an IT
    research firm owned by the same parent as this
    Web site.
  • The figure is expected to jump to nearly 80
    percent of online households by 2010, creating
    new opportunities for online portals to add users
    by offering customizable content such as
    entertainment, blogs and personal pages, analysts
    at the firm said.

Broadband - USA
  • USA August 2005 43 homes BB
  • Lower broadband prices are partially responsible
    for increased high-speed adoption in the United
    States. More than 43 percent of online U.S.
    households now connect via broadband, according
    to a new report from JupiterResearch, an IT
    research firm owned by the same parent as this
    Web site.

Digital cities
  • Municipal WiFi
  • private enterprise broadband providers ignoring
    the growing digital divide should expect
    competition from local municipalities. That's the
    role of local governments, says one of the
    nation's leading proponents of municipal Wi-Fi.

Digital cities
  • Cities vs private enterprise
  • As Philadelphia's chief information officer,
    Dianah Neff knows all about the contentious
    debate going on between cities wanting to offer
    broadband as just an utility among companies that
    don't think government should be in the business
    of competing against private enterprise

Digital cities
  • Digital divide is local
  • The digital divide is local. Spurring economic
    development is a local issue," Neff told a U.S.
    Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Washington
    earlier this week. "We believe that there is
    space in this marketplace. We're about open
    competition. We're not about exclusivity. We're
    not about setting special rules for anybody."

Digital Cities
  • 800 towns deploying broadband
  • Danville and Provo are just two of about 800
    communities that are in some stage of municipal
    broadband deployment, estimates Michael Render,
    president of Render Vanderslice Associates,
    which tracks fiber-optic deployments. According
    to Render, the trend is gaining steam as
    broadband becomes as much a part of a town's
    infrastructure as sidewalks, sewer lines, power
    lines and gas mains.

Digital cities
  • Hundreds of towns world wide
  • The trend is global. World Wide Packets, which
    also provided gear to Provo, says it is working
    with about 30 communities in such far-flung spots
    as Finland, New Zealand and Dubai.
  • All these communities believe they are being
    underserved by the incumbents or not served or
    never-to-be-served, says Dave Curry, president
    and chief executive of World Wide Packets.

Digital cities
  • 1.5 5, and 10 mbps
  • In July, the city started selling a
    1.5-megabit-per-second package of voice, data and
    video services for 89.99 a month. (Five- and
    10-megabit speeds are available for 109.99 and
    129.99, respectively.) The rollout of iProvo,
    which can ramp up to 1 gigabit, is getting a good
    reception. So far, about 400 people have signed
    up. When it is fully deployed in about two years,
    it will pass every house, school, business and
    municipal building in Provo.

Digital cities
  • Digital cities 200 in USA
  • Meanwhile about 200 U.S. towns have given up on
    the private sector and have installed their own
    fiber networks. Ultimately, fiber appears certain
    to prevail. Phone companies refurbish their lines
    at an average annual rate of about 3 percent,
    observes analyst Michael Howard of Infonetics
    Research in San Jose, Calif. So fiber should
    begin replacing copper at that rate at least.

Digital cities
  • WiFi Mesh-Tropos and Belair
  • All three Philly proposals include use of Wi-Fi
    mesh equipment from either Tropos Networks or
    BelAir Networks. Such self-configuring mesh
    equipment has become a favorite method of
    handling municipality-wide wireless networks.

Broadband access - PLC
  • BB powerline-IBM
  • Big Blue and CenterPoint Energy (Quote, Chart)
    have opened a BPL center in Houston to test the
    high-speed technology, appealing because the
    power grid already blankets the country. The
    companies also launched a pilot program serving
    an area of approximately 220 homes in southwest
    Houston. The trial, which will run through
    August, is using new BPL technology that is three
    times faster than previous iterations.

Broadband access-PLC
  • Evaluating BPL
  • IBM's contribution to the BPL center includes
    xSeries servers, PCs, wireless gear and kiosk
    technology. For the pilot program, IBM will
    provide project management and assessment of use.
    Following the trial, IBM will help evaluate
    customer satisfaction and assess the potential
    for BPL in that market.

Broadband access-PLC/BPL
  • IBM and Google invest in BPL.
  • With BPL they will be able to see every device on
    their network from the meter to the substation,"
    Fine said. "They will be able to do automated
    meter reading, work load management, remote turn
    on and turn off, security and outage management
    and triangulation, to name a few applications."

Broadband - WiFi
  • WiFi 271 million by 2008
  • Pyramid Research, a communications industry
    research firm, predicts the global number of
    Wi-Fi users could top 271 million by 2008, with
    177 million of them in the U.S. Today's Wi-Fi
    community already supports a vibrant
    international business in Wi-Fi

Broadband applications
Broadband Applications
Broadband Applications
  • Broadband Video
  • _ Video on Demand
  • _ Pay Per View
  • _ Audio on Demand
  • _ Internet on TV
  • _ Gaming
  • _ Video Telephony
  • _ Multimedia Messaging
  • _ Personal Video Recorder
  • _ Interactive Program Guide
  • _ Walled Garden
  • Our set-top box combines communications and
    entertainment services into a user-friendly,
    multifunctional, multimedia-based user experience.

Broadband applications
  • General Internet Access
  • Browsing
  • Messaging
  • File Downloading
  • Games
  • Audio and Video
  • Audio delivery
  • Audio Delivery
  • Internet Telephony
  • Video Delivery
  • Video Conference
  • New Applications    - Peer-to-Peer
    Applications    - Distributed Work     -
    Distance Learning    - Home Content

Killer Applications
  • (1) Killer Applications - First Wave   -
    Heavy Internet users(always on)(2) Killer
    Applications Second Wave     - Adult
    content     - Stock exchange (Day
    Trader)     - Online game(3) Killer
    Applications - Third Wave
  •      - Broadband Portal     -
    Education     - Music     -
    Movie     - Television Program

Broadband Internet Applications
  • Transform the Internet
  • Broadband access, along with the content and
    services it might enable, has the potential to
    transform the Internet both what it offers and
    how it is used. For example, a two-way high speed
    connection could be used for interactive
    applications such as
  • online classrooms
  • online showrooms
  • Online health clinics

Broadband Internet Applications
  • Broadband Internet
  • An always on connection could be used to
    monitor home security, home automation, or even
    patient health remotely through the Web.
  • Monitor home security
  • Home automation
  • Patient health

Broadband Internet Applications
  • Video applications
  • The high speed and high volume that broadband
    offers could also be used for bundled service
    where, for example, cable television, video on
    demand, voice, data, and other services are all
    offered over a single line.
  • Video
  • Live TV
  • VoD

Broadband Applications
Broadband applications
  • Multi-media
  • While the opportunity is significant, the
    infrastructure issue is an obvious roadblock the
    challenge with this entire category is that all
    of these services include a multimedia
    componentvideo, audio, animationthat will
    require broadband to ensure a quality end-user

  • The USA
  • What is not purely dependent on the dynamics of
    competition is the need for ubiquitous broadband
    access. In this case, evidence of the need for
    forces beyond normal market dynamics is
    everywhere from the demise of CLECs to the stil
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