Title: Buy Electric Milk Cream Separator Machine – Milkyday
1Buy Electric Milk Cream Separator Machine
Cream separator is a machine that divides whole
milk into cream and skimmed milk. Buy electric
milk cream separator machine online from
Milkyday. You can use a cream separator for goat
milk, for milk of cow and sheep. We offer
worldwide shipping with 2 years warranty.
2Electric Cream Separator Motor Sich 100-19 (230v)
Suitable for countries with voltage from 220V to
240V - 100 liters of milk per hour- Aluminum and
plastic- Ukrainian quality motor with brushes
3Electric Cream Separator Milky Fj 90 Pp (230v)
Suitable for countries with voltage from 220V to
240V - 90 liters of milk per hour- Aluminum and
plastic- High quality motor- Anodized plates in
4Electric Cream Separator Motor Sich 100-18 (230v)
Suitable for countries with voltage from 220V to
240V - 100 liters of milk per hour- Aluminum
and steel- Ukrainian brush motor
5Electric Cream Separator Milky Fj 350 Ear (230v)
Suitable for countries with voltage from 220V to
240V - 350 liters of milk per hour- Stainless
steel and aluminum- High quality brush motor-
Anodized plates in drum
6Email wesell_at_milkyday.com Phone in EU 420 228
882 852 Phone in the US 1 802 448 5657
Website www.milkyday.com
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