Title: Construction Work in Progress (CWIP)
1Construction Work in Progress(CWIP)
2What is CWIP?
- CWIP is a balance sheet account used to
temporarily track all costs associated with
construction, fabrications, and equipment
purchases. Costs remain in CWIP until completion
of activities, which then initiates the
capitalization and depreciation process.
3CWIP Balances1 by Project Type(in millions)
165.8 M
74.9 M
- Excludes 58M DARHT project that was transferred
to LANL and will be completely eliminated from
CWIP by the end of February - Other includes WRKOR, JOBOR, etc.
4Aged CWIP1 Balance(in millions)
- Excludes 58M DARHT project that was transferred
to LANL and will be completely eliminated from
CWIP by the end of February
5Construction, Fabrication Capitalization Process
Construction Project, Equipment FAB Initiated
Division Opens Account(s)
Project Complete
Division Notifies Property Accounting
Property Management
Property Management Tags Equipment
Property Management Notifies Property Accounting
Capitalization Process Begins
6What is the Issue?
- The entire closeout process has not been
completed in a timely way. 75 million of assets
are closed awaiting capitalization. - Roles , responsibilities, and clear ownership of
entire process is not well defined. - Policies and procedures not clear.
- Depreciation is understated
- Assets are overstated
- Potential color of money issues
- Aged CWIP becomes difficult to identify
The Lab is vulnerable to criticisms that assets
are not well managed and financial statements are
not accurate.
8Progress to Date
Jan 05 Cross Functional Team Established
April 04 Jan 05 117M Capitalized from CWIP
March 04 Two Property Accountants Hired
- April 03 Oct 03 - 76M Asset Review Project
9CWIP Closeout Activity Progress(in millions)
10Next Steps
- Property Management transfers to OCFO in Spring
2005 - Cross functional team setup to meet the following
objectives - Complete closeout process for identified 75M
- Recommend clear roles and responsibilities
- Recommend new guidelines to address policy,
practices procedures - Review open projects to determine status
- Meeting with UCOP/BSC
11CWIP Project Plan