SELFORGANISATION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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New maintenance requirements have to be met, for example software that cannot be ... where different devices, with different fabrications and functionalities can ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • The spread of the Internet, mobile
    communications, and the change of traditional
    market models result in the whole information
    infrastructure operating as a global dynamic
  • New maintenance requirements have to be met, for
    example software that cannot be stopped must
    evolve to meet changing requirements
  • We need the system to be able to adapt to
    constant failures and replacement of agents and
    changes in the environment, without human

Unstructured Wireless Networks
  • Each node has a wireless transceiver
  • Every node can forward packets
  • Nodes associate in an Ad Hoc manner to form a
  • need to self organize to form a network
  • multiple access wireless communication
  • Certain periphery nodes may be linked to the
    wired network

  • A self-organized network is an independent
    collection of nodes in which enough information
    or the ability to retrieve such information is
    present in order to allow transfer of information
    between any two nodes in the network.
  • Either at initialization or after a
    topology-modifying event
  • Level can vary depending on the network

  • Self-organizing applications (SOAs)
  • Self-organizing behavior is often the result of
    the execution of a number of individual
    application components that locally interact with
    each other aiming to achieve their local goals
  • By self organizing artifacts we mean a setup
    where different devices, with different
    fabrications and functionalities can communicate
    and integrate information to produce novel
    functionalities that the devices themselves could
    not achieve

  • Self organizing integration can be divided into 3
    sub problems
  • Devices should learn to communicate with each
    other, even when they have no a priori shared
    understanding of what a particular message or
    function means
  • Devices should learn which other devices they can
    trust to cooperate, avoiding the others.
  • Devices should develop an efficient division of
    labor and work?ow, so that each performs that
    part of the overall task that it is most
    competent at, at the right moment, while
    delegating the remaining functions to the others.

Spectrum of self-organization
ISSUE To increase capacity of cellular networks
using self-organization
  • Major shift from voice to data rate services
  • One way is to move towards smaller cells ,which
    makes planning process more difficult and
  • Self-organization is an emerging principle in
    which we can organize future cellular networks.
  • For the success of future services the cellular
    networks should be more self organizing such that
    they could be made more intelligent and situation

Classification of self organizing technologies
Ways of handling excess traffic
  • The cell could borrow resources, bandwidth or
    hardware, from a neighboring cell.
  • It could also make a service handover request to
    a neighbor in order to minimize the congestion.
  • Thirdly, a service handover request could be made
    to a cell in a layer above or below in the
    hierarchical cell structure.
  • Finally, the cell could try to reduce the path
    loss to the mobile
  • terminal to minimize the impact of other cell

  • If neighboring cells are unable to assist the
    congested cell, the options left for the cell are
    to degrade the users service quality or to try
    and influence the users behavior.
  • Service pricing strategies
  • The pricing scheme can be regarded as a
    protection mechanism for the network.
  • Self-organizing technologies must fit into one of
    these categories.

Multitier scenario where numerous self organizing
technologies potentially could be applied
Self organizing technologies
  • Bunching of base stations
  • Dynamic charging
  • Maximum revenue method
  • Power control method
  • Intelligent relaying
  • Situation awareness
  • Dynamic cell sizing
  • Radio resource management
  • Intelligent handover

Bunching of base stations
  • Number of transceivers always limits base station
    capacity, even if from an interference point of
    view it could support more users
  • A novel bunch concept, consisting of a central
    unit and remote antenna units, has been proposed
    for UMTS
  • Highly complex environment will require advanced
    radio resource management (RRM) algorithms and it
    will be beneficial to have a central intelligent
    unit that can maximize the resource utilization.

  • It involves a central unit (CU) that controls a
    set of remote antennas and base stations.
  • CU will have complete control over all traffic in
    its coverage area and will be able to maximize
    resource utilization for the current traffic.
  • All remote antenna units within a bunch will be
    frame and timeslot synchronised

UMTS scenario with mixed cell structure
  • For hot-spot configuration CU may be in area
    covered by RAU.
  • For building coverage CU could potentially be
    located on the site where RNC is situated.
  • Main benefits of bunching base stations is the
    flexibility and capacity it provides
  • This flexibility ensures a high utilization of
    the hardware, whilst ensuring that capacity
    fluctuations anywhere in the network can be
    accommodated without unnecessary infrastructure.

Intelligent relaying
  • It is a technique that can minimize the number of
    base stations and amount of planning in a
    cellular network
  • A relay-enabled mobile need only transmit
    sufficient power to transmit data to the next
    mobile in the transmission chain, hence leading
    to an overall reduction in the power needed
    across the network.
  • Intelligent relaying can be implemented in both
    indoor and outdoor environments

Intelligent relaying in an urban macrocell
An intelligent relaying overlay
  • To plan a network incorporating intelligent
    relaying, we consider each mobile as a virtual
  • The mobile will set the radius of its virtual
    cell according to the number of other mobiles in
    the vicinity available to relay data the size of
    the virtual cell will be minimized to improve
    frequency reuse.
  • Intelligent relaying can therefore be considered
    as a self organizing enhancement to regular
    cellular network

Situation awareness
  • In current cellular systems base stations
    transmit information on their broadcast control
    channel, which can be used to implement situation
  • Assume the information includes
  • This enables the network to reconfigure its base
    station coverage areas when a base station is
    removed or added to the network
  • It will improve the quality of service when a
    base station fails, as it enables neighboring
    base stations to try to cover the resulting
    coverage gap.

Environment adaptation scenario a new base
station has been inserted
  • The base stations can monitor each others
    performance and take appropriate action to adapt
    to the current changes
  • The surrounding base stations detect this and
    adapt their coverage areas accordingly to
    accommodate the new cell.
  • Situation awareness will be the backbone concept
    in self organization

Dynamic cell sizing
  • Hierarchical cell structures were developed so
    that both the coverage and the capacity
    requirements could be met in a cost-effective
  • Larger cells provide good coverage, smaller cells
    provide high capacity.
  • By dynamically adjusting the coverage areas of
    the cells optimum network performance can be
    achieved under any traffic conditions

Cell radius reduction
  • Decreasing the cell radius
  • from 500 to 200 m a capacity
  • increase of 33 is achieved for
  • voice services

Intelligent handover
  • Current handover strategies only consider
    parameters such as mobile speed and service type
    when choosing which cell should be allocated to a
  • Intelligent handover techniques also consider
    parameters such as resource utilization.
  • IH algorithms should enable seamless handover
    between networks providing a different quality of

Intelligent handover network adaptation in real
Capacity gain from the self organized technologies
  • Because of the inherent flexibility in the bunch,
    the transceivers can be utilized l00, unlike in
    a GSM network where an unacceptable blocking
    probability is reached in uniform traffic at 60
  • Distributed antennas provide a substantial
    capacity gain because of the lowered transmit
    power and hence reduced interference level

  • Maximum capacity gains for three combined
    technologies is shown in figure

  • A maximum capacity increment of 13 times was
    estimated for a microcellular network.
  • The biggest improvement the self-organizing
    concept brings with it is the almost two orders
    of magnitude improvement in flexibility,
    something which will improve the perceived
    quality of service substantially

ISSUE-2 To dynamically reorganize mobile
applications using self organization
  • Mobile applications are typically hosted in
    resource-constrained environments and may have to
    dynamically reorganize in response to changes of
    user needs, to heterogeneity and connectivity
    challenges, as well as to changes in the
    execution context and physical environment.
  • Solution for this problem is to use self
    organization in physically mobile applications.
  • A component model , SATIN that incorporates code
    mobility primitives , assists in building self
    organizing mobile applications

  • Mobile computers are exposed to a highly dynamic
    context and can connect to information on
    different networks through wireless links.
  • The current state-of-practice for developing
    software for mobile systems offers little
    flexibility to accommodate such heterogeneity and
  • More flexible solutions are required that empower
    applications to automatically adapt to changes in
    the environment and to the users needs.
  • self organizing system is such a system which is
    able to adapt to accommodate changes to its

Advantage of self organization in mobile
  • Deploying applications (ring tones games) to
    mobile phones.
  • .
  • Deploying maintaining applications from peers
  • .

Logical mobility and component model in
  • Self organizing system largely focuses on the
    application of genetic algorithms, expert and
    agent based systems which are tend to be heavy
    weight and appear unsuitable for mobile
  • Therefore here we use logical mobility and
    components to offer self organization to mobile

  • Logical Mobility is defined as the ability to
    ship part of an application or even to migrate a
    complete process from one host to another.
  • Component Models, argue for the decoupling of a
    system into a set of interacting components with
    well defined interfaces.
  • SATIN , a lightweight component model that uses
    logical mobility to offer self organization.

Advantages of component based approach using
logical mobility
  • Representation of applications as interoperable
    components allows for updating individual parts.
  • Componentisation promotes code reusability,
    preserving the limited resources of mobile
  • Logical mobility primitives allow for
    transferring components existing in any host that
    is in reach, in a peer to peer fashion. This
    makes application installation and updating
  • A component model can provide higher level
    interaction and communication primitives between
    components, located either on the same or on
    different hosts.

  • SATIN , component model supports the cloning and
    migration of components between hosts, providing
    for system autonomy when network connectivity is
    missing or is unreliable.
  • SATIN component encapsulates particular
  • SATIN components separate interfaces and
  • The SATIN component model does not support
    abstract components

Component SATIN metamodel
SATIN scripting framework
  • BeanShell , an open source Java source
    interpreter and scripting mechanism as a SATIN
  • Using this they have created a shell for SATIN,
    which allows developers to manipulate the
    container and its contents by typing Java
    statements at runtime.
  • The SATIN shell demonstrates how a library is
    added into the system, promoting reusability
    between components.

SATIN shell
ISSUE-3 Distributed Resource Sharing using
Self-Organized Peer-to-Peer Networks
  • Distributed resource sharing in the web can be
    solved effectively and efficiently through self
    organization techniques
  • The architecture we envision supports both query
    and publish/subscribe functionality using
    languages from Information Retrieval.
  • Two functionalities for the architecture
  • One-time querying
  • Publish/subscribe (pub/sub)

Architecture for distributed resource sharing
Functionalities of architecture
  • One-time querying A user utilizes his client to
    pose a query (e.g., I want papers on self
    organization) and the system returns a list of
    pointers to matching resources owned by other
    clients in the network.
  • Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) In a pub/sub
    scenario, a user posts a continuous query to the
    system to receive a notification whenever certain
    events of interest take place (e.g., when a paper
    on self-organization becomes available).

  • Two kinds of nodes in architecture
  • Super-peers
  • Clients
  • Data model AWP inspired from Information
    Retrieval for specifying queries and resource
  • Publication is a set of attribute value pairs (A
    , s) where A is a named attribute, s is a text
    value and all attributes are distinct.

Example of publication
  • (AUTHOR John Smith),
  • (TITLE Information dissemination in P2P
  • (ABSTRACT In this paper we show that )
  • The query language of AWP offers Boolean and
    word proximity operators on attribute values
  • Example of a conjunctive AWP query
  • AUTHOR John Smith
  • TITLE w p2p (information Á00

DHTrie protocols
  • DHTrie protocols
  • Three levels of indexing to store continuous
    queries submitted by clients.
  • The first level corresponds to the partitioning
    of the global query index to different
    super-peers using DHTs as the underlying

  • The DHT infrastructure is used to define the
    mapping scheme and also manages the routing of
    messages between different super-peers.
  • In the second level each super peer uses a hash
    table to index the attributes contained in a
  • In the third level a trie like structure that
    exploits common words in atomic queries is

Self-organization in the chord ring
  • Chord-like DHT is used to implement our
    super-peer network.
  • Chord uses consistent hashing to map keys to
  • Each node and data item is assigned an k-bit
  • Identifiers can be thought of as being placed on
    a circle from 0 to 2k - 1, called the identifier
    circle or Chord ring.

Chord ring
Self organization of data items and nodes in
chord ring
  • A new data item r is stored at the node with
    identifier H(r) if this node exists, given that H
    is the hash function used. Alternatively, r is
    stored at the node whose identifier is the first
    identifier clockwise in the Chord ring starting
    from H(r). This node is called the successor of
    node H(r) and is denoted by successor (H(r)).
  • Self stabilisation protocol

Subscribing with a continuous query
  • C submits a continuous query q of form
  • A1 S1 Am Sm Am1 WPm1
    An WPn
  • C contacts a super-peer S (its access point) and
    sends it a message SubmitCQuery(id(C) , q)
  • When S receives q, it selects a random attribute
    Ai, 1 lt i ltn contained in q and a random word Wj
    from text value Si or word pattern WPi

  • S forms the concatenation AiWj of strings Ai and
    Wj and computes H(Aiwj) to obtain a super peer
  • S creates message Fwd-CQuery(id(S) id(q) q) and
    forwards it to super peer with identifier H(AiWj)
    using the routing infrastructure of the DHT.
  • When a super-peer receives a message FwdCQuery
    containing q, it inserts q in its local data
    structures using the insertion algorithm

Publishing a source
  • When client C wants to publish a resource, it
    constructs a publication p of the form (A1,s1),
    (A2 , s2),.., (An , sn), it contacts a
    super-peer S and sends S a message
    PubRe-source(id(C) p)
  • For every attribute Ai, 1 lt i lt n in p, and every
    word wj in si, S computes H(Aiwj) to obtain a
    list of super-peer identifiers
  • S then sorts this list in ascending order
    starting from id(S) to obtain list L and creates
    a message FwdResource(id(S), id(p), p,L) and
    sends it to super-peer with identifier equal

  • Upon reception of a message FwdResource by a
    super-peer S, head(L) is checked. If id(S)
    head(L) then S removes head(L) from list L and
    makes a copy of the message.
  • The publication part of this message is then
    matched with the super peers local query
    database and subscribers are notified
  • Finally, S forwards the message to super peer
    with identifier head(L). If id(S) is not in L,
    then it just forwards the message

Notification to interested subscribers
  • When a message FwdResource containing a
    publication p of a resource arrives at a
    super-peer S, the continuous queries matching p
    are found by utilizing its local index
  • Once all the matching queries have been retrieved
    from the database, S creates a notification
    message of the form CQNotification(id(C), l(r),
    L, T).
  • Upon arrival of a message CQNotification at a
    super-peer S, head(L) is checked to find out
    whether S is an intended recipient of the

  • If head(L) id(S), then S scans T to find the
    set U of query identifiers that belong to clients
    that have S as their access point, by utilising a
    hash table that associates query identifiers with
    client identifiers.
  • For each distinct query identifier in set U, a
    message MatchingResource(id(S) id(q) l(r)) is
    created and forwarded to the appropriate client.

  • Self-organization enables spontaneous, autonomous
    networks among mobile devices, and also helps
    conventional network operators reduce the
    administrative need and complexity in network
    installation, maintenance, and management.
  • Introduction of self-organized functions has the
    potential to reduce costs and improve the
    robustness of the network.
  • Self organization is also about giving up control
    over the network and letting it organize itself
    as much as possible.

  • Introduction
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • ISSUE1
  • http//

  • http//libproxy.library.unt.edu2133/iel4/5930/15
  • http//libproxy.library.unt.edu2133/iel5/35/3152
  • Issue-2
  • http//
  • http//libproxy.library.unt.edu2133/iel5/35/3152
  • ISSUE-3
  • http//
  • http//
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