Title: LeakSIS : Leakage Centric Physical Synthesis Methodology
1LeakSIS Leakage Centric Physical Synthesis
Vishal Khandelwal, Azadeh Davoodi and Ankur
Srivastava Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park.
MTCMOS Placement and Sizing of Sleep Transistors
MTCMOS Wakeup Protocol Under a Power-Grid Noise
- Fine-Grained MTCMOS placement and sizing scheme
- Fine-Grained vs. Clustering based scheme
- Better signal and noise integrity
- Better utilization of slack
- Convex dependence between Gate Delay and Gate
Leakage through sleep transistor sizing - PROBLEM Place and Size the sleep transistors
under a global delay constraint for minimum
leakage - Optimal Polynomial Time Sleep Transistor Sizing
Algorithm under a global delay constraint using
an LP formulation - Dynamic Programming based sleep transistor
placement heuristic - Standard Cell Placement Driven sleep transistor
sizing algorithm with minimal area penalty (5) - Experimental Setup and Results
- Tool implemented in SIS
- Standard Cell Placement information - CAPO
- LP Solver - CPLEX
- Active Mode Leakage Reduction through
fine-grained Forward Body-Bias allocation scheme - Fabricate all devices using high Vth for low
leakage in standby mode - Apply forward body bias to meet performance
constraints in active mode with minimal increase
in leakage (reduce effective Vth) - Convex dependence between Gate Delay and Gate
Leakage through threshold voltage - PROBLEM Allocate a forward body-bias value to
each gate under a global delay constraint for
minimum active mode leakage - Optimal Polynomial Time FBB allocation Algorithm
under a global delay constraint using an LP
formulation - Cluster based FBB allocation formulation
- Standard-Cell Placement driven FBB allocation
under a delay constraint under an area penalty
limit - Experimental Setup and Results
- Tool implemented in SIS
- Standard Cell Placement information CAPO
- LP Solver - CPLEX
- In MTCMOS technology, during switching from
standby to active mode sudden surges in current
happens due to floating voltages at the nodes. It
is the responsibility of the power-grid network
to provide this heavy duty current without
violating the reliability of the circuit
- PROBLEM For a given circuit determine the
fastest wakeup partitioning such that the maximum
tolerable power-grid noise constraint is not
violated - Features
- Modeling of the maximum drawn-current from the
network for circuits of different cells and
topology - Augmentation of the standard cell library to
consider effects of different cell combinations
on the maximum drawn-current from the power-grid
network - Minimal partitioning of an MTCMOS circuit in
order to meet the given constraint of maximum
drawn-current from the power-grid network using
two approaches - Optimal ILP wakeup
- Fast polynomial wakeup
- Experimental Setup and Results
- Tool implemented in SIS
- LP Solver - CPLEX
Standard Cell Rows Dead Space Sleep Transistor
Standard Cell Placement
5 Global Delay Penalty
Reference V. Khandelwal and A. Srivastava, "On
Placement and Sizing of Sleep Transistors in
Leakage Critical Circuits", Proceedings of
Reference V. Khandelwal and A. Srivastava,
"Active Mode Leakage Reduction Using Fine-Grained
Forward Body Biasing Strategy ", Proceedings of