Title: 14 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Cuba
114 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Cuba
- Here are 14 Interesting Facts You Should Know
About Cuba Before Visiting There - The Republic of Cuba is a nation as well as an
island. - Some of the most expensive cigars in the world
are made in Cuba. - In Cuba if you blow your nose in public, it is
regarded as poor social etiquette. - 4. Cuba exercises a dual currency system.
2- Cuba is amongst the last remaining communist
countries in the world. - In some parts of Cuba taking a photograph is
prohibited like military, police, airport
personnel, or government building. - 7. Cuba is also one of the countries with
an equal doctor to population ratio in the world.
- Coca-Cola does not officially exist in Cuba.
- On local Cuban television you will see South
Korean soap, opera drama, and more. - 10. Cuba has one of the highest literacy
rates in the world.
3- Until 2008 ordinary citizens in Cuba were banned
from having cell phones. - Until 2008 ordinary citizens in Cuba were banned
from purchasing computers. - Cuba is home to a native species of crocodile
called the Leaping crocodile because it has the
ability to wash its body out of the water and
snatch its prey from low-hanging branches. - 14. All government vehicles in Cuba are
legally required to stop for hitchhikers.
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