Title: Real Estate Businessman | Kenneth Yuan (1)
14 Major types of Real Estate
Sr.No Title Slide. No
1. About Real Estate 1.
2. Index 2.
3. What is Real Estate? 3.
4. Types of Real Estate 4.
5. Residential Real Estate 5.
6. Commercial Real Estate 6.
7. Industrial Real Estate 7.
8. Pieces of Land 8.
9. Contact Us 9.
10. Thank you 10.
3What is real estate?
What is Real Estate?
Real estate is real property that consists of
land and improvements, which include buildings,
fixtures, roads, structures, and utility systems.
4Types of Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate
- Industrial Real Estate
- Pieces of Land
5Residential Real Estate
Residential real estate is an area developed for
people to live on.
6Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate includes shopping centers
and strip malls, medical buildings, educational
buildings, hotels, and offices.
7Industrial Real Estate
Industrial real estate includes manufacturing
buildings and property, as well as warehouses.
8Pieces of Land
Land includes vacant lots, working farms, and
9Contact Us
Kenneth Yuan is a real estate expert representing
sellers or buyers of real estate or real
property. If you want to buy or sell your home
then contact.
10(No Transcript)