Title: Purewool Pillows In Newzealand
1 Woola
- Woola, a perfect destination for all natural
handcrafted in New Zealand high-quality sleep
products made from 100 natural products, natural
new Zealand made sleep Products.
2 Purewool Pillows in New Zealand
- How many sheep did you count before your fell
asleep last night? - New Zealand is the home to 60 million sheep, that
is equal to 5.6 sheep per person.
3 - Purewool pillows are a pocket of complete nature.
Featuring nothing but 100 new Zealand sheep wool
in the Purewool 10 and the Purewool 30 is the
same with an organic natural latex core for extra
support. Both pillows have a cotton cover with a
lined gusset
4 - Wool 100 New Zealand Sheep Wool
- Latex Natural Latex core in the Purewool 30
- Fabric Covers Cotton cover with Linen gusset
and fabric tags
5 - For a softer, lower profile pillow, we left the
latex out of the pillow meet Purewool 10. - A cotton fabric cover packed with folded quality
100 NZ Sheeps wool. Beautiful!
6Woola holds is shape well, wicks away moisture
and provides a natural filter for all night
non-toxic comfort. So hurry up visit us to buy
one for yourself.
- http//www.woola.co.nz/product/purewool-pillows/