Title: U.S. Green Building Council
1U.S. Green Building Councils
LEED Certification Program Dana
Armanino Pollution Prevention Seminar Donald Bren
School of Environmental Science and
Management November 23, 1999
2Plan of Attack
- Green Building - What and Why?
- U.S. Green Building Council
- LEED Certification Background
- A look at the process with the help of case
Aspen Skiing Companys Sundeck Restaurant
Bren Hall
3What is Green Building?
- No set definition or rules
- General themes
- Use recycled recyclable resources
- Use water, energy, lumber, and other resources
efficiently - Localize resource inputs
- Eliminate toxins
- Protect restore nature
- Improve Quality
- Conserve resources
4Why Build Green?
- Decreased energy and water consumption
- Increased health and productivity of workers
- Expedited government approval processes
- Decreased waste disposal costs
- Creation of a more durable and long lasting
building - Increased sales value of the property
- Oh yeah, it is good for the environment, too
5Economics of a Building
Source Natural Capitalism, 1999
6Why Build Green?
- Decreased energy and water consumption
- Increased health and productivity of workers
- Expedited government approval processes
- Decreased waste disposal costs
- Creation of a more durable and long lasting
building - Increased sales value of the property
- Oh yeah, it is good for the environment, too
7- A non-profit 275 member consensus coalition
formed in 1993 - Mission to accelerate the adoption of green
building practices, technologies, policies, and
standards - Committee-Based provides a forum for members to
resolve differences, build alliances, and forge
cooperative solutions - Member-Driven targets issues identified by the
members as the highest priority
8- Product manufactures
- Herman Miller
- Armstrong World Industries
- Environmental groups
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- Building and design professionals
- American Society of Interior Designers
- American Institute of Architects
- Universities and Research Institutes
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Retailers and building owners
- Gap
- Target Stores
- Financial industry leaders
- Bank of America
- Real estate firms
- Hines
- Monsanto Company
- Federal agencies
- Local and state governments
9Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- Voluntary, consensus-based, market-driven rating
building rating system - Evaluates environmental performance from a whole
building perspective over a buildings life
cycle - Intended to be a definitive standard for what
constitutes a green building - Based on accepted energy and environmental
principles - Attempts to strike a balance between known
effective practices and emerging concepts - Still in pilot and revision phase
10Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- Eligibility All commercial buildings, as defined
by standard building codes - Feature-oriented system where credits are earned
for satisfying each criteria - 10 Prerequisites
- 50 Credits
- 45 Regular credits
- 5 Bonus credits
- Categories of Certification
- Platinum 81 36 or more credits
- Gold 71-80 31-35 credits
- Silver 61-70 27-30 credits
- Bronze 50-60 22-26 credits
11Planning Sustainable Sites
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Landscaping for Erosion Control (1) 1
1 Comply with Maryland Model Erosion and
Sediment Control Ordinance and Maryland Model
Stormwater Mgnt. Ordinance
Reduce Heat Islands (2) 1
0 Plant trees and use high albedo exterior
materials with reflectance values greater than
Infill Development (1) 0
0 Rehabilitate existing building or place
building in areas with existing development
density of 100,000 ft2/acre or more
Reduce Habitat Disturbance (1)
0 1 Reduce the development
footprint to exceed the open space requirement by
12Planning Sustainable Sites (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Site Preservation/Restoration (1) 1
0-1 Limit construction disturbance to 50 ft.
beyond footprint, implement a preservation plan
for topsoil and existing trees and restore 50 of
degraded habitat
Efficient Building Location (1) 1
1 Locate building with 1/2 mile of
a fixed rail station or within 1/4 mile of 2 bus
Alternative Transit Facilities (2) 1-2
1 Provide means for securing bikes
for 5 of building occupants, shower and
changing facilities for bikers and/or transit
and ped. friendly linkages to mass transit
Bonus Credits (2) 0
0 Alternative Fueling Facilities Brownfield
13Improving Energy Efficiency
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Building Commissioning (PreReq) ?
Energy Efficiency (PreReq) ?
? Comply with state and local energy codes or
ASHRAE 90.1 - 1989, whichever is stricter
Energy Efficiency (5) 1-3
1 Meet CA Title 24 for 1 credit more
credits possible for exceeding ASHRAE stds OR
for getting 75 or higher on the EPAs Energy Star
14EPAs Energy Star Label for Buildings
- Part of the EPAs general Energy Star Program
- Products
- Homes Program
- Small Business Program
- Buildings and Greenlights
- Methane Outreach
- Goals are Energy Reduction and Cost Savings
15EPAs Energy Star Label for Buildings
- Benchmarking Tool
- Reflection of the distribution of energy
performance in the commercial buildings market - Compares a buildings aggregate energy
consumption to the all similar-use buildings in
the US - Effects such as location, weather, and the
buildings business activity are taken into
account - Can use the tool online
- For Patrick
- www.epa.gov/buildings/label/html/benchmarking.html
16EPAs Energy Star Label for Buildings
- Set on a scale of 0 to 100
- 50 - average
- 75 - within the top 25th percentile
- What do you get?
- An Energy Star Label plaque to to affix to the
building - Use of the logo in promotions
- Listed on their website as a Energy Star Building
- Credits in LEED
- Score of 75 ? 1 credit
- Score of 80 ? 2 credits
- Score of 95 ? 5 credits
17(No Transcript)
18Improving Energy Efficiency
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Building Commissioning (PreReq) ?
Energy Efficiency (PreReq) ?
? Comply with state and local energy codes or
ASHRAE 90.1 - 1989, whichever is stricter
Energy Efficiency (5) 1-3
1 Meet CA Title 24 for 1 credit more
credits possible for exceeding ASHRAE stds OR
for getting 75 or higher on the EPAs Energy Star
Natural Vent., Heating Cooling (1) 0
0 Use natural ventilation and
passive energy design to accomplish all heating
and cooling requirements for a min. of 8 months
of the year
19Improving Energy Efficiency (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Waste Heat Recovery System (1) 0
0 Install a waste heat recovery system that
recaptures at least 20 of total waste heat for
use in pre-heating water or incoming air
Renewable/Alternative Energy (3) 0-2
2 Supply 10, 20, or 30 of the
buildings total energy load with renewable
energy systems
Bonus Credit (1) 0-1
0-1 Measurement and Verification - Comply
with the DoEs International Performance
Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)
for energy consumption
20Conserving Materials and Resources
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Elimination of CFCs (PreReq) ? ?
CFC refrigerants and halon fire suppression
systems are not permitted
Stor./Collect. of Recyclables (PreReq) ?
? Provide a centralized location
for collection and storage of recyclable
Existing Building Rehab. (2) 0
0 Maintain 75 (1 credit) or 100 (2
credits) of building structural shell in
extensive rehabilitation
Resource Reuse (2) 0
0 Specify salvaged or refurbished materials for
5 (1 credit) or 10 (2 credits) of total
building materials
21Conserving Materials and Resources (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Recycled Content (2) 1 0
Use a min. of 20 (1 credit) or 50 (2 credits)
of materials that contain 20 post-consumer
recycled content OR 40 post-industrial recycled
Occupant Recycling (1) 0
0 Install mechanical system to allow for
floor to floor transportation and sorting of
recyclables or install a compactor /or baler
Local Materials (1)
0-1 0 A min. of 20 of
building materials must be manufactured within
300 air miles of the building site
Elimination of CFCs/Halons (2) 1
2 Use mechanical equipment or
building materials that do not contain CFCs,
HCFCs, or Halons (1 credit for either)
22Conserving Materials and Resources (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Construct. Waste Mgnt. Plan (2) 1-2
2 Develop a construction and
demolition waste management plan - a more
advanced plan which includes more specific
materials (2 credits)
23Enhancing Indoor Air Quality
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Elimin./Control of Asbestos (PreReq) ? ?
Indoor Air Quality (PreReq) ? ? Comply
with ASHRAE Std 62-1989 Locate fresh air intake
away from loading areas, building exhaust fans,
cooling towers, other contamination sources
Smoking Ban (PreReq) ? ?
Thermal Comfort (PreReq) ? ? Comply
with ASHRAE Std 55-1992
24Enhancing Indoor Air Quality (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
IAQ Management Plan (2) 1-2 2 Protect
ventilation system from contamination (1 credit)
and reduce construction contaminants in building
prior to occupancy (2 credits)
Low VOC Materials (2) 1-2 1 Limit VOC
content in adhesives, architectural sealants, and
paints and coatings (1 credit for 2 items, 2
credits for all 3)
Permanent Air Monitoring (1) 0-1
0 Install a system to monitor supply and return
air, and ambient air at intake for CO, CO2,
TVOCs, and particulates
Chem Storage Architect. Entryways (2) 2
2 Provide separate, proper storage area for
chemicals (1 credit) and include entryway
devices to catch and hold particles to keep them
from entering building
25Safeguarding Water
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Water Conservation (PreReq) ? ?
Comply with Plumbing Fixture Requirements of
the Energy Policy Act of 1992
Elimination of Lead (PreReq) ? ? Meet
requirements of EPA Publication Lead in Drinking
Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings,
April 1994
Water Conserving Fixtures (1) 0
0 Install fixtures that in aggregate use 20 less
water than the requirements of Energy Policy Act
of 1992
Water Recovery System (1) 1 0 Install
gray water recovery system that recovers
non-sewage wastewater, uses a roof or
groundwater collection system, or recovers
groundwater from sump pumps
26Safeguarding Water (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Water-Conser. Cooling Towers (1) 1 0
Install cooling tower systems designed with
delimiters to reduce drift and evaporation
Water-Efficient Landscaping (1) 1 1 Use
only plants that are tolerant of climate, soils,
and natural water availability and do not
receive watering from municipal potable water
after period of establishment
Surface Runoff Filtration (1) 1
1 Install oil grit separators or water quality
ponds for pre-treatment of runoff from surface
parking areas
Surface Runoff Reduction (1) 0 1 Use
pervious paving materials for a minimum of 50 of
non-landscaped areas exclusive of building
footprint on the site
27Safeguarding Water (Cont.)
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
Bonus Credits (2) 0 0
Biological Waste Treatment Measurement and
28Improving the Design Process
Credit ( Poss.) Bren Hall Sundeck
LEED Certified Designer (1) 1 1
Design team includes at least one principal
designer who has completed a LEED Certified
Designer Training Course
29Sources and Acknowledgements
- The U.S. Green Building Council
- www.usgbc.org
- U.S. EPAs Energy Star Program
- www.epa.gov/buildings/label/
- Arturo Keller,
- Bren School of Environmental Science and Mgnt.
- Chris Lane and Auden Schendler,
- Aspen Skiing Company
- www.skiaspen.com
- Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins
- Natural Capitalism, 1999
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- www.rmi.org