Title: Miniaturization of Microfabricated
1Jaymes Hanna Jamol Pender
- Miniaturization of Microfabricated
- Intermediate Frequency Filters
Advisor Dr. Gianluca Piazza Electrical and
Systems Engineering University of
Pennsylvania Abstract Micro-Electro-Mechanical
Systems MEMS use electrical and mechanical
properties of micro-structures for the
realization of compact and low power sensors and
actuators. MEMS devices are now pervasive in many
major industries, including display electronics
and wireless devices. The MEMS resonators for
this project are made out of aluminum nitride
(AlN), which has optimal mechanical and
electrical properties for filtering and
frequency-setting applications. AlN contour-mode
filters offer reduced power consumption and
increased space efficiency and the ability to
span several frequencies on the same silicon
chip. These devices can provide selective filter
bands over a wider range of frequencies (MHzGHz)
than is currently possible on a single integrated
chip. We report the techniques used for
designing the IF filter starting from
piezoelectric contour-mode MEMS resonators. The
devices have been designed using software such as
MatLab and Cadence. A custom process was employed
for the microfabrication of these
structures. Demo Day Times and Place 930
1000, 130 230 Thursday, April 19,
2007 Laboratory for Research on the Structure of
Matter, Edison Building 3231 Walnut Street,
Phila., PA 19104
Signal Filter
IF Filters
Wireless System Cellphone
MEMS Mechanically Deforming Structures
Resonator Designs
Filter Design
CAD Layouts 150 MHz 27(W) x 680(L) µm 300 MHz
13.5(W) x 680(L)µm 450 MHz 9.0(W) x 680(L) µm
High-Order Bar
Simulations, Fabrication Results
2-Stage IL 0.67 dB Rejection 41.72
dB BW 5.50 MHz 1.83
3-Stage IL 1.00 dB Rejection 65.59 dB BW
5.80 MHz 1.93