Planar graphs and the Travelling Salesman Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Planar graphs and the Travelling Salesman Problem


The problem is to find a minimum cost Hamiltonian cycle in an edge-weighted ... 2. 1st Major Tool: Geometric Duality. 2. 1st Major Tool: Geometric Duality ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Planar graphs and the Travelling Salesman Problem

Planar graphs and the Travelling Salesman Problem
  • Nick Pearson
  • April 19th 2005

  • TSP and the Graphical TSP (GTSP)
  • Planarity
  • Review of Known Valid Inequalities
  • The Separation Problem
  • Fast Separation for the Planar (G)TSP
  • Conclusion

1. The Symmetric TSP
  • The problem is to find a minimum cost Hamiltonian
    cycle in an edge-weighted undirected graph.

1. The Symmetric TSP
Define a 0-1 variable xij for each e ?
E Minimise ? i,j ?E cijxij Subject to ?j
adj. i xij 2 (? i ? V) (degree
equations) ?i?S, j?S xij ? 2 (? S ?
V) (SECs) xij ? 0, 1E (binary
condition) (Due to Dantzig, Fulkerson Johnson,
1. The Graphical TSP
  • A relaxation of the STSP introduced by
    Cornuéjols, Fonlupt Naddef (1985).
  • Calls for a minimum cost spanning closed walk in
    G. That is, each vertex must be visited at least
    once, and edges may be traversed more than once.

1. The Graphical TSP
Again, define a 0-1 variable xij for each e ?
E Minimise ? i,j ?E cijxij Subject to ?j
adj. i xij ? 0 mod 2 (? i ? V) (parity) ?i?S,
j?S xij ? 2 (? S ? V) (SECs) xij ?
ZE (integrality) This formulation is not
an IP, due to the parity conditions, which state
that every vertex must have even degree.
1. Applications of the (G)TSP
  • Sub-problem in many transportation and logistics
  • Drilling of printed circuits boards
  • Warehouse material handling
  • Stock cutting problems
  • Job scheduling

USA 13509
  • Ideal platform for the study of general methods
    that can be applied to a wide range of discrete
    optimisation problems

2. Planarity
Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph. G is
planar if it can be embedded in the plane with no
edges crossing.
2. Properties of planar graphs
We will use the notation n V, m
E. Planar graphs are sparse. Eulers theorem
implies m ? 3(n - 2) n - m f 2
2. 1st Major Tool Geometric Duality
The dual has f vertices, m edges and n faces. The
dual of the dual is the original graph.
2. 1st Major Tool Geometric Duality
A cut in the dual is a cycle in the original, and
2. 2nd Major Tool Separator Theorem
Lipton Tarjan (1979) showed that there exists a
set of about ?n vertices which, when removed
from the graph cause the graph to become
disconnected, such that each remaining component
contains ? 2n/3 vertices. A separator can be
found in O(n) time.
2. Applications of planar graphs
  • Telecommunications e.g. spanning trees
  • Vehicle routing e.g. Roads without underpasses
  • VLSI e.g. computer chips

Why study the Planar TSP and GTSP?
  • In some applications, G is naturally planar
    (e.g. road networks, provided there are no over-
    or under-passes)
  • Fractional solutions encountered when running
    cutting plane algorithms for the general TSP are
    often planar (Jünger, Cook)
  • Interesting from viewpoint of computational
  • An effective heuristic for planar Euclidean TSPs
    is to extract a planar subgraph and then solve
    the TSP or GTSP on that
  • (Stewart, 1997 used the Delaunay triangulation
    resulting tours were within 1.2 of optimal on
    TSPLIB instances.)

2. Known Results for Planar TSPs
  • The Hamitonian circuit problem is NP-complete
  • Cubic, 3-connected, planar graphs
  • (Garey, Johnson Tarjan, 1976)
  • Planar triangulations (Chvátal, 1981)
  • Delaunay (internal) triangulations (Dillencourt,
  • Grid graphs (Itai, Papadimitriou Szwarcfiter,

2. Known Results for Planar TSPs
But there is some evidence that planar TSP and
GTSP are 'relatively easy' Arora et al. (1998)
gave a PTAS for planar GTSP, though general GTSP
is APX-hard Letchford (2000) gave a fast
separation algorithm for comb inequalities in
planar case Deinecko, Klinz Woeginger (2004)
give a O(c?n) algorithm for planar TSP, whereas
for general TSP we have O(n2 2n) (Held Karp,
3. Review of known valid inequalities
  • For both variants of the problem, the SECs, and
    the non-negativity inequalities xe ? 0, induce
    facets of the associated integer polyhedron under
    mild conditions on G.
  • However, for most graphs, further inequalities
    are needed to describe the polyhedron, such as
  • 2-matchings
  • Combs
  • Domino-parity

3. Review of known valid inequalities
Example The 2-matching inequalities of Edmonds
(1965). H ? Tj Tj \ H 1
for all j,
4. Cutting plane algorithm
  • Solve an initial LP relaxation (usually by the
    primal simplex method).
  • Let x be the solution. If it is integer and
    feasible, output the optimal solution and stop.
  • Look for one or more violated facet-inducing
    inequalities. If no violated inequalities are
    found, output the final lower bound and stop.
  • Add the inequalities to the LP. Resolve the LP
  • (usually by the dual simplex method) and go to

4. The Separation Problem
  • How do we find violated inequalities?
  • We can not test each one explicitly

To use a class of inequalities in a cutting plane
algorithm, we need to solve the following
separation problem (Grötschel, Lovász Schrijver
1988) Given a vector x ? ?? as input,
either find an inequality in the class which is
violated by x, or prove that none exists.
4. The Separation Problem
For the STSP/GTSP on a general graph, the current
best exact separation algorithms have the
following run-times SECs O(nm n2 log
n) (Nagamochi, Ono Ibaraki, 1994). 2-Matchings
O(n2 m log (n2 /m)) (Letchford, Reinelt
Theis, 2004) Simple combs O(n2 m2 log (n2
/m)) (Fleischer, Letchford Lodi, 2003) We will
show that much better algorithms exist in the
planar case.
5. Fast Separation
Letchford P. (2004) gave an O(n 3/2 log n)
algorithm for computing minimum odd cuts in
planar graphs. Summary
6. Conclusion
  • There is evidence that the TSP and GTSP will be
    much easier to solve to optimality via
    branch-and-cut in the planar case than in the
    case of general graphs.
  • The TSP on the Delaunay Triangulation
  • (a special internally triangulated planar graph)
    may very well provide a good heuristic for the
    Euclidean TSP
  • We are now implementing this idea.
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