Title: DoS Protection for UDPBased Protocols
1DoS Protection for UDP-Based Protocols
- presented by
- Guillaume Saggioro (NT030298X)
- Introduction
- IKE protocol
- Fragmentation attack
- Defenses
- Conclusion
- Since IP Packet reassembly requires reassembly, a
DoS attack can be mounted by swamping a
receiver with IP fragments
4Internet Key Exchange protocol
- IPsec key negotiating system
- Runs on top of UDP
- Relies on IP fragmentation to send large messages
- Deployed in hostile environment !!
- Must be able to establish security associations
even while under attacks - gtgtStateless cookie protection
5Stateless cookie protection
- Defend against attackers that sends traffic from
fake source address
6Stateless cookie protectionprinciple
Conn_init, _at_IPA
cookie (_at_IPA)
Keeps no state No additional computation
Conn_init, _at_IPA, cookie)
cookie(_at_IPA) cookie ?
Sends Ack if OK
7Fragmentation attacks
- IKE still subject to DoS threat
- Why ?
- Send large packets
- Depends on IP fragmentation
- requires storing fragmented packets
- Reassembly queue is limited !!
8How to prevent fragmentation attacks ?
- By redesigning IKE protocol
- various strategies we are going to explore
- Everybody OK with fragmentation ???
- N.B.Strategies also applicable to other
protocols that send large message on UDP
9Basic structure of IKEv1 main mode
By using up reassembly ressources, attacker can
block reassembly
gA mod p, cookie
Alice, cert, proof Im Alice
Large message (certificate)
Bob, cert, proof Im Bob
10Defense, post-handshake
- Once the IPsec SA is successfully created,
endpoints can protect themselves against
fragmentation DoS attack by doing MTU discovery - Frag by IPsec itself
- So we only have to ensure that SA establishment
doesnt get locket out during the initial IKE
11How feasible is this attack ?
- We only need to ensure the IKE handshake
completes in spite of this fragmentation attack ! - How ??
- Small Initial Defense
- First Fragment Defense
- Avoiding-IP-Fragmentation Defense
- Using-an-IP-option-for-the-cookie defense
13Small initial Message Defense
- Idea Redesign the protocol s.t.
- all messages are small until a cookie can be
verified - Pass a hint to the IP reassembly code as to which
IP addresses should be preferred when reassembly
ressources are limited (priority)
14Small initial Message Defense
Crypto proposed, gA mod p
Crypto acc, cookiec, gB mod p
gA mod p, cookie
C, infos from msg12,Alice, cert, proof Im
Alice, cert, proof Im Alice
Bob, cert, proof Im Bob
Bob, cert, proof Im Bob
4-msg handshake Message 3 depends on fragmentation
With optional add. Round trip
15The necessary implementation modification
- Ike is above UDP, which is above IP gt No channel
by which IKE could give the IP reassembly code
hints - Not hard to implement such. (but layer violation
!) - Hints preferred IP addresses (ones that have
returned valid cookie)
16The guessed IP address attack
- Attackers can guess IP addresses on the preferred
list gt frag attack - To prevent time limited preferred list !!
- Typically between message 3 and SA establishment
17Make the extra message optional
- Extra round trip can be made optional
(implemented in IKEv2) - Use 4-msg handshake
- Revert to 6-msg scheme if number of partially
handshakes goes over some threshold
18First Fragment Defense
- It is possible to protect against the
fragmentation attack without adding an extra
round trip for the stateless cookie - Redesign message 3 (4-msg handshake) so that
Bobs cookie is the first item in the message,
and to allow the reassembly code to pass the
first fragment of an unassembled IP packet up to
IKE (offset0, UDP protocol, port500) - Layer violation !! (IP looks at UDP header)
19Avoiding-IP-Fragmentation Defense
- Design IKE so that it does not depend on IP
fragmentation - gtPMTU discovery
- gtReassembly on IKE end peers
- Each application-fragment has to carry the
cookie! - Good protection, but complicate the protocol
state machine
20Using-an-IP-option-for-the-cookie defense
- IKE informs IP of the strategy for cookie
verification - Carry Bobs cookie in a newly defined IPv4 option
- If the cookie is a function of the IP address and
a secret S, then IKE will inform IP of the
function and S - Alices IKE inserts the IP option with Bobs
cookie in all the handshake message following
receipt of Bobs cookie, s.t. IP can discard all
fragments with bogged cookie - Much more radical defense, even, against
guessed-IP-address attack. It involves not only
giving hints to IP reassembly code but actual
code for verifying cookies.
- Strategies for defense against a fragmentation
DoS attack by UDP-based protocols - Small messages preferred IP addresses list
- Cookie first fragment preferred IP addresses
list - Own MTU discovery and fragmentation by IKE
- Cookies into a new IP option, Ike passes the
cookie-verification algorithm to IP - 2 first solutions are easy to implement
- Main source
- http//portal.acm.org
- The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
- Harkins and Carrel, RFC 2409, 1998
- Path MTU Discovery
- Mogul and Derring, RFC 1191, 1990