Title: Experiential Education The Rules of Engagement
1Experiential Education- The Rules of Engagement
- Lynne Montrose, Director Academic Internship
Program - Regis University
- Lmontros_at_regis.edu
- October 5, 2007 UCDHSC Undergraduate Experience
2Osasco CastleTurin, Italy
3Todays discussion
- Integration of experiential programs
- Internships, Undergraduate Research, Service
Learning, Study Abroad into course curriculum - Strategies for integration and
institutionalization of experiential learning - Example Chemistry course with a fully integrated
experiential component
4Transaction or Transformation
how information can be transformed into knowledge
5The Kolb Learning Cycle
6Experiential Education
- how information can be transformed into
knowledge - An authentic experience
- Faculty facilitated reflection options
- Professors help students integrate academic
theory with their experience - Active experimentation projects, writing,
7How information can be transformed into
knowledge the Faculty role
- Traditional Syllabus
- Course Content
- Texts
- Lecture
- In class discussion
- Exams / papers
- _____________________
- Off-campus Experience
- Experiential Syllabus
- Course Content
- Concrete experience
- Lecture
- Reflective observations
- In class discussion
- Abstract conceptualization
- Exams / papers
- Active experimentation
- Final presentations/projects
8Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo FreireThe
Banking Concept of Education
The Banking Concept of Education
Students receive, file, and store
information deposits
9Swansea Community
10Analytical Chemistry CourseA Community-based Lab
Desired Outcomes
- Students apply knowledge of chemistry to provide
Swansea neighborhood with results of - Air, Water, Soil quality tests
- Students motivated to increase knowledge and
technical skills because of practical and
meaningful application - Students Swansea neighborhood both benefit
11Measurable Learning Objectives and Values
Specific Learning Objectives
- Improved knowledge of chemistry lab skills
- Atomic spectroscopy, method validation, lab
techniques - Improved report writing presentation skills
- Improved perspective chemistry makes a
difference in the lives of others - What does chemistry have to do with
environmental justice?
12(No Transcript)