Title: SignalBackground Discrimination in Particle Physics
1Signal/Background Discrimination in Particle
- Harrison B. Prosper
- Florida State University
- 8 March, 2006
- Particle Physics Data
- Signal/Background Discrimination
- Summary
3Particle Physics Data
proton anti-proton -gt positron (e) neutrino
(n) Jet1 Jet2 Jet3 Jet4 This event is
described by (at least) 3 2 3 x 4
17 measured quantities.
4Particle Physics Data
H0 Standard Model H1 Model of the Week
5Signal/Background Discrimination
- To minimize misclassification probability,
compute - p(Sx) p(xS) p(S) / p(xS) p(S) p(xB)
p(B) - Every signal/background discrimination method is
ultimately an algorithm to approximate this
function, or a mapping thereof. - p(s) / p(b) is the prior signal to background
ratio, that is, it is S/B before applying a cut
to p(Sx).
6Signal/Background Discrimination
- Given
- D x, y
- x x1,xN, y y1,yN
- of N training examples (events)
- Infer
- A discriminant function f(x, w), with parameters
w - p(wx, y) p(x, yw) p(w) / p(x, y)
- p(yx, w) p(xw) p(w) / p(yx) p(x)
- p(yx, w) p(w) / p(yx)
- assuming p(xw) -gt p(x)
7Signal/Background Discrimination
- A typical likelihood for classification
- p(yx, w) Pi f(xi, w)y 1 f(xi, w)1-y
- where y 0 for background events
- y 1 for signal events
- If f(x, w) flexible enough, then maximizing
p(yx, w) with respect to w yields f p(Sx),
asymptotically. -
8Signal/Background Discrimination
- However, in a Bayesian calculation it is more
natural to average -
- y(x) ? f(x, w) p(wD) dw
- Questions
- 1. Do suitably flexible functions f(x, w) exist?
- 2. Is there a feasible way to do the integral?
9Answer 1 Yes!
- Hilberts 13th problem Prove a special case of
the conjecture - The following is impossible, in general,
- f(x1,,xn) F( g1(x1),, gn(xn) )
- In 1957, Kolmogorov proved the
- contrary A function fRn -gt R can be
- represented as follows
- f(x1,..,xn) ?i12n1 Qi( ?j1n Gij(xj) )
- where Gij are independent of f(.)
10Kolmogorov Functions
A neural network is an example of a Kolmogorov
function, that is, a function capable of
approximating arbitrary mappings fRn -gt R
The parameters w (u, a, v, b) are called weights
11Answer 2 Yes!
- Computational Method
- Generate a Markov chain (MC) of N points w,
whose stationary density is p(wD), and average
over the last M points. - Map problem into that of particle moving in a
spatially-varying potential and use methods of
statistical mechanics to generate states (p, w)
with probability exp(-b H), - where H is the Hamiltonian
- H log p(wD) p2, with momentum p.
12Hybrid Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Computational Method
- For a fixed H traverse space (p, w) using
Hamiltons equations, which guarantees that all
points consistent with H will be visited with
equal probability exp(-bH). - To allow exploration of states with differing
values of H one introduces, periodically, random
changes to the momentum p. - Software
- Flexible Bayesian Modeling by Radford Neal
- http//www.cs.utoronto.ca/radford/fbm.software.h
13Example 1
14Example 1 1-D
- Signal
- ppbar -gt t q b
- Background
- ppbar -gt W b b
- NN Model Class
- (1, 15, 1)
- 500 tqb Wbb events
- Use last 20 points in a chain of 10,000,
skipping every 20th
15Example 1 1-D
Dots p(Sx) HS/(HSHB) HS, HB, 1-D
histograms Curves Individual NNs n(x,
wk) Black curve lt n(x, w) gt
16Example 2
17Example 2 14-D (Finding Susy!)
Transverse momentum spectra Signal black curve
Signal/Noise 1/25,000
18Example 2 14-D (Finding Susy!)
Missing transverse momentum spectrum (caused
by escape of neutrinos and Susy particles)
Measured quantities 4 x (ET, h, f) (ET,
f) 14
19Example 2 14-D (Finding Susy!)
- Signal
- 250 ppbar -gt gluino, gluino (Susy) events
- Background
- 250 ppbar -gt top, anti-top events
- NN Model Class
- (14, 40, 1) (w ? 641-D parameter space!)
- Use last 100 networks in a Markov chain of
10,000, skipping every 20.
Likelihood Prior
Network distribution beyond n(x) gt 0.9 Assuming
L 10 fb-1 Cut S B S/vB 0.90 5x103 2x106
3.5 0.95 4x103 7x105 4.7 0.99 1x103 2x104
21But Does It Really Work?
- Let
- d(x) N p(xS) N p(xB)
- be the density of the data, containing 2N
events, assuming, for simplicity, p(S) p(B). -
- A properly trained classifier y(x) approximates
- p(Sx) p(xS)/p(xS) p(xB)
- Therefore, if the data (signal background) are
weighted with y(x), we should recover the signal
22But Does It Really Work?
It seems to!
23Example 3
24Particle Physics Data, Take 2
- Two varieties of jet
- Tagged (Jet 1, Jet 4)
- Untagged (Jet 2, Jet 3)
- We are often interested in
- Pr(TaggedJet Variables)
25Example 3 Tagging Jets
p(xT) or d(x)
p(Tx) p(xT) p(T) / d(x) d(x) p(xT) p(T)
p(xU) p(U) x (PT, h, f) (red curve is
collision point
26Probability Density Estimation
- Approximate a density by a sum over kernels K(.),
one placed at each of the N points xi of the
training sample. - h is one or more smoothing parameters adjusted to
provide the best approximation to the true
density p(x). - If h is too small, the model will be very spiky
if h is too large, features of the density p(x)
will be lost.
27Probability Density Estimation
- Why does this work? Consider the limit as N -gt 8
of - In the limit N -gt 8, the true density p(x) will
be recovered provided that h -gt 0 in such a way
28Probability Density Estimation
- As long as the kernel behaves sensibly in the N
-gt 8 limit any kernel will do. In practice, the
most commonly used kernel is the product of 1-D
Gaussians, one for each dimension i - One advantage of the PDE approximation is that it
contains very few adjustable parameters
basically, the smoothing parameters.
29Example 3 Tagging Jets
Projections of estimated p(Tx) (black curve)
onto the PT, h and f axes. Blue points ratio of
blue to red histograms (see slide 25)
collision point
30Example 3 Tagging Jets
Projections of data weighted by p(Tx). Recovers
tagged density p(xT).
collision point
31But, How Well Does It Work?
How well do the n-D model and the n-D data
agree? A thought (JL, HBP) 1. Project the
model and the data onto the same set of randomly
directed rays through the origin. 2. Compute some
measure of discrepancy for each pair of
projections. 3. Do something sensible with this
set of numbers!!
collision point
32But, How Well Does It Work?
Projections of p(Tx) onto 3 randomly chosen rays
through the origin.
collision point
33But, How Well Does It Work?
Projections of weighted tagged untagged data
onto the 3 randomly selected rays.
collision point
- Multivariate methods have been applied with
considerable success in particle physics,
especially for classification. However, there is
considerable room for improving our understanding
of them as well as expanding their domain of
application. - The main challenge is data/model comparison when
each datum is a point in 120 dimensions. During
the SAMSI workshop we hope to make some progress
on the use of projections onto multiple rays.
This may be an interesting area for collaboration
between physicists and statisticians.