The Whole Armor of God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Whole Armor of God


11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand ... Ruin our discernment. Corrupt our thoughts. Once wounded the goal is to captivate our minds. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Whole Armor of God

The Whole Armor of God
  • Put On!

The Helmet of Salvation
Ephesians 610-18
The Armor of God
10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord,
and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole
armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.
12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
heavenly places.
The Armor of God
The Armor of God
13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that
you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and
having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore,
having girded your waist with truth, having put
on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having
shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel
of peace 16above all, taking the shield of faith
with which you will be able to quench all the
fiery darts of the wicked one.
The Armor of God
17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God
18praying always with all prayer and supplication
in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with
all perseverance and supplication for all the
The Armor of God
  • Belt of Truth
  • Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Shod Feet with the Preparation of the Gospel of
  • Shield of Faith
  • Helmet of Salvation

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Logos - the word of God (see Strong's 3056)
     Logos is often used to identify the
  • written scriptures in the Bible, which were
  • Given to people under the inspiration of God
    (Timothy 316, 1 Peter 110-11).  Collectively,
    the Bible, as God's "word," is the written,
    divine expression or revelation of God to
    humanity.  Jesus completed this expression as the
    literal embodiment of God's word, logos (John

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Rhema - the word of God (Strong's 4487)  Rhema
    is the
  • spoken word of God.  Strong's concordance says
    that rhema is
  • "that which is or has been uttered by the living
    voice."  Rhema
  • carries a spiritual connotation that
    differentiates it from logos. 
  • It also bears application to the specific context
    of our lives.  For
  • example, we may be wrestling with an issue in our
    life and during our quiet time we read a verse
    that "speaks" directly to the situation we are
    dealing with.  That portion of the scripture
    becomes a "Rhema word" from God for us regarding
    our situation.  We can then stand in faith on the
    Rhema God has given us and confess it whenever
    the devil tries to attack us.  Another way of
    using the Rhema is to apply specific scriptures
    (logos) to the situations we are facing.  This is
    perhaps the most common of way of diffusing
    temptations.  While we may not have a special or
    emergent Rhema revelation from God regarding a
    temptation, we will likely have plenty of
    scriptures that we can speak that apply.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
The Sword of the Spirit  Rhema is the Greek
word used in the Sword of the Spirit passage
(Ephesians 617 - "..the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God").  Therefore, we use
the Sword of the Spirit by 1) Standing in faith
on the word God has given us for our particular
situation and confessing it in the face of the
enemy's attacks and/or 2) Speaking or singing
scriptures (logos) that apply to the situation we
are facing
The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • As with the other pieces of the armor of God, the
    Sword of the Spirit relies on faith for its
    foundation.  When our faith is based on the
    promises of God's word, our sword's "spiritual
    power link" to God is engaged.  Jesus said, "If
    you can believe, all things are possible to him
    who believes" (Mark 923 NKJV).  Spoken in faith,
    the Sword of the Spirit is the truth that sets
    people free from the lies that hold them captive
    (John 831-32, Psalm 119160, John 1717).

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit The Word
  • Most important piece of Roman armor.
  • Short, lightweight and well balanced.
  • Quick and deadly.
  • The two razor sharpened edges of the broad blade
    could easily slice a roast.
  • designed to easily penetrate and disembowel the
  • If a Roman soldier ever unsheathed his sword he
    would use it.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • Satan's attacks focus on the mind.
  • We cannot be forced to sin but we can be
  • If we sin, we place ourselves under the power of
    sin John 834.
  • The devil seeks to persuade us to sin because if
    we do, it will increase his power and influence
    in the world.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • The enemies tactics designed to
  • Weaken our faith.
  • Ruin our discernment.
  • Corrupt our thoughts.
  • Once wounded the goal is to captivate our minds.
  • Deceive with false doctrine.
  • Distract with carnal interests.
  • Poison the mind make us ineffective.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • For God so loved the world that he gave His only
    begotten son that whoever believes in Him shoul
    not perish but have everlasting life John 316.
  • That if you confess with your mouth the Lord
    Jesus and believe in your heart that God has
    raised Him from the dead you will be saved.
    Romans 109.
  • You must stand on the knowledge that you have
    been bought with a precious irrevocable price!

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • Given the strategic value of our minds God has
    provided a way to protect it.
  • The helmet of salvation is provided when we
    firmly believe who we are in Christ.
  • Two things happened through the sacrificial
    death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus
  • Positional restoration and sanctification.
  • Progressive restoration and sanctification.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • With one offering He has perfected forever those
    who are being sanctified. Hebrews 1014
  • He has perfected forever (positional
  • Those who are being sanctified (made holy)
    (progressive sanctification)
  • Represents Gods work for us and in us.
  • Neglect the first and you grow fearful.
  • Neglect the second and you grow lazy and
  • Both are represented in the blood and the water.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • Gods work for us
  • But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a
    spear, and immediately blood and water came out
  • John 1934
  • The blood denotes mercy.
  • Without the shedding of blood there is no
    forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 922
  • His once and for all sacrifice has assured our

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • His work in us.
  • The water I give will become a spring of water
    gushing up inside the person, giving eternal
    life. John 414
  • The water represents the Holy Spirit of God in
    your heart.
  • He is our comforter, our helper.
  • The Spirits work is not to save us, its to
    change us!

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
  • The key is relationship with Christ through His
    holy Spirit.
  • Some accept the blood but forget the water.
  • They want to be saved but dont want to be
  • Others accept the water but forget the blood.
  • They are busy for Christ but not at peace with
  • We are here to glorify God in our service.

The Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation Put it on!
  • Philippians 46-7
  • Isaiah 263
  • Speak the helmet on by Faith.
  • Focus our thoughts on God instead of sinful
  • Direct our requests to God through prayer.

The Armor of God
Conclusion Building and Effective Helmet of
  • Acknowledge Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes
    away the sins of the world.
  • Understand that our sins are not concealed or
    diminished, they have been taken away forever!
  • Your mistakes are lost in Christs perfection.
  • Maintain a daily intake of Gods Word.
  • Use Gods word to destroy the enemies lies.
  • Develop a personal relationship with your Savior.
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