Title: 1
1OAKS Test Administrator Training2008-2009
Oregons Assessment of Knowledge and
Skills Oregon Department of Education Office of
Assessment and Information Services
Version 1 Updated 8/22/08
2Goals for Training
- Standardize test administration statewide for all
students - Ensure test validity fair testing for each
student - Continue to reduce the number of test
improprieties - Improve accuracy of student test data
- Increase test security and student
confidentiality - Make administration of Oregon assessments more
efficient for you and your students - Become a qualified Test Administrator
3Test Administrator Requirements
- Test Administrators are required to read and
understand Parts I VIII of the 2008-09 Test
Administration Manual and Appendices A, D, E, Q,
R, T of the manual, as well as all appendices
pertaining to those specific assessments which
the Test Administrator will be administering.
www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam - Test Administrators are required to sign the
Test Administrator Assurance of Test Security
Form and return to your District Test
Coordinator. www.ode.state.or.us/go/testsecurity
- Whats New in the 2008-09 Test Administration
Manual (www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?499) - Testing Schedule (www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/t
esting/oaks/testschd_0809_final.pdf) - Test Administration Readiness Checklist
(www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?499) - OAKS Online User Guides and Training Site
(www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?391) - ODE Provided Resources Formula Sheet, Periodic
Table, Graphic Organizers, Guide to Revision
(www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?486) - Contact information - Use Regional Assessment
Support ESD Partner help desks for answers to all
your assessment and accountability related
questions (www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/testing/
5Your Roles and Responsibilities
- Preparations for Testing
- Test Security Student Confidentiality
- Test Administration
- Completing the Testing Cycle
6Test Administration Readiness
- Tests MUST only be administered by personnel who
have received proper training, reviewed the
appropriate portions of the Test Administration
Manual (TAM) AND have signed an Assurance of Test
Security Form. - Determine which tests students need to take (Part
V of the TAM). Remember to check IEPs and 504
Plans check for necessary test accommodations. - Ensure a secure testing environment. Examine the
environment for posters, charts or other items
not included in the Allowable Resources Table. - Remember sample tests are available for OAKS
Online and OAKS Paper/Pencil. This gives
students an opportunity to become familiar with
the test and it gives TAs an opportunity to
practice test administration as well.
7Test Administration Readiness Cont.
- For OAKS Online
- Review appropriate OAKS Online User Guides
- Ensure that the OAKS Online Secure Browser is
available on each computer - Locate the following information for each student
you are testing - SSID (Ensure that your SSID information is
accurate) - Student Legal Name
- Students Enrolled Grade (TAs should verify the
grade level of the test that students are
presented with) - Set up a Test Session (for details see the OAKS
Online Users Guide)
8Test Administration Readiness Cont.
- For OAKS paper/pencil
- Identify individual students that would benefit
from paper/pencil tests, notify DTC so they can
order materials for those students - Braille and Large Print tests must now be ordered
through your DTC - On the day of testing, ensure that each student
has the appropriate test booklet and answer sheet
9Student Readiness
- Familiarize students with test format by allowing
them to take Sample/Practice Tests - Explain to students that the purpose of the
assessment is to measure your current progress
on state content standards and remind them that
I cant help you with reading passages, test
questions, test answers or formulas - Encourage students to do their best
- Be prepared that students may have an emotional
reaction after being presented with their test
10Accommodations Modifications
- Accommodation Modification tables can be found
in Appendix Q R of the Test Administration
Manual - Modifications
- A modification is a substantial change in the
standard administration of a test - Scores obtained under modified conditions count
as non-participants in calculations of
participations - Modifications should be specified in students
IEP - Accommodations
- An accommodation is a change in how a test is
presented to or responded by a student - Is considered standard administration and
students have the opportunity to meet or
exceed standard - An accommodation offered to a student should be
consistent with support provided during
11Test Security
- Security procedures are designed to protect the
integrity confidentiality of assessment
questions, prompts and problems that are not
released for public use the security of these
assessment materials is necessary so they can be
used in later years to measure trends in
performance. - Test Administration procedures are to assure
consistent statewide test administration. - All test items, test materials, and student-level
information, both for online and paper tests, are
secure documents and must be appropriately
handled. Secure handling must protect the
integrity, validity, and confidentiality of
assessment questions, prompts, and student
results. - Test irregularities do not always improve student
scores. - Breaches of security, whether through
carelessness or intentional mishandling of test
materials, could jeopardize licensure for
certified and administrative staff.
12Student Confidentiality
- Individual student results must not be made
public. Student test materials/reports MUST NOT
be unnecessarily exposed so that students names
can be identified with student results. - Any misuse of a students SSID number is a breach
of student confidentiality. - SSID numbers are intended to be secure and MUST
NOT be associated with a students names and/or
left in an unsecured place. - SSID numbers associated with student names and
others identifiers MUST NOT be sent in an email.
13Test Security
- OAKS Paper/Pencil
- All materials must be securely handled and stored
in accordance with Part IV of the TAM - All individuals who have access to testing
materials must sign an Assurance of Test Security
Form - Test Administrators should be given test
materials on the day of the test administration - Test Administrators should return test materials
to the School Test Coordinator the same day as
the test administration
14Test Security
- OAKS Online
- Only students may log in to their OAKS Online or
ELPA testing session. Test administrators or
other staff or volunteers may not log in using a
students SSID except when helping a student who
is having problems logging in. - All printed passages or scratch paper must be
shredded immediately after the test session. - Student information (SSID, name, test scores)
must remain secure at all times. - Examples of Testing Improprieties from 2007-08
can be found at www.state.or.us/go/testsecurity
15Test Security
- Testing Environment (OAKS Online or Paper/Pencil)
- See 2008-09 Test Administration Manual for
allowable resources, posters, charts - Ensure students are using only allowable
resources and all other materials are
inaccessible to students or confiscated by Test
Administrator - Visual barriers and adequate spacing between
students - Test administrator MUST actively monitor the
testing session - No electronic devices that allow communication
among students or the photographing of test
16Printed Passages Test Security
- Do not photocopy, digitize, or enlarge passages
- Each passage must be securely disposed after each
SESSION - Test Administrator will be approving printing
requests - Test Administrators must not remind or prompt
students to print passages during a test session
(unless required by IEP or 504 plan)
17Test Security
- Reporting a security breach
- All potential test improprieties or
irregularities must be immediately reported to
the DTC, even if you are unsure of the exact
situation. - DTCs must then submit an initial report for all
potential test improprieties or irregularities to
ODE within one day of learning of the potential
test security breach. DTCs must submit their
initial report electronically using the form
available at http//www.ode.state.or.us/go/testsec
urity. DTCs should e-mail the completed form to
Holly Edwards, Security Coordinator for Test
Design and Administration, along with any
additional documentation. - Based on the initial report, ODE may request
further investigation by the DTC, in which case
the DTC must provide results to ODE within 30
days. In regard to any potential teacher or
administrator violation, DTCs will work within
district policy rules established by TSPC.
- Modified and partial assessments will count as
non-participants in calculations of
participation. - For OAKS Online, test resets will not be allowed.
Any assessment administered will count as one of
the three test opportunities available to
students even if it was modified in error. - Targeting down is not allowed.
- Targeting up is allowed. However, 8th graders
must take the 8th grade test. They can take the
10th grade as well. - To count as a partial test, students must submit
paper/pencil - OAKS Paper/Pencil tests are available to
individual students on IEPs or 504 plans and
individual students documented by the District.
19OAKS Online Test Administration
- User Guides are at www.ode.state.or.us/search/page
/?391 - Visit www.oaks.k12.or.us/training.html for the
OAKS Online Training Site. Teachers and students
should use the training site to become familiar
with the system before testing. - New for 2008-09
- Default display size and test language can be set
by TA before students log in - OAKS Portal new design, one login
- Participation Report
- Students can change display size while testing
- Highlight and strikethrough features
- Keyboard navigation
- Reading Passages can be printed
- Students may mark a single item in a group of
Reading items
20Test Administration Procedures
- Student Directions
- Review the student directions before testing
- Read the appropriate script to all students
verbatim prior to beginning each test - These are the ONLY instructions you may give to
students - Troubleshooting (OAKS Online)
- Contact your Regional Assessment ESD Partner for
assistance in troubleshooting technology problems
21Test Administration Procedures
- If a student believes there is a problem with an
OAKS Online test item, ask the student to report
it using the Comment feature - Appropriate response to student questions during
testing - Use caution check your verbal and nonverbal cues
so that you dont provide inappropriate coaching
that would impact a students response to a test
item - Scoring tests or providing students with any
feedback as to how well you believe they are
performing is a security breach
22Completing the Testing Cycle
- For OAKS Paper/Pencil
- Collect ALL testing materials from students at
the end of the testing session or upon completion
of the test - Securely shred any scratch paper immediately
after the testing session - Keep student answer sheets and test booklets
together if students need to resume testing
they must receive the test booklet they
previously used - Ensure that students answer sheets are properly
coded (including modification or accommodation
codes) - Turn ALL materials into your school testing
coordinator as soon as possible for secure
23Completing the Testing Cycle Cont.
- If you are testing on OAKS Online
- Be sure students successfully log off their
computers - As soon as a student completes a test, the
student may view their test results. - Test scores will be made available to approved
administrators on the ODE Student Centered
Staging site (https//district.ode.state.or.us)
and via the OAKS Online reports - Securely shred any scratch paper or printed
passages immediately after each testing session
24Completing the Testing Cycle Cont.
- Watch deadlines for returning paper/pencil
testing materials - Paper/pencil materials not shipped on time will
count as non-participants in calculations of
participation - Assessment Collections
- Districts are responsible for making sure that
the correct data appears in Student Staging - Many data collections take place over the course
of the school year, your district is responsible
for submitting data - Please contact your Regional Assessment Support
ESD partner if you need support for data
- Contact your District Test Coordinator
- Contact your Regional Assessment Support Partner
s/esdpartners0809.pdf) - Thank you!