Title: Building Energy Codes Program Commercial Program Review
1Residential Energy Code Compliance IRC 2000 IECC
U.S. Department of Energy Building Energy Codes
2The Family of I-Codes
3Structure of the IRC
- Building Envelope
- IRC Chapter 3
- Requirements for Insulation
- IRC Chapter 4
- Foundation waterproofing and dampproofing
- Foundation drainage
- Foundation venting
- IRC Chapter 5
- Shallow frost foundations
- IRC Chapter 7
- Weather resistant coverings for walls
- IRC Chapter 8
- Weather resistant coverings for roof assemblies
- Mechanical System
- IRC Chapter 14
- Heating and cooling sizing calculations and
sizing requirements
4Relationship Between IRC and IECC
- Chapter 11Sets forth energy-efficiency related
requirements for the design and construction of
buildings.. - Section N1102.1 Residential Buildings, Detached
One- and Two Family - References IECC for buildings gt 15 gross wall
area - Section N1102.2 Residential Buildings,
Townhouses - References IECC for buildings gt 25 gross wall
area - Section N1103 Mechanical System
- References IECC Section 503.2 for HVAC Efficiency
- Section N1104 Water Heating Efficiency
- References IECC Section 504.2 for water heating
5Structure of the IECC
- Chapter 1 Administrative Enforcement
- Chapter 2 Definitions
- Chapter 3 Design Conditions
- Chapter 4 Residential - Systems Analysis
- Chapter 5 Residential - Component Performance
- Chapter 6 Simplified Prescriptive Requirements
- Chapter 7 ASHRAE 90.1-2001 Energy Code Reference
- Chapter 8 Design by Acceptable Practice for
Commercial Buildings - Chapter 9 Referenced Standards
Residential Chapters
6Presentation Reference
Requirement covered by material is highlighted
in red.
Mandatory requirements such as moisture and
infiltration control must usually be met
regardless of location or design. Specific
requirements such as insulation levels are based
on the project location (HDD) and window wall
Code year covered in current presentation.
Mandatory Requirements
2000/ 2001/ 2003 IECC
Section 501
Code Section
Requirements are outlined in Chapter 5 (Section
502.1) of the IECC.
Requirements can be met by the approaches in
Chapter 5 or the simplified tables of Chapter 6.
This presentation covers 2000/2001/2003 IECC
Residential Requirements New 2001/2003
requirements are listed in red.
7Residential Compliance Outline
Current Presentation
- Overview of Residential Energy Codes
- Energy Code Compliance Options
- Energy Code Requirements
- Mandatory Requirements
- Specific Requirements
- Building Science Concepts
- Systems Design and the Code
- Compliance Using REScheck (Case Study)
Basic Code Compliance Presentation
Building Science/ Code Compliance Presentation
Case Study Presentation
For additional training materials see
8IECC Code Compliance Options
Prescriptive .
Total Building Trade Off
Energy Analysis
Individual Component Basis 502.2.1
Energy Analysis Chapter 4
Total Building UA 502.2.2
Not covered in this presentation.
Acceptable Practice 502.2.3
Prescriptive Specification 502.2.4
Simplified Prescriptive Chapter 6
9Code Compliance Tools
Prescriptive .
Total Building Trade Off
Energy Analysis
Prescriptive Package Worksheet
(manual) Prescriptive Tables
Trade-off Worksheet (manual)
Software REMdesign REMrate EnergyGauge
REScheck Software (Web-based Desktop)
REScheck Package Generator (Web-based)
Not covered in this presentation.
10Chapter 4 Residential Systems Analysis
- Requires a computer program
- Chapter 4 spells out additional essential types
of input values (not applicable in REScheck),
such as - House tightness (measured by test for Final
Rating projected for From Plans Rating) - Window solar access and orientation evaluated
- Duct tightness evaluated
- Water heating (appliance Energy Factor)
- Thermal mass present
11BECP Code Compliance Tools
Trade-off Approach
Prescriptive Approach
- Simple, fast and easy
- Generally most stringent
- Requires minimum input
- Based on climate and WWR
- Uses a prototype building
- Trade-off between components
- Provides design flexibility
- Requires area U/R-factors
- Uses UA calculation (REScheck) regression
equations (COMcheck)
- Prescriptive Tables Printed Guides
- REScheck Web Package Generator
- REScheck desktop software for Windows and Mac
with AreaCalc tool - REScheck-Web software
Web Based Tools
- Prescriptive Tables / Printed Guides
- COMcheck Web Package Generator
- COMcheck-EZ desktop software for Windows
- COMcheck-Web software
Web Based Tools
- Detached one and twofamily dwellings
- R-2 (A-1) and R-4 (A-2) Residential Buildings
containing 3 or more dwelling units where the
occupants are permanent in nature and are 3
stories or less in height - Additions, including Sunrooms
Section 101
- Very low energy use buildings (lt3.4 Btu/h-ft2
or 1 watt/ft2) - Buildings (or portions of) that are neither
heated nor cooled - Buildings designated as historic (Section
Section 101.4.1
14Changes to Occupancy
- Alterations to existing spaces
- Applies to only portions of the systems being
altered - Applies if alteration increases energy use
- Alterations must meet the requirements applying
to the altered component - New systems in the alterations must comply
Section 101.4.1
15Mixed Use Buildings
- Minor occupancy
- lt10 of floor area
- Treat as major occupancy
- Hotel/motel and commercial occupancies
- Treat as different commercial occupancies
- Mixed residential and commercial occupancies
- Treat the residential occupancy under the
applicable residential code - Treat the commercial occupancy under the
commercial code
Section 101.4.1
16Building Envelope
- The intent of the energy code is to regulate the
design of the building envelope to enable the
effective use of energy. - The Building Envelope separates conditioned space
from unconditioned space or the outdoors.
17Building Envelope
18Building Envelope Requirements
- 1) Mandatory Requirements
- Moisture Control
- Recessed Cans
- Infiltration Control
- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
- 2) Climate Specific Requirements
- Foundations
- Basements
- Slabs
- Crawlspaces
- Above Grade Walls
- Skylights, Windows, and Doors
- Roofs
Section 502.1
19Moisture Control
- Why a Vapor Retarder?
- Vapor travels from high pressure to low pressure.
Moisture-laden air is literally "pushed" through
penetrations in the building envelope. The
moisture could damage the insulation and even the
framing members, but a continuous vapor barrier
helps prevent this from happening.
Section 502.1.1
20Vapor Retarders Code Requirements
- Basic Requirements
- Install on warm-in-winter side of insulation
- Use in unvented framed walls, floors, and
ceilings - Must have perm rating of 1.0 per Procedure A of
Section 502.1.1
21Vapor Retarder - Exceptions
- Exceptions
- Climate Zones 1 through 7 (IECC Chapter 3)
- In construction where moisture or its freezing
wont damage materials - If other approved means to avoid condensation are
States with no vapor retarder requirements (IECC
Section 502.1.1
22Vapor Retarders - Options
Kraft-faced Vapor Retarder
Poly Vapor Retarder
Section 502.1.1
23Vapor Retarders - Examples
Section 502.1.1
24Recessed Lighting Fixtures
- Type IC rated, with no penetrations between the
inside of the recessed fixture and ceiling cavity
(sealed and caulked) - Type IC or non-IC rated, installed inside a
sealed box of ½" gypsum wallboard or other
assembly manufactured for this purpose - Type IC rated, in accordance with ASTM E 283 to
be an Air-Tight enclosure
Section 502.1.3
25Recessed Lighting Fixtures
Section 502.1.3
26What is Infiltration?
- Infiltration is the unwanted air movement through
a building and is caused by a pressure difference
(air moves from high pressure to a lower pressure)
Section 502.1.4
27Areas for Air Leakage
- Windows and doors
- Between sole plates
- Floors and exterior wall panels
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Service access doors or hatches
Section 502.1.4
28Air Leakage Control
- Building envelope
- Sealed with caulking materials or
- Closed with gasketing systems
- Joints and seams sealed or taped or covered with
a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material
Section 502.1.4.2
29Windows - SHGC
- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
- Requirements can be dependent on projection
factor - National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)
tested - Default SHGC range diagrams
- SHGC SC x .87
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Section 502.1.5
30Locations with SHGC Requirements
Section 502.1.5
31SHGC Default Table
Section 102.5.2
32Specific Requirements
- 1) Mandatory Requirements
- Moisture Control
- Recessed Cans
- Infiltration Control
- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
- 2) Specific Requirements
- Foundations
- Basements
- Slabs
- Crawlspaces
- Above Grade Walls
- Skylights, Windows, and Doors
- Roofs
Section 502.2
33Envelope Requirement Compliance Options
Section 502.2 Heating and Cooling Criteria
Individual Component Basis 502.2.1
Acceptable Practice 502.2.3
Total Building Performance 502.2.2
Prescriptive Specification 502.2.4
Uo Graphs
Uo Tables from Appendix
Chap. 5 Prescriptive Tables
REScheck Software
Most Flexible Approach
Section 602.1 Thermal Performance Criteria
Simplified Prescriptive Tables
Use if WWR lt 15 for S.F., lt 25 for M.F.
Chap. 6 Prescriptive Tables
- Thermal resistance to heat flow
- The larger the number the better
- The R-value of layers in an assembly can be added
- The amount of heat in Btu (British thermal units)
that flows each hour through one square foot,
when there is a 1ºF temperature difference across
the surface - The smaller the number the better
36Floors over Unconditioned Space
- Crawlspace is vented when the floor above is
insulated. - Meet or exceed R-value requirements.
Section 502.2/ 602.1
37Supported Floor Insulation
- Support insulation in floor cavity
Section 502.2/ 602.1
38Floors over Outside Air
- Floors over outside air must meet ceiling R-value
Section 502.2/ 602.1
39Crawlspace Wall Insulation
When crawlspace walls are insulated, foundation
vents are not required. Space should be
mechanically vented or conditioned.
Section 502.2/ 602.1
40Vented Unvented Crawlspaces
- Vented Crawlspace Requirements
- The raised floor over the crawlspace must be
insulated to the code R-value requirements for
floors (varies by location). - A vapor retarder may be required as part of the
floor assembly (varies by location). - Ventilation openings must exist that are equal to
at least 1 square foot for each 150 square feet
of crawlspace area and be placed to provide
cross-flow (IRC 408.1, may be less if ground
vapor retarder is installed). - Unconditioned crawlspace ducts must be sealed and
meet R-value insulation requirements (IECC Table
503.3.3.3) - usually R-5.
- Unvented Crawlspace Requirements
- The crawlspace ground surface must be covered
with an approved vapor retarder (e.g., plastic
sheeting). - Crawlspace walls must be insulated to the R-value
requirements specific for crawlspace walls (IECC
602.1.7, 502.2.1.5, and Table 602.1). - Crawlspace wall insulation must extend from the
top of the wall to the inside finished grade. - Crawlspaces must be mechanically vented (1 cfm
per 50 square feet) or conditioned (heated and
cooled as part of the building envelope).
Section 502.2/ 602.1
41Slab Edge Insulation
- Proposed R-value must meet or exceed
- Downward from top of slab a minimum of 24 (lt
6000 HDD), 48 (gt 6000 HDD) - Downward to at least the bottom of the slab and
then horizontally 24 (lt 6000 HDD), 48 (gt 6000
Section 502.2/ 602.1
42Slab Edge Insulation
Section 502.2/ 602.1
43Below-Grade Walls
- ? 50 below grade
- Meet or exceed required R-values
Section 502.2/ 602.1
44Defining Below-Grade Walls
Section 502.2/ 602.1
45Ways to Insulate Basement Walls
Exterior Rigid Foam
Interior Studs w/batts
Section 502.2/ 602.1
46Above Grade Walls
Insulate walls including those next to
unconditioned spaces
Dont forget to insulate rim joists
Section 502.2/ 602.1
47Wall Insulation
Section 502.2/ 602.1
48Knee Wall Insulation
No, No Never cut the batts too short
Section 502.2/ 602.1
49Windows Glass Doors
- Key Elements
- Glazing Area
- SHGC values
- U-Values
Section 502.2/ 602.1
50Windows - SHGC
- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
- Requirements dependent on projection factor
- National Fenestration Rating
Council (NFRC) tested - Default SHGC range diagrams
- SHGC SC x .87
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Section 502.2/ 602.1
51Windows U-Factors
Table 102.3(1) U-Value Default Table for Windows
Glazed Doors and Skylights
- NFRC tested and certified
or default window U-factor
range - Use assembly U-factor
- All windows must meet or exceed
Section 502.2/ 602.1
52NFRC Label
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)
product ratings are available on-line at
Section 502.2/ 602.1
- Requirements based on
- Assembly type
- Continuous insulation
- Insulation between framing
- Meet or exceed R-values
Section 502.2/ 602.1
54Standard Roof Truss
Possibility of ice dam formations
- Ceiling insulation code requirements assume
standard truss systems -
Cold corners contribute to condensation and mold
Section 502.2/ 602.1
55Raised Heel Truss
- Raised Heel/Energy Truss Credit
- Insulate full height over exterior wall
Section 502.2/ 602.1
56Additions and Window Replacements
- Additions lt 500 ft2 can use Table 502.2.5
- Glazing area for additions (other than sunrooms)
must be lt 40 of gross wall and roof area of
addition - Skylight replacements shall have a maximum
U-factor of 0.60 when installed in climates gt
1,999 HDD - Fenestration replacement must meet the SHGC req.
in locations lt3500 HDD
Section 502.2.5/ 602.4
- Compliance options for additions
- Treat as a stand-alone building
- Bring entire building into compliance
Section 502.2.5/ 602.4
58Special Rules for Sunrooms
- Sunroom addition defined
- Area less than 500 ft2
- Have gt 40 glazing of gross exterior wall and
roof area - Separate heating or cooling system or zone
- Must be thermally isolated and not used as a
kitchen or sleeping quarters
Section 502.2.5
59Sunroom/Addition Requirements
2003 IECC Prescriptive Criteria Sunrooms
60Mechanical Systems Equipment
61Mechanical Systems Outline
503.1 General 503.2 Mechanical Equipment
Efficiency 503.3 HVAC Systems 503.3.1 Load
Calculations 503.3.2 Temperature and Humidity
Controls 503.3.2.1 System Controls 503.3.2.2
Thermostatic Controls 503.3.2.3 Heat
Pumps 503.3.3 Distribution Systems 503.3.3.1
Piping Insulation 503.3.3.2 Other Insulation
Thicknesses 503.3.3.3 Duct Plenum
Insulation 503.3.3.4 Duct Construction 503.
High Medium Pressure Duct Systems 503.
Low Pressure Duct Systems 503. Sealing
Required 503.3.3.5 Mechanical Ventilation 503.3.3.
6 Transports Energy 503.3.3.7 Balancing
Section 503
62Mechanical Systems Overview
Major mechanical systems covered by the IECC
Section 503
63Equipment Efficiencies
- Minimum equipment performance values from Table
503.2 - Use data furnished by the manufacturer
- Performance data in accordance with NAECA
- National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
(NAECA) - Specifies equipment performance of heating and
cooling equipment, water heaters, and other
equipment - Applicable equipment must meet NAECA before it
can be sold in the United States
Section 503.2
64Efficiency Terms
- Part Load Performance
- Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) gas
heating equipment - Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF)
residential heat pumps - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)
residential air conditioners
Section 503.2
65Load Calculations
- Load Calculations
- Use design conditions specified in Chapter 3
- Calculations shall be performed in accordance
with ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or other
equivalent method - Systems shall be sized to meet the load
Section 503.3.1
66Temperature and Humidity Controls
- 503.3.2.1 System Controls
- Each dwelling unit shall be considered a zone and
provided with at least one temperature control
device - 503.3.2.3 Heat Pump Auxiliary Heat
- Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance
heat shall have controls to prevent heater
operation when the load can be met by the heat
pump alone (except defrost cycles) - 503.3.2.4 Humidistat
- Must be capable of being set to prevent the use
of fossil fuels or electricity to reduce relative
humidity below 60 or increase relative humidity
above 30
Section 503.3.2
67Thermostatic Control Capabilities
- Section 503.3.2.2
- Heating only 55F or lower
- Cooling only 85F or higher
- Both heating and cooling must be capable of a 5
deadband - Exceptions
- Special occupancy/use as approved by the building
official - Thermostats that require manual changeover
between heating and cooling
Section 503.3.2.2
68HVAC Piping Insulation
- Piping Insulation
- Table 503.3.3.1
- Exceptions
- Factory installed piping within HVAC equipment
- Piping that conveys fluids between 55 and 105 F
- Piping which conveys fluids which have not been
heated or cooled by through the use of fossil
fuels or electricity
Section 503.3.3.1
69Pipe Insulation (contd)
Distribution System - Minimum Pipe
Insulation Table 503.3.3.1
Section 503.3.3.1
70Duct and Plenum Insulation
- Table 503.3.3.3 or where applicable ducts and
plenums operate at static pressures gt 2 in. w.g. - Exceptions
- Factory installed plenums, casings or ductwork
that is part of the HVAC equipment - Ducts within the conditioned space that they
Section 503.3.3.3
71Duct Insulation
Table 503.3.3.3 Minimum Duct Insulation (revised
Section 503.3.3.3
72Duct Construction
- High- and medium-pressure duct systems (static
pressure gt 2 in. w.g.) to be insulated and sealed - If static pressure gt 3 in. w.g.
- Shall be leak tested in accordance with Section
803.3.6 - Pressure classifications noted on construction
documents - Low-pressure duct systems (static pressure ? 2
in. w.g.) - All longitudinal and transverse joints, seams and
connections shall be securely fastened and sealed
with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives),
mastics-plus-embedded-fabric systems or tapes - Exceptions
- Continuously welded or locking longitudinal
joints and seams operating at static pressures lt
2inches w.g.
Section 503.3.3.4
73Duct Sealing
- Seal and securely fasten all joints, longitudinal
and transverse seams and connections with - welds
- gaskets
- mastics
- mastic-plus-embedded fabric systems
- tapes
- Unlisted duct tape is not permitted as a sealant
on any metal ducts
Section 503.
74Duct Sealing
Section 503.
75Distribution Systems (contd)
- 503.3.3.5 Mechanical Ventilation
- Systems shall be equipped with a readily
accessible shutoff or volume damper and shutoff - Automatic or gravity dampers shall be used for
outdoor intakes and exhausts - 503.3.3.6 Transport energy
- A measure of proper duct design
- Air transport factor lt 5.5
- 503.3.3.7 Balancing
- HVAC systems shall provide a means for balancing
(i.e. dampers, temperature or pressure test
connections, balancing valves, etc.)
Section 503.3.3
76Service Hot Water Outline
504.1 Scope 504.2 Water Heaters, Storage Tanks
Boilers 504.2.1 Performance Efficiency 504.2.2
Combination Systems 504.3 Swimming Pools 504.3.1
On-off Switch 504.3.2 Pool Covers 504.3.3 Time
Clocks 504.4 Hot Water System Controls 504.5 Pipe
Insulation 504.6 Conservation of Hot Water 504.7
Heat Traps
Section 504
77Service Water Heating (contd)
- Summary of requirements
- Heat traps to reduce standby losses
- Pipe insulation to reduce distribution and
standby losses - Circulation loop temperature controls to reduce
distribution losses
Section 504
78Heat Traps
- Required on noncirculating hot water systems
Section 504.7
79Auto-Circulating Systems
- Auto-circulating systems
- Insulated to levels in Table 504.5
- Exception
- Piping insulation is not required when the heat
loss, without insulation, does not increase
energy use
Table 504.5 Minimum Pipe Insulation (Thickness in
Section 504.4