Title: Participatory Design Group 9 30.04.2003
1Participatory Design- Group 9 30.04.2003
- Readings related to PD
- Foundations Language-games
- Theoretical Schools in SD
- Preliminary inquiry
- General principles of PD
- PD related to our project
2Philosophical Foundationsfor Participatory
- Ehn (1993) Wittgensteinian language-games are
the theoretical foundation for Participatory
Design - What is a language-game?
4Wittgensteins classic example blocks,
pillars, slabs and beams
- A needs B to help him build a house
- A points at block and says block
- In the future, when A needs a block, he shouts
block and B provides him with one - This is a simple language-game
- This is according to Wittgenstein how children
learn language!
5Why Wittgensteins language-games were
- They closed the Cartesian divide between a
human brain in a vat and an external world. No
more ding an sich (Kant), only ding für mich. - Language-games are a social activity language is
always shared never private. - Reality exists because of language-games, without
language-games, no reality. - Reality (or a part of it) something we
understand have a word for
6Empirical support for the theory
- Participatory Design
- joint visits to trade-shows spending more time
together ... role-playing games all helped
in improving understanding between user and
designer (Ehn, p. 62) - Acculturation of newcomers in the workplace
- acculturation takes place faster when newcomers
interact with veteran peers (Meryl Reis Louis
7A dialectic of rule-breaking
- Both designer and user are influenced when new
language-games are made.
new, common language-game
designers language-game
users language-game
8A hermeneutic representation of a language-game
in PD
learns from
learns from
9Systems Development Research in Scandinavia
10Bansler Systems Theoretical Research 1960s-
- Objective rationalize work processes by using
computer based information systems - Langefors The ISAC Method
- principles of engineering to the design of
information systems - Employees factors of production,
- Critique the uniqueness of human beings are
11BanslerSocio-technical Research 1970s-
- Concerns the socio-psychological problems caused
by the system designers neglect of the human
factor - Organizations (Bjørn-Andersen et al)
- job satisfaction
- social system and technical system
- Participative approach
- Critique Socio-technical factors are often
12Bansler Critical Research 1970s-
- Organizations are frameworks for cooperation and
conflicts among interests groups - Kristen Nygaard, Olav Terje Bergo
- Metal working industry Computers impact on
working conditions - Local unions experimented on how to gain more
influence in introducing new technology in the
workplace - Political research
- democratization must involve changes in the
structure of social life - Critique democratization of the workplace is not
always the main goal for trade unions
13Bansler Systems Development Research in
14Preliminary inquiry (PI) and PDMain topics
- The scope and reasons for conducting a PI
- Aspects that are similar to the focus in PD-
theory - Possible conflicts and dilemmas
15The scope and reasons for a conducting a
preliminary inquiry
- The challenges and the setting
- General principals (Bødker, Kensing, Simonsen)
- the MUST- method
- a common vision
- actual user participation
- mutual learning process
- learning by doing (UTOPIA?)
- Anchorage, common reference point
16Aspects that are similar to the focus in PD-
- User participation
- Policy of democracy
- Recognition of workers as a valuable source of
knowledge - Broader meaning of system
17Possible conflicts and dilemmas
- power/ influence (the Telenor- project)
- consequences of visions/ solutions
- Conflict of interest
18Participatory Design - principles
- An approach to assess, design and develop of
technical and organizational systems - For more information http//www.cpsr.org/program/
19PD tenants 1/3
- Involvement of the users
- Workers, a prime source
- The system more than a collection of software
20PD tenants 2/3
- Understand the organization
- Spend time with users in their workplaces rather
than testing in laboratories
21Why use Participatory Design? 1/3
- Increase knowledge of the system being developed
- Being there is more useful than hearing about it
/ being told about it - Gives a good opportunity to give the users a
realistic expectation of the system - And possibly reduce resistance towards the system!
22Why use Participatory Design? 2/3
- Increase Democracy in the work place
- By giving users an opportunity to participate in
decisions that will possibly affect their
workplace / work environment
23Why use Participatory Design? 3/3
- Mutual learning
- Between developer and user
- Users get to know their future tools, and have
the opportunity to suggest alterations if
desirable - The Say/Do problem
24Possible Problems with PD
- Demands close cooperation between the developer
and user - Requires the same geo. location for the developer
and user - Developers might not get to work with the right
users - Users might misinterpret their amount of power
over their own situation
25PD in our project As in PD, we
- Had certain METHODS for communicating knowledge
- Had to solve say-do- challenges
- Know the organizational context
- Used the workers as a source of knowledge and
26PD in our project As opposed to PD, we
- Were not much concerned with democratic processes
- Could not be at the users workplace as a design
team - The Virtual Team approach does not make user
participation easy during the design process