Title: Kamehameha Schools
1- Kamehameha Schools
- Extension Educational Services Division
- September 10, 2007
2KS Collaboration Opportunity with the University
of Hawaiÿi System
3Kamehameha Scholars
4Kamehameha Scholars Mission
A supplementary educational enrichment and
college and career guidance program designed to
encourage students to achieve their full
potential and put them on a path to becoming
successful adults.
5Kamehameha Scholars Goals
- To have students aspire to attend college and to
pursue their career of choice. - To increase parent and student awareness of
college and career planning resources. - To assist students and parents in developing
college and career pathway plans.
6College Post-High Counseling
7College Post-High Counseling Mission
The primary goals of the Career Post-High
Counseling Department are to increase the numbers
of students persisting through and graduating
from post-high school institutions and
alternative high school diploma programs. The
Post-High Counseling programs main focus is to
support recipients of the Nä Hoÿokama a Pauahi
Scholarship through counseling services to help
them fulfill their academic goals by addressing
their personal well-being.
8College Post-High Counseling Goals
- Increase the number of Native Hawaiian students
attaining post-high school degrees and
certifications. - Objective 1 Increase persistence rate among NH
students - Objective 2 Increase graduation rate among NH
students - Increase the number of Native Hawaiian students
transitioning from certification or degree
attainment to chosen career field through the KS
School to Work Initiative. -
- Objective 1 Increase number of NH students in
internships - Objective 2 Increase number of NH students in
9KS Alignment with the University of Hawaiÿi System
10KS Alignment with the University of Hawaiÿi System
11UHCC Strategic Plan 2002-2010 Goal A Promote
Learning and Teaching For Student Success
Increase success for Native Hawaiian students by
providing increased support for Native Hawaiian
programs and students.
Student Services
12UHCC Strategic Plan 2002-2010 Goal B Function
As A Seamless State System
Increase the Community College going rate of
Hawaiÿi public school graduates by 40 by Fall
KScholars has a baseline cohort of 600 students
for each grade level 9-12.
13UHCC Strategic Plan 2002-2010 Goal C Promote
Workforce And Economic Development
Develop strategic partnerships with selected
businesses, industries, and K-12 and
post-secondary education, and training providers
to better respond to evolving workforce education
and training requirements.
College Post-High Counseling