Biofuels: ethical, ecological and economic consideration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biofuels: ethical, ecological and economic consideration


Will biofuels solve one ecological problem but create others? ... Petrochemical industry, will see stabilization or decrease in price of raw materials (winners) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biofuels: ethical, ecological and economic consideration

Biofuels ethical, ecological and economic
  • Professor Bernard L. (Baruch) Epel
  • Director, The Manna Center for Plant Biosciences
    Tel Aviv University.

Standard of Living in third world rapidly
  • West has relatively small populations
  • Major population and GDP increases in China,
    India, Korea, Thailand, and more.
  • We are burning ever larger amounts of fossil
    fuels (coal, gas, oil).

With-in 40 years world population with grow by at
least 50 to 9 billion
  • More people, higher standard of living
  • Much Much Much More
  • Heating
  • air conditioners
  • cars and trucks

Fuel needs will grow tremendously
What is it going to cost us?
  • Increased greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, Nitrous
    oxide). global warming!!
  • Energy insecurity political blackmail
  • Price increases and price instability

We apparently face major fuel crises
  • Motor vehicles consume very large part of
    petroleum needs
  • oil production has peaked
  • we are entering a period of
  • growing fuel scarcity
  • increasing demands
  • this will lead to large increases in prices due
    to a commodity which is becoming ever scarcer.

  • Economic crises
  • Environmental crises
  • Political blackmail
  • Possible military conflicts over scarce basic
    energy resources.

What are we to do?
  • Will proposed solutions really solve the existing
    problem without creating new and possible more
    damaging effects?

A solution being pushed aggressively and with
messianic fervor is
  • develop alternate energy sources, preferable
    renewable sources
  • For electricity, heating, industrial power, we
    can use
  • nuclear, fission, fusion or
  • renewable sources wind, water, photovoltaic,

What about cars and trucks?
Develop biofuels!!! ???
  • Recycle Carbon dioxide.
  • Stabilize CO2 levels
  • Provide energy security
  • Less dependent of foreign providers
  • Dry up money to terrorist groups financed by some
    oil producers

Replace petrol with biofuels
  • Is this really a viable solution?
  • Is it economically sound?
  • Are there hidden problems we must consider?
  • Are biofuel realistic solutions to global
  • Will biofuels solve one ecological problem but
    create others?
  • What are the societal consequences of developing
    this technology?

  • Who is for and who is against?
  • What are their motives for or against developing
    these technologies?
  • Are their motives pure or do some have a hidden
  • Who will be the winners/losers?

  • World population
  • FOR/AGAINST need a reliable source of fuel at a
    reasonable price.
  • FOR Want to prevent future catastrophe due to
    global warming
  • AGAINST Want stable source of foods and clothing
    at reasonable prices

  • Western governments (including Israel)
  • FOR Want energy security
  • FOR Want stable sustainable supply of fuel at a
    stable price that will not cause economic
  • FOR ???Want to protect domestic farmers and
    industries will tax foreign producers
    subsidize local growers.

  • Third world governments (not oil producers)
  • FOR Want to develop a commodity market for
    farmers and develop local biofuel producers.
  • FOR Become less dependent of foreign producers
    and develop their own market.

  • Farmers
  • FOR BUT WITH AN AGENDA American corn farmers,
    Sugar cane farmers (Brazil, latin America, many
    African nations)
  • FOR BUT WITH AN AGENDA Commodity farmers
    growing high oil content crops (small farmers,
    especially in third world)
  • FOR BUT WITH AN AGENDA Industrial farmers But
    their entry into the market will push out small
  • Against Farmers growing animals for meat due to
    higher cost of feed crops

  • Shippers (truckers, rail, pipelines, ships)
  • will need to increase investment in developing
    new transportation infrastructure for raw
    materials and final product.
  • Oil producers generally against
  • Lower prices of oil, loss of markets, decreased
  • Unless they diversify into biofuels, they will
    be big losers.
  • Oil industry (refiners and petrochemical
  • Refiners will need to develop new technologies
    and infrastructure at high cost or lose market
  • Petrochemical industry, will see stabilization or
    decrease in price of raw materials (winners).

  • Environmentalists (schizophrenics)
  • For Biofuels if they will aid in stabilizing
    atmospheric carbon dioxide increases stabilized
    global warming,
  • For developing renewable energy sources that
    decrease agricultural footprint. (Here we have a
    possible conflict). Not maize.
  • Against they have concerns about loss of
    biodiversity and loss of natural habitat due to
    clearing of land for expanding agriculture.
  • Against if need to use GMOs

What are the biofuel options?
  • Starch conversion to ethanol (maize, wheat, rice,
    various tubers)
  • Sucrose conversion to ethanol (sugar cane)
  • Biodiesel plant ( algae) oils converted to
  • Ligno-cellulose conversion to ethanol

Do they all provide positive results?
  • Economically?
  • Ecologically?
  • morally?

Starch to ethanol
  • Advantages Maize (In USA)
  • Agricultural infrastructure in place.
  • Fermentation and distilling technology
  • Will lower oil imports
  • increase energy security
  • cause oil prices to decrease. (good / bad????)
  • Will increase income of farmers
  • Will stimulate economy
  • farm equipment transportation infrastructure.
  • decreased outflow of dollars to purchase oil.

Starch to ethanol (MAIZE)
  • Disadvantages Maize
  • large amounts of high quality land needed.
  • displaces traditional commodity crops (Soy bean,
  • Maize will be diverted from export markets
    raising prices on international market. (Japan,
    Mexico, Africa etc.)
  • Maize will be diverted from feed market
  • price of tortillas has doubled.
  • Increase in meat prices
  • indirect good effect other countries will
    increase gain production which should be good
    for local farmers

Starch to ethanol (MAIZE) Disadvantages Maize
  • Marginal lands will be returned to cultivation,
    decreasing biodiversity
  • Possible pressure to utilize virgin lands.
  • Not economically competitive Subsidies are
    needed to make economically feasible to compete
    with gasoline.
  • Engines must be modified costly but feasible
    fueling stations must be modified (feasible).

Ecological disadvantages of Maize as feedstock
  • Ethanol from maize gives very little carbon
  • Estimated greenhouse savings is only about 15 .
  • Requires large input of fertilizer produced from
    natural gas or coal
  • Nutrient runoff
  • Farmers are not employing crop rotation
    maize-soybean maize

Moral dilemma should USA use maize as feedstock?
  • Maize ethanol creates fuel security, promote
    economic prosperity but is ineffective in
    reducing greenhouse gases and may increase water
  • Maize ethanol increases farm income, reduces farm
    subsidies but causes temporary increase in food
  • Initially there will be increases in food costs
    but will allow third world farmers to make a
    living growing maize.

What is the right thing to do?
My analysis Maize ethanol use should be
  • Maize derived ethanol will serve as bridgehead
    for second generation lignocellulose derived
  • Infrastructure for use and distribution will be
    in place.
  • Agri-research will increase yields, decrease need
    for increased field development.

Sucrose to ethanol (sugar cane) A winner
  • Advantages
  • Economically competitive with petrol without
  • Leaves smaller ecological footprint less use of
    fertilizers grows in poorer soils.
  • Could be commodity crop for third world countries
  • Ethanol from sugar cane has high carbon
    sequestration index. Sugar cane ethanol gives a
    greenhouse gas savings of about 80
  • In Brazil and other tropical areas large tracks
    of land already available.

Sucrose to ethanol (sugar cane) A winner
  • Disadvantages sugar cane
  • increased in demand for sugar cane could lead to
    virgin lands (rain forest) being cleared to
    provide extra land for cultivation.
  • Depletes soils.
  • Will not be a feedstock in North America/Europe.

Conclusions recommendations
  • Conclusions
  • Sugarcane sucrose to ethanol conversion
    economically competitive
  • Greenhouse gas benefits excellent
  • Extensive use should moderate or cause decrease
    in price of oil.
  • Recommendations
  • Western world must lower import tariffs to allow
    it to compete with local sources which are not
    economically and ecologically competitive.
    (Globalization very very good. Local farmers in
    USA/ Europe will partially loose out ).

Biodiesel plant oils converted to diesel
  • Advantages
  • fossil energy ratio between 2 to 3. Greenhouse
    gas reduction 40 to 70 over conventional diesel
    per km.
  • In USA most popular oil plant is soybean
    nitrogen fixer needs little nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Rapeseed/ canola major oil plants in USA, Canada
    and Europe give three times as much oil per acre
    as soybean.
  • Offer significant rotational benefits with maize,
    improve soil quality and help reduce soil born
  • Processing and distribution infrastructure in
  • Soybean oil is/was cheap because it is a
    byproduct. Soybean meal is of higher market value.

  • Disadvantages
  • USA automobiles do not run on diesel. In Europe
  • Soybean produces 1/6 as much fuel per acre as
    corn ethanol.
  • Rapeseed/ Canola do not fix nitrogen
  • Yield about 1/2 as much fuel per acre as corn
  • Soybean oil will be more expensive if soybean
    meal is in surplus. For farmer total value is
  • Unless co-products can be manufactured it will
    not be economical to grow soybean/rape plants for
  • In USA maize is more profitable
  • In USA and Europe not enough excess farm land
    suitable and available for cultivation of
    soybean/rape and other northern oil seed crops.

  • Grow other oilseed crops (Examples oil palm
    ,coconut, Jatropa, Eutrophia, caster bean).
  • higher energy ratios
  • better yields per acre
  • good greenhouse gas reduction indices
  • Advantages
  • Many grow best in tropics, in poor soils
  • could be great commodity crops for third world

  • Land availability for cultivation.
  • Large investments in infrastructure may be needed
    in third world countries.

  • Soybean/rape niche European product
  • Good for greenhouse gas stabilization
  • Would provide energy security but at price
  • Not economic unless subsidized and protected

  • Europe and America must open markets to third
    world farmers and industries producing biodiesel
    from non-food plants
  • This will create ethical dilemma open markets
    will help achieve social justice and effectively
    stabilize greenhouse emissions but
  • Will reduce energy security of West
  • Will hurt local farmers

Ethical conclusion import biodiesel feedstock
from third world producers.
The ultimate fuel lignocellulose to ethanol.
  • Advantages
  • high yields per acre (dunam). The most abundant
    plant product on earth.
  • Estimated greenhouse gas reduction about 80
  • Very large yield of biomass per acre. (example
    eshel tamarisk tree. 10-12 tons/acre/year vrs
    corn 3.5 tons/ acre)
  • Different plant types for different soils,
    climates, can be developed and bred for higher
  • Can be grown on marginal land.
  • Generally need little fertilizer.

  • Disadvantages
  • Technology must be developed to economically
    convert cellulose into sugars and sugars to
  • Technology must be developed to modify feedstock
    so it is easier to convert.

Can it be done?
  • Governments must finance basic research and RD
    to achieve this goal.
  • Basic research phase 5 to 10 years
  • followed by a period to set up the necessary
    industrial infrastructure to produce cellulosic
  • Distribution network will already be in place
  • To bring this about will require concerted
    efforts by botanists, plant bioengineers,
    microbiologists, microbiobial bitechnologist, and
    finally engineers and industry together with
    government funding and private investors.

To do this we will need
  • Botanists
  • Plant bioengineers
  • Plant breeders
  • Farmers
  • Microbiologists
  • Microbial biotechnologists
  • Engineers
  • industry together with government funding and
    private investors

Conclusions and recommendations
  • Allow all technologies to develop.
  • Put heavy taxes on petroleum fuels
  • Do not protect local biofuel producers.
  • Allow third/developing world compete and produce.
  • This will only provide partial energy security
    (reduce dependence on oil etc) but maximum
    greenhouse gas stabilization.

  • Governments and private investors must to invest
    in the development of technologies for biomass
    conversion to sugars.
  • The private market and investment funds will
    further the development. We are talking about a
    trillion dollar market.

The place of Israel and Tel Aviv University in
this saga
  • Professors Weisel and Eshel (TAU) development of
    feedstock for biomass ethanol.
  • Professors Avni and Zilberstein (TAU) employ
    molecular engineering to improve feedstock
  • Professor Gafni and coworkers (Vocani Center)
    develop non-food crops for biodiesel.
  • Collaborative researches of Professor Rafi Lamed
    (TAU) and Professor Ed Bayer (WIS) development of
    biotechnology for enzymatic conversion of
    lignocellulose to sugars.

Biofuels are the fuel of the future!
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