Title: Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research
1Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research
2Why are ethical principles important? Some Famous
- The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
3(No Transcript)
4Formal apology to surviving participants in the
Tuskegee Study, President Bill Clinton, the
Whitehouse, 1997
5Willowbrook Hepatitis Study
6- The Willowbrook State School was an institution
for the retarded, as mentally challenged persons
were referred to at that time, on Staten Island,
New York. During the 1950s, Dr. Saul Krugman was
the director of research at Willowbrook. - He knew that many children there would develop
hepatitis because of overcrowding and other
unsanitary conditions. In fact, many members of
the staff developed hepatitis as well. Dr.
Krugman also knew that the virus responsible for
hepatitis did not have hosts outside human
beings. - He was persuaded that these conditions justified
research on the disease in humans. He initiated a
project at Willowbrook to study gamma globulin
injections to determine whether they would
protect the children from infection. The
injections did seem to have a strong protective
7- Dr. Krugman then admitted new residents of the
school to special quarters and fed them virus
samples he had collected from the other children.
- When protest arose regarding his exposure of
these children to hepatitis virus, Dr. Krugman
defended his work. If he had not infected the
children as part of research, they would have
developed hepatitis anyway because of their
school's communal housing. This research, he
said, was akin to an experiment in nature, and no
level of improved hygiene would have protected
the children. He noted, too, that he had been
given permission from parents to experiment on
their children. - It is true that children were enrolled with
parental consent. A letter explaining the
research was sent to parents whose children were
on a waiting list for admission to Willowbrook.
Immediate admission was the reward for parents
who signed the letter parents who did not
provide consent were not assured of immediate
admission. Also, the letter explained the
benefits of a new preventative for the Hepatitis
virus. The letter is reproduced below.
8Willowbrook Consent Form
- gt Willowbrook State Schoolgt Office of the
Directorgt Staten Island, New York gt gt November
15, 1958 gt gt Dear_______________ gt gt We are
studying the possibility of preventing epidemics
of hepatitis on a new principle. Virus is
introduced and gamma globulin given later to
some, so that either no attack or only a mild
attack of hepatitis is expected to follow. This
may give the children immunity against this
disease for life. We should like to give your
child this new form of prevention with the hope
that it will afford protection. gt gt Permission
form is enclosed for your consideration. If you
wish to have your child given the benefit of this
new preventative, will you so signify by signing
the form. gt gt Sincerely, gt gt H. H. Berman, MD
gt gt Director
9The Nuremburg Code
10Overarching Ethical Principles(Gillis Jackson,
- Principles of Ethical Research
- Respect for person
- Beneficence
- Justice
- Methods for protecting human participants
- Informed consent
- Institutional review Boards
11Some key considerations in ethical conduct during
the research process
- Comparing ethical principles of all research with
medial ethical principles Respect for person,
Beneficence, Justice revisited. - The relational aspect of qualitative research
Comparing professional codes of conduct with
ethical conduct in qualitative research a
comparison with the College of Registered Nurses
Professional Boundaries document (CRNNS, 2002)
12Key considerations (contd)
- Protection of participants through the informed
consent process favors formalized interaction
between researcher and participant. - Strength of qualitative research methods often
lies in the informality of the communication as
well as the iterative nature of the research
process. - How can we reconcile these two conflicting
dynamics? (Fritz, 2008)
13CNA Code of Ethics Comparing with Research Ethics
- 1. Safe, competent ethical care
- 2. Dignity
- 3. Confidentiality
- 4. Justice
- 5. Accountability
- 6. Quality Practice Environments
- Codes of Research Ethics
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
14College of Registered Nurses Boundaries Document
- Comparing relationship boundaries in
- 1. Professional Nursing Relationships
- 2 Personal Relationships
- 3. The Research Relationship
- (Please use handout CRRNS boundaries in
Professional Relationships document (2004)
15Applying Ethical Principles working through some
case examples
- 1) You want to study adolescent social
interaction during the sharing of a cafeteria
meal. - Who are the research participants?
- What are the risks?
- How will you minimize the risks?
- Who needs to provide informed consent?
- What are your main ethical concerns?
16- 2) You want to study the social interaction among
university students when they are preparing for
the BURMAC hockey game. - Who are the research participants?
- What are the risks?
- How will you minimize the risks?
- Who needs to provide informed consent?
- What are your main ethical concerns?
17- The obligation to inform people that they are
part of a research project is universal, no
matter what your methods. - Always be honest about who you are, what your
research is about, why you want to talk, and what
you will do with the information. - Depending on your methods, written informed
consent may not always be necessary and may, in
fact, negatively impact the quality of your
research. Always consult the REB for guidance and
work with them to come to mutually agreeable
solutions to protect the participants as well as
the integrity of your research process. (Fritz,
18The Informed Consent Process revisited
(Described in detail using Informed Consent
sample circulated in class An Institutional
Ethnography of Nurses Stress in PICU McGibbon,
- Study Title
- Researcher
- Funding Source
- Introduction
- Purpose of the Study
- Study Design
- Potential Harms
- Potential Benefits
- Withdrawal from Participation
- Costs and Reimbursements
- Confidentiality
- Research Rights
- Contact Persons
- Participant Consent
- Statement by person providing information on the
study - Statement by person obtaining consent