Title: MIC for the layman
1NEPHEST Overviewfor the OMG
Nov. 21, 2002 Joe Cross
2NEPHEST Program Structure
NEPHEST National Experimental Platform for
Hybrid and Embedded Systems
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin
UC Irvine
UC Berkeley
U Md
U Penn
Wash U _at_ STL
3NSF and DARPAGoals Constraints
4A Common Thread
- Computing is inherently mathematical
- Embedded systems connect computation to physics
- The real world is inherently physical
5How do we construct an embedded system?
- Hardware
- Well-established design methods and automation
- A century of experience
- Getting cheaper, faster, better
- Software
- No single, best approach
- Hand-woven, complex
- Physics is unknown
- Getting more expensive, slower, buggier
6Model-based Development (MBD) in Traditional
- Traditional engineering
- Create a MODEL of the system before you build
- Test and analyze the model
- Build the product!
7Model-based Development in Embedded Systems
- Build a model of the embedded system
hardware,software and its environment - Analyze the models
- Generate the software
8Requirements Differences in MBD
9Why MBD for Embedded Software is Hard
- We need embedded-domain-specific PIM-to-PSM
transformations client-server to Real-time
CORBA, message stream to Link 16 radio, . - Proprietary lock-in not acceptable plan for the
system to live 25 years - There are no standard vocabularies for qualities
of services latency, reliability, security,
fault tolerance, - There are no standard vocabularies for workloads
communications, computation (single thread), CPU
consumption (multiple threads), power
consumption, memory consumption, - Some code (e.g, Fourier transform) must be
hand-written. How much is some?
10Why the PIM/PSM Dichotomyin Embedded Systemsis
- The platform independent semantics of a system
may persist for 25 years. - The mean time between platform modifications may
be 1 or 2 years. (The frequency of modification
is exacerbated by use of commercial off the shelf
components.) - We the People pay dearly for software
modifications required to coordinate with
hardware modifications. - One PIM and many PSMs is the ideal abstraction.
- Serious money may be saved by automated
PIM-to-PSM transformation. Prime Vendor Support
contracts have our attention.
If you change the display, Ill have to re-code
80 of my application. -- a DoD contractor system
11Why the PIM/PSM Dichotomyin Embedded Systemsis
- Some properties of an embedded applications
platform are essential they cannot be usefully
abstracted away. - Hence a literally platform independent model
would not be useful.
Resolution Define platform asinessential
implementation details Words mean what I want
them to mean. -- H. Dumpty
space shuttle arm
- The uses of the PSM simulation verification
and system generation are largely best
performed within support tools - Hence there is small benefit in exposing the PSM
to humans.
model launch vehicle fairingwith vibration
sensors and dampers
12Model-based DevelopmentResearch Issues
- Modeling Languages
- Formal semantics
- Textual/Visual syntax
- Model Analysis
- How to check
- when timing is critical
- when correctness is critical
- Model transformations
- How to generategood code?
13An Example MBD Problem
- Given a PIM that specifies
- 1-to-many messaging
- 10 ms max latency
- A platform that provides
- CORBA Event Service and
- Sockets, and
- The PIM-to-CORBA-PSM transformation should
determine - Whether the latency requirement will be met
- Where to create required objects
- Event Service
- Proxies,
- When to create and destroy them
- How to configure the ORB