School Closure Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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School Closure Policy


Policy must be applied when closing a school permanently; ... the Board, presumably to enable it to craft a policy that will be responsive to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: School Closure Policy

School Closure Policy
  • Public Meeting
  • Dec. 12th, 2006

Jordan Tinney Dec. 12, 2006
Materials tonight
  • Thanks to Harris and Company for their materials.

From the Ministerial Order
  • Board must have a policy
  • Policy must be made available to the public
  • Policy must be applied when closing a school
  • Policy must include a public consultation
  • Power to close a school must be exercised through
    bylaw. (Bylaw under revision as a result of
    Committee of the Whole Structure)

Policy and legal decisions
  • The contents of that policy are left completely
    up to the Board, presumably to enable it to craft
    a policy that will be responsive to local
  • Civitarese et al v. The Board of School Trustees
    of School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia).

Policy and legal decisions
  • The 45 day time span was far from perfect but
    still fundamentally procedurally fair.
  • Mercer et al v. School District No. 61 (Greater
    Victoria School District)

Lessons learned from closures
  • The essential question to be addressed in each
    case is whether the consultation process as a
    whole was fair.
  • Essential question is whether parents have the
    opportunity to make timely submissions with
    respect to the school closure criteria.

Lessons learned from closures
  • To justify quashing a decision of a duly elected
    body, flaws in procedural fairness must be very
    significant, amounting to fundamental flaws such
    as not being afforded the opportunity to be heard
    or not being given most or even some of the
    relevant information.

Permanent School Closure Policy 3050
  • Guiding Beliefs
  • The Board will ensure that adequate public
    consultation has taken place prior to making a
    decision to permanently close a school. All
    persons in the community who could be affected by
    a school closure should be made aware of the
    Boards proposal to close a school and given an
    adequate opportunity to comment on the proposal.
  • For consultation to be meaningful, the Board will
    give fair consideration to all public input prior
    to making its final decision with respect to any
    school closures. Fair consideration includes the
    concept that the Boards proposal to close a
    school could be changed or reversed.

Permanent School Closure Board Regulations 3050R1
  • Timelines and Process
  • The Board will provide a minimum of 60 days for
    the consultation process, relating to specific
    schools proposed for closure.
  • Public Board Meeting
  • Any proposed closure of a school will first be
    raised at a regular open meeting of the Board.
  • Public consultation will be undertaken by the
    Board prior to making a final decision on any
    proposed closure of a school.

Permanent School Closure Board Regulations 3050R1
  • The Board will take the following steps to ensure
    that an open and meaningful public consultation
    has taken place
  • a) Make available, in writing, a full disclosure
    of all facts and information considered by the
    Board with respect to any proposed school
    closure, including but not limited to
  • detailed reasons for the proposed school closure
  • which specific school(s) are being considered for
  • the proposed new catchment areas for all schools
    proposed to be affected
  • the number of students who would be affected, at
    the school(s) being considered for closure as
    well as surrounding school(s)
  • the effect of proposed closures on board-provided
    student transportation
  • educational program/course implications for the
    affected students
  • the proposed effective date of the closure(s)
  • financial considerations, and
  • impact on the Boards five-year capital plan.

Permanent School Closure Board Regulations 3050R1
  • Provide an adequate opportunity for affected
    persons to submit a written response to any
    proposed school closure and information and
    directions on how to submit a written response to
    the Board. The information and directions should
    advise potential correspondents that their
    written response may be referred to at subsequent
    public forums respecting the proposed closure,
    unless the correspondent specifically states in
    their written response that the correspondent
    wishes his or her name and address to remain
  • Hold at least one public meeting to discuss the
    proposed closure, summarize written submissions,
    and listen to community concerns and proposed

The Public Meeting(s)
  • The time and place of the public meeting should
    be appropriately advertised to ensure adequate
    advance notification to affected persons in the
    community. Generally, this will mean a
    newsletter to students and parents of students
    currently attending the school, and a clearly
    visible notice in a local newspaper.
  • The Board should also specifically notify, in
    writing, any potentially affected local
    governments and First Nations of the time and
    place of the public meeting.

The Public Meeting(s)
  • Discussions should include the following
  • implications of the closure
  • implementation plans, including timing of the
  • options that the Board considered as alternatives
    to closure
  • possible future community growth in the area of
    the school, and
  • contents of written submissions presented to the
    Board by members of the community.

The Final Decision
  • The Board should keep minutes of the public
    meeting that include a record of options
    suggested or concerns expressed about the
  • Following the public meeting, the Board should
    give fair consideration to all public input prior
    to making its final decision with respect to any
    proposed school closures.
  • The Board will make its final decision regarding
    the proposed school closure at an advertised
    public/Board meeting following the consultation

Comments from Ombudsman
  • principles of administrative fairness and case
    law regarding public consultation provide that a
    fair public consultation process should include
    the provision of information about the decision
    being considered, reasonable and adequate time to
    make views known and to express opinions, and a
    real opportunity for persons affected to take
    reasonable steps to influence the decision.
  • Purcell v. Board of School Trustees (No. 82)

Comments from Ombudsman
  • We recognize that the policy
  • We note that the policy
  • Consider strategies to
  • Willing to modify policiesspecifically to
  • We wonder if modify policy xxx to include

Fair and due process
  • Often comes down to I spoke but I wasnt heard.
  • There was no real consultation.
  • It was all a done deal.

Principles of Consultation
  • Consultation means being provided a meaningful
    opportunity to be heard prior to a decision being
    made or implemented.
  • In order for consultation to be fair and
    meaningful, the ultimate decision must not be
    made until input is received from the consulted
    party. (Yellowknife)
  • Consultation should involve a bilateral
    interaction by parties informed of each others
    position where each has the opportunity to give
    and receive information. (Lakeland College)
  • In consultation there is a duty on the decision
    maker to fully inform the other side of its own
    position as well as to fully inform itself of the
    position of the other. (R. v. Jack, Lakeland
  • Sufficient information and the reasons for the
    contemplation of the decision should be provided
    to the party being consulted. The consulted
    party should then be permitted reasonable and
    adequate time to prepare and make submissions on
    the information.
  • Submissions should be received and considered
    with an open mind. (Purssell)

Principles of Consultation
  • Consultation is an opportunity to have a say and
    an expectation of a response. Parties must
    confer or take regard and consider each others
  • (Ottawa City)
  • An opportunity must be provided for both sides to
    be heard and to state the factors they feel
    should guide the decision. (Lakeland College)
  • In consultation, both parties have an active role
    to discuss, express opinions, and make their
    views known to each other.
  • The party with the obligation to consult should
    remain open to suggestions and input before a
    final decision is made. (Ottawa City, CBC)
  • The right to be consulted is not the right to
    veto power.
  • (Ottawa City, CBC, R.v. Jack and R.v. Sampson)
  • Consultation does not require the parties to
  • (Haida, R.v. Jack, R.v. Sampson)

Courtesy of Harris Co.
Your suggestions
  • Feedback sheet for you.
  • What things do you like about our policy?
  • What things would you like to see changed in our
  • Any other comment?
  • Adding comments here
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