Title: Revealing Treacherous Points for Successful LightFront Phenomenological Applications
1Revealing Treacherous Points for Successful
Light-Front Phenomenological Applications
- LC2005, Cairns, July 14, 2005
- LFD Applications to Hadron Phenomenology
- -GPD,SSA,(JLAB,Hermes,)
- -B Physics (Babar,Belle,BTeV,LHCB,)
- Significance of Zero-Mode Contributions
- -Even in J (G00 in Vector Anomaly)
- -Angular Condition(Spin-1 Form Factors,)
- -Equivalence to Manifestly Covariant
How do we find where they are?
- Common Belief of Equivalence
- - Exactly Solvable Model
- - Heuristic Regularization Arc Contribution
- Vector Anomaly in W Form Factors
- - Brief History
- - Manifestly Covariant Calculation
- Pinning Down Which Form Factors
- - Dependence on Formulations
- Direct Power-Counting Method
- Conclusions
4Common Belief of Equivalence
5Exactly Solvable Model of Bound-States
6Electromagnetic Form Factor
7Equivalent Result in LFD
Valence Nonvalence
8Heuristic Regularizationto recover the
9Arc Contribution in LF-Energy Contour
10Form Factor Results
11Standard Model
- Utility of Light-Front Dynamics (LFD)
- Bottom-Up Fitness Test of Model Theories
- B.Bakker and C.Ji, PRD71,053005(2005)
12CP-Even Electromagnetic Form Factors of W? Gauge
At tree level, for any q2,
13One-loop Contributions in S.M.
W.A.Bardeen,R.Gastmans and B.Lautrup,
NPB46,319(1972) G.Couture and J.N.Ng,
Z.Phys.C35,65(1987) E.N.Argyres et
al.,NPB391,23(1993) J.Papavassiliou and
14One-loop Contributions in S.M.
W.A.Bardeen,R.Gastmans and B.Lautrup,
NPB46,319(1972) G.Couture and J.N.Ng,
Z.Phys.C35,65(1987) E.N.Argyres et
al.,NPB391,23(1993) J.Papavassiliou and
15One-loop Contributions in S.M.
W.A.Bardeen,R.Gastmans and B.Lautrup,
NPB46,319(1972) G.Couture and J.N.Ng,
Z.Phys.C35,65(1987) E.N.Argyres et
al.,NPB391,23(1993) J.Papavassiliou and
16One-loop Contributions in S.M.
W.A.Bardeen,R.Gastmans and B.Lautrup,
NPB46,319(1972) G.Couture and J.N.Ng,
Z.Phys.C35,65(1987) E.N.Argyres et
al.,NPB391,23(1993) J.Papavassiliou and
17Vector Anomaly in Fermion Triangle Loop
Sidewise channel
Direct channel
L.DeRaad, K.Milton and W.Tsai, PRD9, 2847(1974)
PRD12, 3972(1975)
18Vector Anomaly Revisited
Smearing of charge (SMR)
Dimensional Regularization (DR4,DR2)
Pauli-Villars Regulation (PV1, PV2)
B.Bakker and C.Ji, PRD71,053005(2005)
19Manifestly Covariant Calculation
20Manifestly Covariant Results
21LFD Results
22LFD Results
23LFD Results
24LFD Results for Other Regularizations
25Pinning Down Which Form Factors
- Jauss ?-dependent formulation yields
- zero-mode contributions both in G00 and G01.
- W.Jaus, PRD60,054026(1999)PRD67,094010(2003)
- However, we find only G00 gets zm-contribution.
- B.Bakker,H.Choi and C.Ji,PRD67,113007(2003)
- H.Choi and C.Ji,PRD70, 053015(2004)
- Also,discrepancy exists in weak transition form
factor A1(q2)f(q2)/(MPMV). - Power Counting Method
- H.Choi and C.Ji, PRD, in press.
26Electroweak Transition Form Factors
28Power Counting Method
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- The common belief of equivalence between
manifestly covariant and LF Hamiltonian
formulations is quite treacherous unless the
amplitude is absolutely convergent. - The equivalence can be restored by using
regularizations with a cutoff parameter L, even
for the point interactions taking - ?????L?? limit.
- The vector anomaly in the fermion-triangle-loop
is real and shows non-zero zero-mode contribution
to helicity zero-to zero amplitude for the good
current. - In LFD, the helicity dependence of vector anomaly
is also seen as a violation of Lorentz symmetry. - For the good phenomenology, it is significant to
pin down which physical observables receive
non-zero zero-mode contribution. - Power counting method provides a good way to pin
down this.