Lecture 1 The sociological imagination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 1 The sociological imagination


'Introducing the subject matter, theories and research methods of sociology, by ... Maybe for non-household member costume for a play? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 1 The sociological imagination

Lecture 1The sociological imagination
  • (and the things that stunt it)

Outline of the course
  • Introducing the subject matter, theories and
    research methods of sociology, by exploring
    concepts of social position (eg social class,
    human capital or capabilities) and their
    relationship to social structure.
  • An historical approach to social theory
    theorists from the 18th to the 21st century.
  • Practical examples using social survey evidence,
    particularly the British Household Panel Study

Outline of todays lecture
  • Introducing sociology C.Wright Mills text The
    Sociological Imagination (1959).
  • Exploring key conceptual contrasts
  • theory vs empirical approaches
  • macro- vs micro-sociology
  • quantitative vs qualitative sociology
  • cross-sectional vs longitudinal survey data.
  • A sociological approach to a practical problem
    the gender wage gap.

Private troubles and public issues
  • No such thing as society (Mrs Thatcher) hence
    blame the victim
  • Individual conditions embedded in social
  • The core sociological enterprise understanding
    individuals predicaments within the appropriate
    social setting
  • Mills (1959) ungrounded theory vs abstracted

Grand Theory and Abstracted Empiricism
  • Portentous theory without systematic evidence vs
    evidence without theory.
  • Mills two poles of bad sociology, since they
  • seize upon one juncture in the process of work,
    and allow it to dominate the mind. Both are
    withdrawals from the tasks of the social
  • Mills 1959 p 51

Mills take on Grand Theory
  • Distrust it!
  • Try to restate it simply in the form of testable
  • Then test it!

Eg quote from Talcot Parsons
  • Attachment to common values means,
    motivationally considered, that the actors have
    common sentiments in support of the common
    value patterns, which may be defined as meaning
    that conformity with the relevant expectations is
    treated as a good thing relatively
    independently of any specific instrumental
    advantage to be gained from such conformity, eg
    in the avoidance of negative sanctions..
  • Mills 1959 p30, quoting Parsons The Social

Mills translation
  • When people share the same values, they tend to
    behave in accordance with the way they expect
    each other to behave.
  • In Mills view this is not very impressive.
    (Is it testable?)

Mills on Abstracted Empiricism
  • technical and quantitative, atheoretical,
    segmentalised, and particularised, specialised,
    and institutionalised.in short.Americanised.
  • a pronounced tendency to confuse whatever it is
    to be studied, with the set of methods suggested
    for its study.
  • Mills 1959 p. 51
  • Mills blames Lazarsfeld!

Eg Pahl on work and leisure
  • There is a distinction between work and play but
    it is not based on the intrinsic nature of the
    task. Consider an image of a woman ironing. Is
    she at work or is she at play?
  • Pahl 1986 pp 744749.

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Ray Pahl on work and leisure
  • There is a distinction between work and play but
    it is not based on the intrinsic nature of the
    task. Consider an image of a woman ironing. Is
    she at work or is she at play?
  • Pahl 1986 pp 744749.
  • Is she a waged worker full or part time?
    piece-work? in the registered or the
    unregistered economy?
  • Perhaps shes self-employed, petty-commodity
    production worker.
  • Maybe ironing for some other member of her
    household, a husband (loved or hated), her
    mother-in-law, her child
  • Maybe for herself is it a work garment?
  • Maybe for non-household member costume for a
  • The activity is only given meaning by its social

Survey methods
  • Sampling to represent populations
  • allow authoritative statements about the nature
    of social reality
  • and associations among variables allow
    inferences about social processes.
  • BUT whats measured is a social artifact
  • ... its meaning depending on context.

Qualitative methods
  • Alternative to sample surveys, some use
    sociographic methods
  • in depth, detailed investigation of social
    phenomena, revealing meaning and context of
    actions ask what shes doing at the ironing
  • BUT issue of representativeness how to use
    evidence of this sort to make authoritative
    statements about society as a whole?

Lazarsfeld on mixed methods!
  • On the Marienthal Study
  • Our idea was to find procedures which would
    combine the use of numerical data with immersion
    into the situation. (1933) The combination of
    quantification and interpretive analysis of
    qualitative material is today at the forefront of
    the research fraternitys interests. (1971)
  • Lazarsfeld (original 1933, English edition 1971,
    pp xi-xii)

Example explaining the gender wage gap
  • Survey evidence (New Earnings Survey, Annual
    Survey of Earnings and Hours)
  • National random samples ? representative
  • Repeated cross-sectional surveys
  • Shows change over time at the national level
  • Womens wages lag 20 behind mens despite equal
    opportunities legislation. (Social Trends 2006 p.

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Longitudinal data The BHPS
  • In this course, use examples from the British
    Household Panel Study (BHPS).
  • 5000 randomly sampled GB households, all members
    interviewed repeatedly each year
  • Old people die, descendents of original sample
    join aged 11, stays representative.
  • Asked each year about work, family, well-being,
    health, beliefs etc.

Social trends longitudinal evidence
Alternative household work strategies
Alternative household work strategies
  • Looking at the household work strategy suggests
    that the division of domestic labour in British
    households may explain part of the gender wage
  • what do we, as sociologists, do next, to
    confirm or disconfirm this hypothesis?
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