Title: The National Vacant Properties Campaign
1The National VacantProperties CampaignJennifer
LeonardSmart Growth America
Ohio Vacant Properties Forum October 24, 2005
2What Are Vacant Properties?
3The Cost of Vacant Properties
More than 12,000 fires break out in vacant
structures each year in the United States,
resulting in 73 million in property damage.
4The Cost of Vacant Properties
A study in Philadelphia found that houses within
150 feet of a vacant or abandoned property
experienced a net loss of 7,627 in value.
5The Cost of Vacant Properties
Any community with a large number of vacant
properties faces more serious water, air, and
land contamination challenges than one that
6National Vacant Properties Campaign
- Launched in 2003
- Smart Growth America, LISC, ICMA, and the
Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech - C.S. Mott Foundation, the Fannie Mae Foundation,
the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for
the Arts, the Surdna Foundation, and the U.S. EPA - Collect and share best practices and bring
together diverse groups
7Benefits of Revitalization
Reconnected neighborhoods
Housing choices
Reduce crime
Increase tax base
8Campaign Goals
- Develop a national network of practitioners and
experts - Provide information about innovations and
research - Communicate the case for reclamation
- Build capacity through technical assistance
9Campaign Activities Resources
- Prepare disseminate information
- Policy practice forums
- Conduct Technical Assistance
10Technical Assistance in Ohio
- Assessments in Cleveland and Dayton/Miami Valley
- The task
- Evaluate existing initiatives and systems
- ID barriers
- Provide menu of options
- Produce assessment report and recommendations
- Brief stakeholders
11Process in Ohio
- Meetings
- Tours
- Report a blueprint
- Outlines critical steps toprevent, reclaim,and
reuse vacant properties
12Recommendations for Ohio
- Develop reliable information system
- Increase public awareness
- Coordinate statewide coalition for law reform
- Build comprehensive action plan
13Outcomes in Ohio
- Generate momentum
- Cleveland
- Vacant Property Coordinating Council
- Dayton
- landbanking and information systems
14Future NVPC Activities
- Technical Assistance
- Expanded web portal and listserv
- Upcoming reports
- Community-based code enforcement
- Information tracking
- Museum exhibit
- 2007 national conference
15Contact us
- Jennifer Leonard (202) 207-3355 x23
- jleonard_at_smartgrowthamerica.org
- www.vacantproperties.org
- www.smartgrowthamerica.org
- www.lisc.org
- www.mi.vt.edu