Title: Come Serve With Us
1Come Serve With Us Available Positions
Opportunities For Success!
Be A Part Of The Winning Team!
Step Up To The Challenge.
2Engineering Dept
For more information contact the Command Career
Counselor at the following email
3Supply/Admin/Med Dept
For more information contact the Command Career
Counselor at the following email
4Combat Systems Dept
For more information contact the Command Career
Counselor at the following email
5Operations Dept
For more information contact the Command Career
Counselor at the following email
6Key NECs
- Team CARR is in particular need of the following
Naval Enlisted Classifications (NEC)
7Key NECs (cont.)
- Team CARR is in particular need of the following
Naval Enlisted Classifications (NEC)
8Additional Skill Sets
- Team CARR is looking for those with the following
skill sets / experience - VBSS Team Members
- SAR Swimmer Experience
- Spanish Speakers
- ATFP Training Experience
- LAN Management or Computer Network Defense
- Financial Management
9View Billets On CMSID
If you do not see the billets were looking to
fill, contact your detailer!
All Sailors who connect to Career Management
System/Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) through the
Internet will have the option to submit their own
job applications directly to Detailers. In the
past, active duty Sailors had to rely on Command
Career Counselors (CCCs) to submit applications
for them. Web CMS-ID is designed and used by
Sailors, Command Career Counselors, Command, FTS,
and Reserve Personnel. The Web-based system
allows Sailors to view available jobs and make
applications through their Command Career
Counselor. Sailors can view CMS-ID through a
secure website located at HTTPS//WWW.CMSID.NAVY.M
For CAC binding resets, disabled accounts or
other inquiries, contact the CMS-ID Helpdesk by
email or phone 1 800 537-4617 or the CMS-ID
Support Staff CMSID_inbox_at_navy.mil by email or
phone (901) 874-4140, DSN 882-4140.