Title: CSCI 6962 Lecture 2
1CSCI 6962 -- Lecture 2
- You receive 2 if a fair coin toss yields heads
and lose 1 otherwise - You have a fortune of 10 million. You receive
20M if heads and lose 10M otherwise. - You want to go out and drink beer tonight. You
have 30 which buys you a good deal of beer. You
receive 30 extra if heads and lose 30
otherwise. - There is a concert you are desperate to see. The
tickets are 50 but you have only 30. You
receive 20 if heads and lose 30 otherwise.
- Is a measure of value and assigns prospects P to
numbers u(P) - What are desired properties of a utility function?
4Utility Property 1
- u(P1) gt u(P2) if and only if the individual
prefers P1 to P2
5Utility Property 2
- If P is the prospect where with probability p,
the individual faces P1 and with probability
(1-p) the individual faces P2, then - u(P) p u(P1) (1-p) u(P2)
What can you say about the example where you had
10 Million?
6Von Neumann and Morgenstern Theorem
- If
- A person is able to express preferences between
every possible pair of gambles, where the gambles
are taken over some basic set of alternatives - Then,
- One can introduce utility associations to the
basic alternatives, such that if the person is
guided solely by the utility expected value, he
is acting according to his true taste. - ... provided only that there is an element of
consistency in his tastes.
7Formalizing the statement of the theorem
- The element of consistency is formalized by a
list of assumptions.
8Assumption 1
- The individual, faced with P1 and P2, can decide
if prefers P1 or P2 or if he is indifferent.
9Assumption 2
- If
- P1 is regarded at least as well as P2 and
- P2 is regarded at least as well as P3,
- Then,
- P1 is regarded at least as well as P3
10Assumption 3
- If P1 is preferred to P2 which is preferred to
P3, then - there is a mixture of P1 and P3 which is
preferred to P2 and - there is a mixture of P1 and P3 over which P2 is
(For those who believe in hell) Say, P1 is
living a happy life, P2 is living a miserable
life and P3 is going to hellhow would you
interpret this assumption?
11Assumption 4
- Suppose the individual prefers P1 to P2 and let
P3 be another prospect. Then the individual will
prefer - a mixture of P1 to P3 to the same mixture of P2
to P3.
12Back to the theorem
- Under these four assumptions, it was shown that
there is a utility function that is consistent
with the individuals tastes.
13An application of utility St. Peters paradox
- Lets play the following game.
- Toss a fair coin until you receive heads.
- Let n be the number of coin tosses, you earn X
2n. - What is EX? In other words, how much would you
be willing to pay for the privilidge of playing
this game.
In other words, the expectation is infinite, so
you should be willing to bet any finite amount of
money to play this game. What are the issues
with this argument?
15Probability Review
- On your own, please make sure that you are
comfortable with - Mean, variance, standard deviation
- Expectation
- Tail inequalities (deviation from the mean)
- Markov, Chebyshev and Chernoff bounds
- These tools provide means for reasoning about
uncertainty due to randomness. - Lets go back to uncertainty due to ignorance.
16Uncertainty due to ignorance about the state of
- Lets start with the 2D case, i.e. there are two
possible states of Nature
- States of nature
- ?1 today will be sunny (not rainy)
- ?2 today will be rainy
- Actions
- a1 wear fair-weather outfit
- a2 wear a raincoat
- a3 wear a raincoat boots, hat, umbrella
18Loss of Utility table
19Observations weather indicator
20Strategy observations to actions
- s1 (a1, a1,a1)
- s2 (a1, a1,a2)
- s3 (a1, a1,a3)
- s4 (a1, a2,a1)
- s5 (a1, a2,a2)
- s6 (a1, a2,a2)
21Expected loss of utility L(?,s)
- s5 (a1, a2,a2)
- L(?1, s5) 0.600.2510.151 0.40
- L(?2, s5) 0.250.330.53 3.40
22Admissable, inadmissable (dominated)strategies?
Is this the set of all strategies?
23Randomized strategies. This set is always
convex. Why?
24Utilizing prior information about Nature
- Let w be the probability that the true state is
?1. - The strategy s that minimizes the costw L(?1,
s) (1-w) L(?2, s) - is called the Bayes strategy
25A geometric interpretation
- For notation simplicity, letx L(?1, s) and y
L(?2, s) - Let w be the probability that the true state is
?1. - Consider the functionf(x,y) wx (1-w)y
- Note the implicit dependence on s
- For f(x,y) constant, we obtain a ?
- What we are looking for is a strategy s, that
minimizes f(x,y)
26w 1/3
A supporting line for our convex set at s18 (a2
a3 a3)
1/3x 2/3y 1
27Supporting lines
- A line is said to be a supporting line for a set
S at the boundary point u if - The line passes through u
- Interior of S completely lies on one side of the
28A property of convex sets
- For any given boundary point u of a convex set S,
there is a supporting line of S at u. - We will prove this theorem later
29A second property
- If two planar convex sets U and V are disjoint, a
line can be drawn such that U is on one side and
V is on the other side of the line.
- Every admissible strategy is an optimal strategy
for some prior w.
31How about the converse?
- That is, if (1-w) and w are positive priors, are
the corresponding Bayes strategies admissible? - What if w 1?
32Minimax Strategies
Max(x,y) 30/14
max(x,y) 1
- Note that the minimax strategy is
randomized/mixed - Further, it is a boundary point. Hence it is the
bayesian strategy for some prior w.