Title: Global Software Teams
1Global Software Teams
- Crossing Boarders
- The spread of development activities to newly
industrialized, emerging, and developing nations
e.g. India - The transition of software development away from
the traditional centralized, co-located form of
development to a form in which global software
terms collaborate across national boundaries,
working on the same software project or product
or system. - A global Software Team - is separated by a
national boundary while actively collaborating on
a common software/system project
2Why Global Software Teams?
- Catalyst Factors
- Sustaining factors
- Size Factors
- Vision Factors
3Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst factors
- Specialized Talents
- Deployment of specialized talents anywhere in the
world - 845,000 current vacancies Source ITAA 2000
study - Demand for 1.6 million technology jobs in 2000
- Only fill 800,000 Source ITAA 2000 study
- 10 of IT jobs are currently unfilled (878 CIOs)
- Source Computer Technology Industry Association
- 4.5 billion in lost employee productivity
- Source Computer Technology Industry Association
- Entire economic output reduced by 105.5 Billion
Source Computer Technology Industry
4Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst factors
- Acquisitions
- Expanding product families through acquisitions
- In 1997, of the software 500 companies 27
acquire a company, or a product line or merged
with another company. A 30 increase over the
previous year. - Like in other business the road to survival is
growth - Global mega-mergers in (pharmaceuticals,
chemicals, aerospace, telecom, and automobiles) - Example Baan (US, Canada, Spain, Britain, etc)
- As a result of this global acquisition, software
teams thousands of miles apart are suddenly
forced to collaborate and coordinate, sometimes
rather reluctantly.
5Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst Factors
- Reduction in Development Cost
- Software companies in high-wage nations are
seeking low-cost programming cost - Just like many types of manufacturing shifted
from high-wage countries, such as Japan and US,
to low-wage countries like China and Mexico. - India, Philippines, Russia, China and the Baltic
countries - Due to the hot market, software professionals in
advanced industrial countries are drawn to the
more interesting and glamorous jobs, while
developers in emerging countries are willing to
do the less exciting tasks such as maintenance,
porting, testing, and Y2K re-engineering
6Why Global Software Teams
- Software Developer Salaries (U.S. per month)
- India 490
- Philippines 547
- China 746
- Malaysia 864
- Thailand 927
- Taiwan 2,058
- Singapore 2,792
- Hong Kong 3,774
- Japan 4,708
- U.S. 5,250
- Data from Watson Wyatt, worlds biggest pay and
benefits consulting company
7Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst Factors
- Global Presence
- Strategically, software companies need to
position their organization as global firm that
is, to signal to the world, we are a global
player. - Global business
- Global consumers
- Coca-cola and McDonald Syndrome.
- This usually done via bona fide product
development centers in various significant
countries, - Result software development are driven outside
the national boundary or home country.
8Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst Factors
- Reduction in time-to-market
- Given time zone differences the ideal dispersed
project can be productive around-the-clock. - Following the sun or Round-the-clock development
has the potential to collapse time-to-market for
projects completion. - But not always a primary factor for globalization
- Proximity to the customer
- Staying close to the customer,very important for
requirement gathering and design
9Why Global Software Teams
- Catalyst Factors
- Proximity to the customer
- The maxim of the best corporations, the best
salesperson, and the best designers is to stay
close to the customer. - Hence software companies need to set up sites
near their customers wherever they may be. - Staying close to the customer,very important for
requirement gathering and design where rich
communication and relationships are needed
between customers and developers. - Also proximity to hotbeds of new high-tech
activity and innovation, such as silicon Valley.
10Why Global Software Teams
- Sustaining Factors
- Development Rigor
- Co-located software development teams rely on
informal mechanisms and less on the discipline of
formalized development methodologies and quality
practices. - In contrast, distance promotes formalisms.
- One of the reasons why many India based software
companies have obtained level CMM and the ISO
11Why Global Software Teams
- Sustaining Factors
- Internal Freshness
- Diversity brings new creativity and inspirational
to software development. - Distance from Distractions
- Distance units are far from the numerous
distractions of headquarters. - Santas little helpers
- Sometimes results in high level of loyalty
12Why Global Software Teams
- Sustaining Factors
- Professional Cadre of software globalizes
- The raise of global management
- Experience
- Experience and specialized knowledge that are
built up within the distance sites - With time remote location may posses specialized
skills and knowledge not available at
headquarters - Naturally the parent want to keep the knowledge
and continue to gaining the return on their
initial investments in training and developing
the sites
13Why Global Software Teams
- Size Factors
- Scale
- At some point co-located software development
centers become too large and difficult to manage
examples include - SAP US, Japan
- Microsoft Britain, India, and Israel
- Evolving Synergies of Scale
- Scale bring about opportunity for global
collaboration that are unanticipated. - Complementary products between disperse teams,
14Why Global Software Teams
- Vision Factors
- The software industry is both shaping and being
shaped by dominant vision of our future society. - Technological visions
- Organizational visions
15Why Global Software Teams
- Visions
- Technological Vision (Location Transparency)
- Location transparency is the capability to work
with another colleague or group as if you were
all in the same room. Either you a one floor, one
building or one continent apart. - Collaborative technologies make this possible
- Internet, video- and audio conferencing, etc.
- The advances in telecommunications has made this
16Why Global Software Teams
- Vision
- Virtual organization and Virtual team
- Virtual organizations is a form of networked
organization. - Created by distributing work and contracting out
work that was once done inside the the
organization to form a network of independent
companies operating together as if it were a
single organization. - They are geographically dispersed and more
flexible in nature. - Virtual organizations are glued together by a
network of computer systems - They form alliance and joint ventures
17Virtual Organization Structure
18Why Global Software Teams
- Traditional Teams
- Co-located members
- Face-to-face interaction
- Members from same organization
- Hierarchical
- Mostly informal communication
- Position authority
- Information on paper
- Sharing completed work
- Knowledge hoarding
- Transparent process
- Culture learned through osmosis
- Virtual Teams
- Distributed members
- Electronic communication
- Members from different organization
- Networked
- Continuous structured communication
- Process and knowledge authority
- Information electronic
- Continuous sharing of incomplete work
- Knowledge sharing
- Computer-visible process
- Culture learned through electronic-based
communication and artifacts
Characteristic of Teams Yesterday and Today
19Global Software Teams
- What is the future of global software Teams?
20Global Software Teams
- Future of Globally Dispersed Software Teams
- Global spending on all facets of IT is estimated
at several trillion dollars? - Global package software industry generates 100
billion and grew between 250-500 in the decade
of 1985-1995 - In house development IT application development
projects in the US was estimated at 175,000 - Industrialized countries will not continue to
open the door to massive immigration so the
excess IT labor force will most likely stay
where it is currently located - The labor pools will continue to seek good pay
and fulfilling jobs that comes from abroad via
global software teams - Near-shore development sites
21Global Software Teams
- Future
- Attractive location
- Government incentives
- To reduce brain-drain thereby support the
development of telecom infrastructures - Tax benefits to high-technological companies
- The future nature of software application
- Components based
- Terrorists impact