Title: Clinton Co. BBQ A Grilling Community Service Project
1Clinton Co. BBQ A Grilling Community Service
Jesse Burchett, welding instructor at the
Clinton Co. ATC jumped into action when his
principal, Farris Pierce, agreed to do a
community service project. Burchett, along with
instructors and students from the automotive
technology, carpentry, and electrical technology
programs built an elaborate barbeque system for
community use. Under the watchful eye of
Burchett, the welding students used scrap metal
to completely renovate an old trailer and trailer
hitch. He had his students build the entire
grill frame which includes the fire boxes, lids
and mounts. Under the direction of
instructor Dennis Flowers, axles were removed
from the frame and sent to the automotive
technology shop for students to disassemble and
reassemble as brand new. Mr. Danny Jones, the
carpentry instructor, had his students build a
storage cabinet and table top. These extra
convenience items are located at the rear of the
grill. Electrical technology instructor
Phillip Groce had his students provide the
finishing touches by installing and connecting a
wiring harness for the trailer lights located on
the back of the trailer. This was a joint
project that provided a valuable learning
experience for our students one that people in
Clinton Co. will be able to see because it will
be in use county- wide, says Burchett.
Students in each of the program areas stepped up
to the plate by working together as a team and we
are proud of their collective effort. Mr.
Burchett relayed that a plaque, dedicated to
Joshua Smith, was installed on the grill. He was
one of the students who worked very hard on this
project prior to being killed in a car accident.
We have solemnly remembered him with this
dedication, says Burchett. Editors Note
Just this past weekend, my family and I were in
Lowes. We saw a grill (less sophisticated than
the KY Tech grill) at a cost of 2,450. Get
TechnicalIt Pays!
Clinton Co. faculty and students proudly display
their elaborate grill.
Good News Flash 5 January 14, 2003