Title: Used Laboratory Equipment
1Used Laboratory Equipment
2One of the biggest expenses associated with
starting a healthcare practice or hospital is to
purchase lab equipment.
3Different types of equipment are needed for
various applications in a laboratory.Buying
Used Laboratory Equipment for your laboratory
needs helps reduce cost.
4Certified Genetool offers Used Laboratory
Equipment at a price that is much lower than new,
so a buyer gets a really good deal.
5For details, contact us todayADDRESSCertified
GeneTool, Inc.- Headquarters 7074 Commerce
Circle, Suite A Pleasanton, CA 94588 Tel (925)
737-0800 Fax (925) 737-0900 Email
info_at_cgenetool.comCertified Genetool, Inc.-
Boston Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (301) 814-4216
6Dont forget to visit https//cgenetool.com/prod
7Thank You