Title: Used Laboratory Equipment Repair Service
1Used Laboratory Equipment Repair Service
2Lab equipment that functions efficiently enhances
the efficiency of laboratory procedures. Routine
use in busy labs may result in operational
3Timely repair and maintenance of Lab equipments
are necessary to keep both new and re-certified
devices running smoothly and ensure their
durability.Certified Genetool provides Used
Laboratory Equipment Repair Service.
4Laboratory equipment repair services can solve
issues related to the mechanical, electronic,
pneumatic, and hydraulic components.
5For details, contact us todayADDRESSCertified
GeneTool, Inc.- Headquarters 7074 Commerce
Circle, Suite AÂ Pleasanton, CA 94588Â Tel (925)
737-0800Â Fax (925) 737-0900Â Email
info_at_cgenetool.comCertified Genetool, Inc.-
Boston Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (301) 814-4216
6Dont forget to visithttps//cgenetool.com/
7Thank You