Title: Bronner Bros International Beauty Show
1 Bronner Bros International Beauty Show
2Bronner Bros International Beauty Show
- "The Nation's Largest Best Multi-Cultural
Beauty Show"Bronner Bros International Beauty
Show is a professional beauty industry event and
is the largest multicultural/multi-textural
tradeshow in the United States. It includes over
100 professional education classes, innovative
workshops sessions, exciting evening
entertainment, an inspirational worship service,
creative competitions and much more.
3Exhibitors Profile
The exhibitors in the event Bronner Bros
International Hair Show are owners of various
hair companies and salons and they are going to
showcase products related with hair treatment,
beauty and salon products, hair colors, hair
food, castor oil, carrot oil, shampoo, spray,
serums, hair and skin care products and more.
There are going to be more than 300 exhibitors
participating in this event.
4Contact Us
- Get More leads for your business by contacting
us for, - Bronner Bros International Beauty Show
- Global B2B Contacts LLC
- 9030
Charlotte Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64131 -
USA - info_at_globalb2bcontacts.co
m - http//www.globalb2bconta
cts.com -
1-816-286-4114 -