Title: Kimberly Tien - Beauty Influencer
1Kimberly Tien
2Beauty Products Promoter
Kimberly Tien is keen on using and promoting
cruelty-free beauty products. She also like to
educate others on healthy, cruelty-free
alternatives to traditional beauty products that
can help them to improve the condition of their
hair skin.
3Cruelty-Free Cosmetics
Kimberly Tien is an Asian-American businesswoman
and entrepreneur who has recently decided to make
the most of her qualifications in business to
partner with an all-natural cosmetics
Cruelty-Free Cosmetics company.
4International Business
Kimberly Tien graduated from the University of
Michigan cum laude with a bachelor's degree in
International Business. Later on in her life, she
returned to university and gained a Master's in
5International Travel
Kimberly Tien loves international travel and has
an extensive bucket list of places that she wants
to visit. Her favorite places that she has
visited are Japan, Dubai, and Italy.
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