Title: Selecting a Ceiling Fan- An Overview
1Top Tips for Selecting a Ceiling Fan
- Selecting The Proper Location For a Fan
- Selecting a Fan That Maintains Adequate Safe
Clear Height - Selecting The Proper Fan Blade Count and Span
Width - Deciding On Remote Control Capability
- Deciding On Lighting Separate Switching For
Lighting and Fan Controls
2Fan Location
- Determining a safe location for your fan is the
first step. You should not install a ceiling fan
in a ceiling that is less than 8 feet tall as the
fan blades should be mounted no lower than 7 feet
3Maximum Height of Ceiling Fan Fixture Itself
- Measure the height of your ceiling and subtract
6'-6" from it. That will give you an approximate
maximum height the total ceiling fan assembly can
be measured from the top to the bottom of the fan
or the lamp (if the fan has a light).
4Fan Blade Count and Span Width
- Whether your fan has 4 blades or five is a matter
of aesthetics and economy. A 4 blade fan is
easier to turn and requires a smaller motor than
a 5 blade fan and is therefore usually less
expensive. Fan blade span is tied to the CFM of
air moved by the fan and required CFM is related
to the size of the room.
5Remote Control
- Remote control of the fan speed and lighting is a
popular option and is very common on quality
ceiling fans. Like your garage door opener, a
transmitter is held in your hand or mounted to a
wall and the radio receiver is installed in the
ceiling fan motor assembly.
6Lighting and Controls
- Lighting is another popular option and there are
many styles and types of lighting available
including incandescent, fluorescent and LED
lighting options. The ceiling fan can be wired so
the light and fan are individually controlled
from the wall switch or they can operate in
7Thank You...
- Website https//www.henleyfan.com/