Title: Organic Certified Alcohol
1Organic Certified Alcohol
- Our organic alcohol is packaged in plastic-lined
200 liter HDPE drums. 14,000 or 24,000 ISO
containers can also be coordinated upon customer
request.tomer request.
2 Organic 96 Ethyl Alcohol - Food/Beverage Grade
3 Organic Over-Proofed Rums
- We produce a white and gold variety of organic
aged over-proofed rums. Our organic base rums
have been aged in White Canadian Oak barrels at
various stages between 6 month and 3 years. - If you are located in The Americas, please
contact us for a direct quote. - However, if you are located in Europe, Asia or
Africa, please contact our supply partner, EA
Scheer or contact us and we be pleased to help
put you in touch with them
- Our organic 96 Ethanol Alcohol is distilled from
our organic sugar cane molasses. Our organic
alcohol is food and beverage grade and has a
wide variety of applications. Organic ethyl
alcohol is used by our customers for the
production of fine organic spirits, organic
vinegars, organic extracts, organic cosmetics
and fragrances and much more.
5Contact Us
- Fairly Traded Organics
- Dallas (75001), Texas USA and Asuncion, Paraguay
South America - Ahatfield_at_fairlytradedorganics.com
- 214-642-1818