Title: Get Popularity by Buying Livemixtapes Comments
1Buy Livemixtapes Comments
2This is arguably the mixtape website that gets
the most traffic.
3 Live Mixtapes is a bit more difficult to use
especially since they are strict on what type of
content is uploaded.
4Basically, there are 4 different methods you can
use to get your mixtape uploaded on Livemixtapes.
- Sign up for an account complete their expedited
application - Work with someone who has a Livemixtapes account
- Network with the staff
- Hustle, grow your popularity, and then have them
come to you
5The comments will be delivered to you as soon as
possible, once you pay the fee.
6If you have any trouble at any time during the
order and delivery process, we will fix your
problem within 24 hours.
7For more information, you can also visit our
website, click the link below.