Title: BemunchieOnline
1A Beginners Guide to Web Site Design
- www.bemunchieonline.co.uk
2What we will cover.
- Planning your site. Creating a template. Images
and Fonts. Absolute vs. Relative Links.
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3Before you start....
- Why are you creating the site? Why will your
students want to use your site? What will your
students expect from the site?
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4Know your user.
- Create a user profile. How IT literate is your
audience? Have they any disabilities? How will
they access your site? etc.
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5 Planning.
- Plan your site on paper. Organise your
information into logical groupings. Balance the
amount of static and dynamic material on your
site. Important / often accessed information
should be near the top of your site.
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6An example
- Contents Page Notice board Reading Lists Course
Information Lecture Notes Assignments Week 1 Week
2 Exercise 1 Exercise 2
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- Templates make creating material easier. Give
your site a consistent look and feel. Should
contain the navigation facilities your site
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8Navigation System.
- Enable your users to navigate around the main
areas of your site. Consistent, simple and easy
to use. Be available on all pages. Shouldnt take
up much screen space.
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- Dont use text. Use images to achieve special
text effects - but dont overuse, it increases
download time.
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10Pages should include..
- A link to the University disclaimer.
http//www.herts.ac.uk/disclaimer.html Your name
- preferably with an email link. Date page last
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