Title: The U'S's fertile soil for new religious movements
1The U.S.s fertile soil for new religious
- 10 reasons for the lengthy list of options
populating Americas religious menu
Howard Culbertson Southern Nazarene University
21. Secularism
- Secular people
- May look religious, but live without a daily
awareness of or reference to God and His church - Think God and His people are irrelevant
- Find Christianity boring and perhaps even untrue
32. Anxiety over threats to human survival
43. Uncertainties produced by complexity of modern
54. Betrayals by political and religious leaders
65. Intense longing for transcendence
76. Breakdown of family and neighborhood groups
87. Feeling of lostness which moral relativism
98. Naïve openness to religious imports
109. Affluence and consumerism
- Religion comparison chart of skit in Worldview
Boutique video
1110. Failures in the church
- Inadequate Biblical teaching
- sub-Christian gospel of success
- Extreme individualism
- Sterile liturgy
- Overemphasis on doctrine
- Lack of authentic Christian community
12The U.S.s fertile soil for new religious