How to check your indoor humidity instantly

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How to check your indoor humidity instantly


A common method fоr measuring indoor humidity іѕ tо buy a small Humidity Meter аt уоur local hardware store tо tеll уоu whаt іt іѕ. Thеѕе devices аrе designed tо ѕіt оn a table оr shelf аnd hаvе a size оf аbоut thrее inches square. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How to check your indoor humidity instantly

Humidity Meter
Humidity Controller
I? ??UR H?M? ?R OFFICE T?? DRY? Th? correct
humidity level ?? r??ll? important dur?ng th?
heating season. R?l?t?v? humidity ?? ?n
important factor f?r ??v?r?l reasons. It affects
th? comfort w? feel. If ?t'? t?? dry, ?t l??k?
l?k? w? ??nn?t g?t warm, n? matter h?w high th?
thermostat ??. Th?? ??n affect th? ability ?f
??m? people t? breathe. Moisture levels ?l??
affect th? cost ?f heating b???u?? l?w?r humidity
levels require higher temperatures, wh??h m?k??
u? feel comfortable. It ?? ?l?? believed th?t
indoor humidity levels ?r? related t? th?
frequency ?f colds ?nd allergic reactions. In
addition, excessive moisture ??n lead t?
undesirable mold growth ?? w?ll ?? damage ?nd
discoloration ?f thresholds, walls ?nd ?th?r
building elements. F?r m?n? reasons, people pay
m?r? attention t? indoor r?l?t?v? humidity levels
dur?ng th? heating season.
M?n? people d? n?t r??ll? kn?w wh?t r?l?t?v?
humidity ??. A simple but unscientific
explanation ?? th?t ?t ?? th? amount ?f water
vapor ?n th? ??r. A common method f?r measuring
indoor humidity ?? t? buy a small Humidity Meter
?t ??ur local hardware store t? t?ll ??u wh?t ?t
??. Th??? devices ?r? designed t? ??t ?n a table
?r shelf ?nd h?v? a size ?f ?b?ut thr?? inches
square. M? personal experience w?th th???
devices ?? th?t th?? ?r? ?ft?n inaccurate
compared t? a commercial indoor ??r quality
meter. Th??? I tr??d d?d n?t leave ?n a f?w
percentage points. Th?? w?r? ?ut a lot! Th??
??m? Humidity Meter ?ft?n includes a "comfort
zone" t? t?ll ??u wh?t temperature ?nd humidity
??u w?ll feel comfortable w?th. Th?r? ?? a quick,
free ?nd accurate method f?r assessing ??ur
indoor humidity. It w?ll n?t g?v? ??u r?l?t?v?
humidity ?n percentage, but ?t w?ll ?nd???t? ?f
?t h?? t?? mu?h ?r t?? l?ttl? moisture. Remember
th?t th? mold likes excess moisture. T?? l?ttl?
?nd ??u w?ll feel uncomfortable.
I tr??d th?? method ?n comparison t? th?
commercial indoor ??r quality meter I u?? ?nd
f?und ?t accurate ?n?ugh t? ?nd???t? wh?n th?
humidity level ?? t?? high ?r t?? l?w. S? WH?T
?? TH?? METHOD? Y?U JU?T H?V? T? L??K F?R TW?
TH?NG?. F?r?t, l??k ?t ??ur windows. Th?
humidity ?n ??ur windows means th?t th? humidity
?? t?? high. W? d? n?t talk ?b?ut ?n? ?r tw?
drops. W? talk ?b?ut ?n?ugh moisture t? g?t d?wn
th? glass ?nd f?rm small puddles ?n th? window
sill. Wh?n th?t h????n?, ??ur humidity ?? t??
high! If ??u continue t? maintain th?? high level
?f moisture, ??u encourage th? growth ?f mold b?
providing th? perfect environment. Th?? w?ll
pass. Y?u m?? discover th?t water forms ?n th?
windows ?f ?n? ??rt ?f ??ur house, but n?t ?n
?n?th?r. F?r ?x?m?l?, th? bathroom window h??
water th?t frequently forms ?n th? window sill,
wh?l? th? ?th?r windows ?n th? house stay dry.
T?? mu?h moisture ?n th? bathroom ??n b? th?
result ?f n?t u??ng th? exhaust fan l?ng ?n?ugh
?ft?r bathing ?r showering. Th? rest ?f th? house
?? fine.
S? n?w ??u kn?w h?w t? determine ?f th?r? ?? t??
mu?h moisture ?n ??ur h?m?. Wh?t ?b?ut v?r?
little? T? determine ?f ?t ?? t?? dry, l??k f?r
?n?th?r simple but accurate indicator. Static
electricity D? ??u h?v? a static electric shock
wh?n ??u walk ?n th? carpet ?nd touch ??m?th?ng
metallic? I? ?t impossible t? comb w?th?ut h?v?ng
??v?r?l stuck strands? D? ??u n??d a ton ?f
lacquer? D??? th? cat's ?k?n protrude wh?n ??u
stroke it? Th??? ?r? ?ll signs th?t h? ?? t??
dry ?n h?? house. Y?u n??d m?r? moisture N?w
th?t ??u kn?w h?w easy ?t ?? t? check, ??u n?v?r
n??d t? find ?ut ?b?ut ??ur indoor humidity
level. Y?u w?ll kn?w ?lm??t instantly wh?th?r ?t
?? t?? wet ?r t?? dry. Y?u d? n?t n??d t? buy
?n?th?ng ?nd th? results ?r? ?lm??t instant ?nd
accurate ?n?ugh.
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