Title: Vegetable Production
1Vegetable Production
- Objectives of today's lecture
- Learn the basic principles of vegetable
production - Understand the different markets for vegetable
2Vegetable Production
- One of the four branches of horticulture
production - Olericulture - vegetable production
- Floriculture
- Pomology
- Ornamental horticulture
3What is a vegetable?
- Webster's Dictionary defines vegetable as
- a herbaceous plant cultivated for food, such as
the cabbage, potato, bean - also, the edible part or parts of such plants, as
prepared for market or table - Remember that many vegetables are botanical
fruits - seed-bearing structures such as
tomatoes, zucchini
4Classification of vegetables
- There are many different ways to classify
vegetable crops - The temperature at which these crops prefer to
grow - Cool season crops (spinach, broccoli, peas, etc.)
- Warm season crops (sweet corn, melon, tomato)
5Classification of vegetables
- The plant organ that is consumed
- root (beet, carrot, turnip)
- stem (asparagus, kohlrabi)
- flower (broccoli)
- tuber (potato)
- immature fruit (cucumbers, sweet corn)
- mature fruit (watermelon, tomato)
- leaf (e.g. cabbage, lettuce, spinach)
- seed (e.g. bean)
6Classification of vegetables
- The culinary use of the vegetable
- Salad crops (lettuce, endive, arugula)
- Root crops (carrot, parsnip, beet)
- Pulses (beans - fresh, dry, canned)
- Herbs for flavoring (basil, oregano, parsley,
cilantro) - Carbohydrate source (potato, cassava, sweet
7Annuals or perennials?
- Most vegetable crops are grown as annuals
- Flexible system, able to alter production (crops,
varieties planted) from year to year - Compare this to fruit production systems
- A small number of vegetables are grown as
perennials - asparagus, artichoke
- Most vegetables are propagated by seed
- In some cases, the crop is grown as an annual,
but seed are produced in the second year
(biennial), e.g. carrot, onion - Some vegetables are vegetatively propagated
- Irish potato, sweet potato, asparagus, rhubarb
9Markets for vegetable crops
- Fresh market vegetables
- Supermarket
- Farmer's Market
- Road side stand, U-pick operation
- Organic production
- Home garden
- Approximately 50 of U.S. households grow
10Markets for vegetable crops
- Processed vegetables
- Canned
- Frozen
- Pickled
- Dried
- "minimally processed" prepackaged salads,
carrots rapid growth in the market for these
value-added crops
11Where are vegetables grown?
12(No Transcript)
13Why does California dominate vegetable production?
- Rich, fertile soils
- Variety of climatic conditions
- Central Valley has long, warm summer growing
season - Coastal regions, such as the Salinas Valley, are
well suited for production of cool season crops
(lettuce, broccoli, etc.) all year
14(No Transcript)
15Why does California dominate vegetable production?
- Dry climate reduces incidence of plant diseases
- Federal irrigation projects have provided
reliable supplies of inexpensive water - Traditional availability of migrant farm workers
- Research and development, both at the University
of California and in the private sector, have
supported the industry
16What are the most important vegetables in
- 1997 data for fresh and processed vegetables
- 6 bell peppers 503 million
- 5 sweet corn 646 m
- 4 onions 648 m
- 3 lettuce 1,185 m
- 2 tomatoes 1,852 m
- 1 potatoes 2,500 m (est.)
17Important factors for vegetable production
- Vegetable crops have specific requirements for
successful production - Climate
- Temperature
- cool- and warm-season crops
- Rainfall
- can be compensated for by irrigation, and
preferred in some circumstances - Sunlight and day length (less important)
18Important factors for vegetable production
- Vegetable crops have specific requirements for
successful production - Soils
- Sandy loams and loams are preferred
- "Muck soils" that are high in organic matter are
also widely used if available, especially for
high value fresh market crops
19Important factors for vegetable production
- Vegetables are a high value crop
- More intensively managed than agronomic crops
- Irrigation, fertilization, weed and pest control
are all required for success - Both mechanical and manual harvesting
- Critical post-harvest handling
20Cropping systems
- Most vegetable production in the U.S. relies on
intensive monoculture - Geared to mechanization and specialization,
favors large operators - Crop rotation helps control diseases, weeds,
insects preserves soil nutrients - Alternative systems used elsewhere
- Intercropping, sequential cropping
21Production practices
- Soil preparation
- Conventional tillage
- plowing and disking for seed bed preparation
- raised beds and plastic mulching
- Conservation tillage
- planting into crop residue to reduce soil erosion
- weed and soil temperature problems
22Production practices
- Planting
- Direct seeding
- Seed bed preparation is critical
- Requires loner growing season
- Indirect seeding - transplanting
- Extends growing season
- promotes early maturation
23Production practices
- Fertilizer application
- Depends on soil type, soil analysis and crop
requirements - Timing and site of application
- "starter solutions" for seedlings, transplants
- "side dressing" application for established crops
- foliar application, "fertigation"
24Production practices
- Irrigation
- Important for high value vegetable crops
- Timely irrigation increases both crop yield and
quality - Efficient use of water reduces costs and
minimizes other problems - Many different methods available for irrigation
25Production practices
- Weed control
- Weeds compete for resources, harbor pests, reduce
crop quality - Many methods to control weeds
- Cultivation
- Cover crops
- Mulches
- Herbicides
26Production practices
- Disease and pest control
- Microbes and insects
- Genetic resistance
- Important goal in plant breeding
- Integrated pest management
- Uses a variety of approaches to keep damage below
economic thresholds - Pesticides
27Production practices
- Harvest
- Mechanical
- Requires specialized equipment, production
methods - Manual
- Labor intensive, expensive
- The early crop gets top
28Specialized production
- Greenhouse production
- More widespread in the 1950s, 1960s, now in
decline in the U.S. - Factors for decline include energy costs, rapid
transportation system - Still prevalent in Europe, especially in the
29Post-harvest handling
- Practices that reduce losses in quality and
quantity of horticultural crops between harvest
and consumption - Losses are estimated at 5-25 in developed world,
25-50 elsewhere
30Post-harvest handling
- Living tissues are continuously deteriorating
after harvest, changing in - Appearance
- Texture
- Flavor
- Nutritional value
- Safety
31Post-harvest handling
- Techniques to reduce post-harvest losses for
fresh market vegetables include - Gentle harvesting methods
- Cleaning, sorting and waxing
- Rapid cooling
- Low temperature storage
- Controlled atmosphere storage
- Rapid and secure transportation
- Many producers grow vegetable crops under
contract to processors - Without a market, even the best quality produce
will not make a profit - Consumer demands change rapidly
- Growing demand for "organic" produce and
prepackaged convenience foods - Farmers markets provide an outlet for local
- Vegetable production is a diverse branch of
horticulture - Success depends on applying knowledge of
horticultural techniques as well as understanding
the markets for these products - Strive for five!