Litigation management Software

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Litigation management Software


Litigation management's primary purpose is to keep all the information of a case or legal matter organized. It has a Legal calendaring feature that provides a calendar view of upcoming dates of matters in the courts. It also provides alerts via email & SMS. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Litigation management Software

Automate your legal workflows
To begin with, Lets analyze your current work
process and challenges
High number of litigations spread across
multi-locations and multi-people having there
own inconsistent practices.
  • Mumbai
  • Delhi
  • Ahmedabad
  • Kolkata

What if there is one system which integrates all
location in to one system.
How much time would a employee take to provide
you detailing of Litigations ?
  • 2 days
  • 1 day
  • ½ day

What if they update the system from there place
and you get it updated with you automatically?
Skipping of a legal deadline required to be
attended OR delay in adhering to litigation
requirement the with in particular timeframe.
What if you had a centralized Library and our
system will remind you the legal deadlines of the
litigations in your own system.
Do you know on real time basis your litigation
exposures level of seriousness of litigations ?
Exposures Seriousness
  • lt 10 Lac Average
  • 10 50 Laces Under Control
  • 50 Laces 1Crore Need Escalation
  • 1- 5 Crore Can lead to
  • 5 10 Crore Reputational Damage
  • gt 10 Crore Business Impact

How is the litigations data being maintained with
the Managers and Executives?
  • Everyone has his own account
  • Person specific way of maintaining / updating

How if this could be available centrally and as
a standard process/format across the organization?
How much time goes in your Employees writing?
  • All Saturdays
  • One day a week
  • ½ a day everyday
  • Once a fortnight

How if your employees were freed from report
How do you get Litigations reports from employees
or advocates ?
  • Through couriers
  • Through faxes
  • Through phones
  • Through E-mails

How if no couriers, mails were required to be
sent and you could see litigation reports sitting
on your place?
How long does it take for someone to compile
andgenerate MIS reports and present to the
  • One day a week
  • One full department working
  • A person working exclusively through the year
  • No time as not compiled

How if you had all this available at the click of
a mouse duly compiled and an MIS as of now ?
How old is the litigations reports and how long
does it take to reach you after they are compiled
How Old How Long
  • 1 day 24 hrs
  • 1 week 48 hrs
  • 1 fortnight do not reach
  • 1 month do not reach

How if you could see the MIS reports on demand
from anywhere, anytime, any place?
How sure can you be with the report compiling
done by responsible user?
  • Fairly sure
  • Not to sure
  • Not compiled

Do you get such reports when you need ?
  • May be
  • No way, if i am not in the office/ my assistant
    is not there.

How if the MIS was system generated report with
no manipulations or mistakes possible, available
on demand any where, any time and any place.
What happens if your Employee quits his job or
advocate is replaced
  • There is a communication gap.
  • All details might be organized.
  • Do not know the status of his litigations

How if you had a track of each and every of
litigations and could conveniently switch
responsibilities to someone else to take them
forward ?
The list could go on and on
Or you can go for
Lex Mantra
  • Puts all litigations at one place
  • Central repository of Litigations documents
  • No more report writing for employees / advocate
    reps- system generated reports automatically.
  • No more reports to send- all available on a
    central database
  • Alerts to prompt pro-active action
  • Most powerful online MIS-Anytime, Anyplace,

and much more
What hardware and software do you need to buy
and/or maintain?
With Lex Mantra, you have no hardware and
software to buy and/or maintain.
All you need is an Internet access and a browser
The application is maintained and supported by
FSL Software Technologies Ltd.
How much of training do the Legal department
people need to get into the system?
Lex Mantra is the simplest, user friendly and yet
the most powerful system in the market place
today. Minimal user training is required to get
going with the application. Its as simple as
browsing a website.
What are the costs ?
With a Customer friendly pricing, Lex Mantra
is by far the most cost-effective solution in the
marketplace today !!!
Automate your Legal Workflow today !
Call 91 - 9958938589   Or e-mail us at
B-22,Sector IV, Noida ( UP.) 201301
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