Title: Bringing Yesterdays Oil To Todays Markets
1Bringing Yesterdays Oil To Todays Markets
- More oil remains in North American reservoirs
than is expected to be produced from Saudi Arabia
and Venezuela combined. - On average only 15 of the easy-oil is
recovered from most medium and heavy crude oil
reservoirs. - Production is low and Sweep Efficiency is minimal
after the easy-oil is extracted. - Tens of thousands of wells are capped due to low
production but 70 to 80 of the oil remains in
the formation/reservoir. - In 1998 SAG-D or Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
system was introduced in Canada to enhance
production from Oil Sands and Heavy/Medium oil
reservoirs. - Within two years over 3.4 Billion in commercial
ventures licensing the SAG-D system were in play
in North America. - SAG-D system improved production and reservoir
sweep efficiency by 15 to 20.
3Petrostar takes the SAG-D system to another level
with the patented Vertizontal Recovery System
(VRS) and its proprietary Down Hole Tool or DHT
- VRS is a patented combination of both Vertical
and strategically placed Horizontal well bores
that can increase sweep efficiency and oil
production by as much as 40. - Opposite to the SAG-D system which uses new
Horizontal well bores for steam injection and oil
recovery, VRS utilizes existing Vertical well
bores for recovery and one or more Horizontal
wells for water injection. - SAG-D injects steam from the surface which
creates heat loss the further the steam travels
into the reservoir thereby reducing its
efficiency. Petrostars proprietary Down Hole
Tool (DHT) traverses back and forth through the
Horizontal well bore heating as it goes
eliminating heat loss and maximizing bottom
hole pressure, sweep efficiency and production. - The DHT is computer controlled from the surface
and can be digitally driven to each location
within the reservoir where the Horizontal well
bore intersects with the existing Vertical
recovery wells creating optimum Vertical oil
recovery. The DHT has a sub-surface operating
range of 1,000 meters and can be transported
easily by truck to any location.
4Petrostar Creates Producing Demonstration Site
for VRS and the DHT.
- June 2005 Petrostar purchased 100 of 320 acres
of prime heavy/medium oil producing leases and
existing production equipment in Northern
Saskatchewan, Canada known as The Maidstone Oil
Formation. - Within the 320 acre land parcel there are two
primary heavy/medium crude oil formations The
McClaren with 5.2 million proven barrels of
original oil in place and the Waseca Formation
with an additional 800,000 barrels-unproven
(located 18 meters below the McClaren Formation).
- Presently, there are 8 producing Vertical wells
drilled into the McClaren formation in 1979.
They are producing between 70 and 120 barrels of
medium crude oil per day. - The Maidstone property and existing vertical
wells are ideal for implementing the Vertizontal
Recovery System and utilizing the DHT Technology. - Petrostar has 3 Million available and will
complete the VRS work-over program as quickly
as possible.
5The VRS Work- Over Program
- On site preparation for the Vertizontal Recovery
System has been underway for 3 months and
includes upgrading existing Vertical wells with
new generators, pumps, additional storage tanks
and surface equipment. - Top oil drilling engineering and production firms
have been contracted and the primary drill
location and the design of the system has been
completed to insure maximum recovery and success
within a minimum environmental footprint. - The Work-Over Program is designed to increase oil
production as each phase of the Four Phase
Program is completed. - Phase One Drilling a duel producing Vertical
Well 520 meters into both the McClaren and Waseca
Formations. Production is expected to increase by
up to 150 additional barrels a day - Phase Two Drilling the first 1,100 meter
Vertizontal Well and the 1,300 meter Water
Injection Well into the McClaren Formation.
Production is expected to increase by up to 400
additional barrels a day. -
6VRS Work Over Program Cont
- Phase Three Drilling the second Vertizontal Well
into the McClaren Formation. Production is
expected to increase by up to 200 additional
Barrels a day. - Total Production from McClaren up to 850 BOPD
- Phase Four Drilling one Water Injection Well and
One Vertizontal Well into the Waseca Formation.
Production is expected to increase by up to 500
BOPD. - Total Production from Maidstone Project expected
to reach 1,200 to 1,400 BOPD or 78,000 per day
in Gross Revenue (based on second quarter 06
Heavy Crude Market Price of 60 per barrel). - Final stage of the project is the construction of
a short feeder pipeline to Husky Oils main
Heavy Oil Pipeline located in the immediate area.
The feeder pipeline will cut storage and
distribution costs by as much as 35 or approx.
21 per barrel of oil recovered.
7Maidstone Oil Field - 320 Acres - 8 Producing
Wells. Petrostar Purchased 100 of lease and
Equipment in June, 2005.
- To date 5.3 or 292,000 barrels of oil of the
5.52 million barrels of original oil in place
(OOIP) have been produced from the McLaren
Formation. - Depth to reservoir 500 meters. All 8 wells are
vertically drilled wells and were drilled in
1979. - Located in West Central Saskatchewan, over 100
vertical wells surround the 320 acre lease.
- Wells 13-6, 14-6, 16-6, 12-6, 11-6 and 10-6
producing approx. 40 barrels of oil per day
(BOPD). - Well 15-6 re-completed by Petrostar and brought
into production Oct. 14/05 at 60 to 65 BOPD. - Petrostar re-opened Well 9-6 Feb. 23/06 and
produced 125.8 Barrels of Oil during a 24 hour
test and was immediately put onto production.
9Phase 1 Drill First New duel producing
Vertical Well 520 Meters into both the McLaren
Waseca Oil Formations. New VRS Drill Pad for
Vertizontal Collection and Injection Wells.
Drill pad
- All 9 vertical wells are producing, project is
now ready for Phase Two Drilling the first VRS
Collection Well into the McLaren Oil Formation.
10Phase 2 First Vertizontal Collection Well, 1100
Meters into McLaren Oil Formation Linking
Producing Vertical Wells.
Drill Pad
Oil to Surface
Oil to Storage
- First Horizontal well is expected to double
daily production. - Stage one of the Vertizontal Recovery System
Oil to Storage
11Phase 3 Horizontal Water Injection Well, 1300
Meters into McLaren Oil Formation. Maintain and
increase oil production and bottom hole pressure.
Drill Pad
12Phase 4 Final Horizontal Collection Well, 1100
Meters into McLaren Oil Formation. Increasing oil
production and completing VRS
Drill Pad
Oil to surface
13Vertizontal Recovery System (VRS) is completed
creating maximum production and maximum sweep
efficiency from McLaren Formation.
Drill Pad
Property Boundary (North)
Property Boundary (South)
14The Numbers
- Total cost of Vertizontal Project approx 4.11
million (CDN). - Expected time to completion 12 to 18 months
(sooner subject to financing). - It is estimated 2.28 million barrels of the
McLaren Formations 5.2 million barrels of oil
(41) can be recovered using the Vertizontal
Recovery System or VRS. - At a conservative constant base price of 35 a
barrel the McLaren projected undiscounted cash
flow is estimated at 41.5 Million. - Additional reserves - Waseca Formation -
(Estimated at up to 2.6 million Barrels of Oil)
located 18 meters below the McLaren Formation and
covers approx. 230 of the 320 acre lease.
Independent 51-101 Reserve Report under way to
confirm proven reserves in Waseca. - Vertical Drilling into the Waseca Formation
expected to commence once reserve report is
completed. - Total production once both the McLaren and Waseca
drill programs are completed 800 to 1000 BOPD.
- 100 ownership of producing Heavy/Medium Crude
Oil leases. - Over 5.2 million barrels of proven Original Oil
In Place (McClaren Formation) and a potential 1.5
to 2.5 additional million barrels in Waseca
Formation. - 20.5 owner of Patented Vertizontal Recovery
System (VRS) and first Company to utilize VRS and
develop producing demonstration model. - Development of proprietary Down Hole Tool or DHT
- Down-hole testing of DHT technology scheduled for
summer of 2006. - A 3 Million VRS drilling and Work-Over Program
to commence summer of 2006. - Oil production expected to increase from present
production of 120 BOPD to over 1,200 BOPD once
VRS and Work-Over program is complete. - World-wide revenue opportunities from
implementing and/or licensing of VRS and DHT
Systems and Technology to Global Heavy/Medium Oil