Title: Stray Light Estimates
1Stray Light Estimates
- M.Lampton
- U.C.Berkeley Space Sciences Lab
- Jan 2002
2Unwanted photons at a pixel
- Directly-viewed Zodiacal light
- StarlightZodi scattered off Primary
- StarlightZodi scattered off spider
- Sunlight scattered into telescope
- Earthlight scattered into telescope
- Internal glints and leaks
3Diffuse NIR foreground
4Directly-viewed Zodiacal light
5StarlightZodi scattered off Primary
6StarlightZodi scattered off spider
- Spider legs are obstructions that block pupil
- obstructions cause small angle scattering
- therefore broaden point spread function
- this effect is considered part of PSF calc
- Reflections from spider leg structure
- these are NOT small angle, nor diffraction
- these would be significant stray light sources
- can be eliminated by tapering or shielding
7Sunlight scattered into telescope
8Earthlight scattered into telescope
9Internal glints leaks
- Stovepipe will surely require outer and inner
baffle blades
- Bottom-stovepipe inner baffle ring serves as a
field stop at the cassegrain quasifocus
- This field stop keeps all sources beyond nominal
field from illuminating the coffin
- This number is very encouraging! These photons
are our science!
- Game plan this limited FOV limits stray light
within coffin. This field stop, being in nearly
complete darkness, is far more effective in
killing hatstovepipe edge rays than any
forward baffle blocking of those same rays.
10Use stovepipe inner baffles and cassegrain
quasifocus stop to block off-axis rays dont
rely solely on the forward outer baffle (its
11Reverse Ray TracingViewpoint is point near edge
of GigaCamgoal is to identify quantify all
irradiances visible to pixel
12(No Transcript)
- Coordinate angles (v,w) are direction cosines
measured from viewpoint approximately same as
- Outermost blue region is the cryostat,
contributes negligibly to our noise level
- Red zone within that is the interior of the
coffin and the rear of the primary -- warm!
Causes noise!
- Green zone within that is a reflected scene,
might be partly warm (needs separate ray trace)
- Blue zone within that is the sky!
- Central tiny red zone with four red spider arms
is the sky blocked by the secondary mirror
assembly and hat.