Title: Logical Expressions
1Chapter 4
- Logical Expressions If-Else
- More on Data Type bool
- Using Relational Logical Operators to Construct
Evaluate Logical Expressions - If-Else Statements
- If Statements
- Nested If Statements for Multi-way Branching
- Testing a C Program
3Boolean expressions
- Boolean expressions (expressions of type bool)
are constructed by using relational and logical
operators - 6 Relational Operators
- lt lt gt gt !
- 3 Logical Operators
- !
4Relational operators
- Relational operators and variables of any type
are combined to form Boolean expressions -
5Evaluating relational expressions
- int x 4, y 6
- x lt y true
- x 2 lt y false
- x ! y true
- x 3 gt y true
- y x false
- y x2 true
- y x 3 7 (not Boolean)
6Assignment expressions
- In C, it is possible to use the assignment
operator inside a larger expression - The assignment sub-expression returns the value
and type of the variable after assignment
include ltiostreamgt //what is the output? using
namespace std int main() int i0 cout ltlt
(i int(3.14159)) ltlt endl cout ltlt i ltlt endl
//what is the output? return 0
7Comparing Strings
- Two objects of type string (or a string object
and a string literal) can be compared using the
relational operators - A character-by-character comparison is made using
the ASCII code of each character - If all the characters are equal, then the 2
strings are equal - Otherwise, the string with the first character of
smaller ASCII value is the lesser string
8Comparison Operator Examples
- string myState string yourState
- myState Texas yourState Maryland
- myState yourState false
- myState gt yourState true
- myState Texas true
- myState lt texas true
9- Operator Meaning Associativity
- !, , - NOT, unary , unary - Right
- , / , Multiplication, Division, Modulus
Left - , - Addition, Subtraction Left
- lt Less than Left
- lt Less than or equal to Left
- gt Greater than Left
- gt Greater than or equal to Left
- , ! Is equal to, Is not equal to Left
- logical AND Left
- logical OR Left
- Assignment Right
- ! p NOT p ! p is false if p is
true. - ! p is true if p is false.
- p q p AND q p q is true
if - both p and q are true.
- It is false otherwise.
- p q p OR q p q is false if
both - p and q are false. It is true
otherwise. -
11Logical Expression Examples
- int age bool isSenior, hasFever
- float temperature
- age 20 temperature 102.0
- isSenior (age gt 55)//isSenior is false
- hasFever (temperature gt 98.6)
- // hasFever is true
- isSenior hasFever false
- isSenior hasFever true
- !isSenior true
- !hasFever false
12What is the value?
- int age, height
- age 25
- height 70
- !(age lt 10) ?
- !(height gt 60) ?
13Short-Circuit Evaluation
- C uses short circuit evaluation of logical
expressions - This means logical expressions are evaluated left
to right and evaluation stops as soon as the
final truth value can be determined
14Short-Circuit Example
- int age, height
- age 25
- height 70
- (age gt 50) (height gt 60) //false
- Evaluation can stop now because result of is
only true when both sides are true - It is already determined that the expression will
be false
15What happens?
- int age, height
- age 25
- height 70
- ! (height gt 60) (age gt 50)
- Does this part need to be evaluated?
16Write an expression for each
- taxRate is over 25 and income is less than
20000 - temperature is less than or equal to 75 or
humidity is less than 70 - age is over 21 and age is less than 60
- age is 21 or 22
17Some Answers
- (taxRate gt .25) (income lt 20000)
- (temperature lt 75) (humidity lt .70)
- (age gt 21) (age lt 60)
- (age 21) (age 22)
18Short-Circuit Benefits
- one Boolean expression can be placed first to
guard a potentially unsafe operation in a
second Boolean expression - time is saved in evaluation of complex
expressions using operators and
19Short Circuit Example
- int number bool test
- float x
- test (number ! 0) (x lt 1/number)
- is evaluated first and has value false
- The entire expression will have a value of false
- Due to short-circuiting the sub-expression to
the right of is not evaluated - This avoids a possible division-by-zero error
20WARNING about Expressions in C
- Boolean expression means an expression whose
value is true or false - an expression is any valid combination of
operators and operands - each expression has a value
- this can lead to UNEXPECTED RESULTS
- construct your expressions CAREFULLY
- use of parentheses is encouraged
- otherwise, use the precedence chart to determine
21Comparing float (or double) Values
- do not compare float values for equality, compare
them for near-equality.
float myNumber float yourNumber cin gtgt
myNumber cin gtgt yourNumber test
(fabs(myNumber - yourNumber) lt 0.00001) //NOT
test (myNumber yourNumber)
22Control Structures
- Control structures alter the order in which
statements in a program are executed - By default, each statement is executed exactly
once - Statements are executed sequentially
- There are 2 general types of control structures
- Selection, also called branching
- Repetition, also called looping
23C Control Structures
- Selection
- if
- if . . . else
- switch
- Repetition
- for loop
- while loop
- do . . . while loop
24Control Structures
- use logical expressions which may include
- 6 Relational Operators
- lt lt gt gt !
- 3 Logical Operators
- !
25What can go wrong here?
- float average
- float total
- int howMany
- .
- .
- .
- average total/howMany
26Improved Version
- float average,
- float total
- int howMany
- if (howMany gt 0)
- average total/howMany
- cout ltlt average
- else
- cout ltlt No prices were entered
27If-Else Syntax
- if ( Expression )
- StatementA
- else
- StatementB
- NOTE StatementA and StatementB each can be a
single statement, a null statement, or a block.
28if ... else Provides Two-way Selection
- between executing one of 2 clauses
- the if clause or the else clause
if clause
else clause
29Use of blocks recommended
- if ( condition )
- //begin block
- //one or more statements go here
- //end block
- else
- //begin block
- //one or more statements go here
- //end block
30If-Else with blocks
- int carDoors, driverAge
- float premium, monthlyPayment
- if ((carDoors 4)(driverAge gt 24))
- premium 650.00
- cout ltlt "LOW RISK "
- else
- premium 1200.00
- cout ltlt "HIGH RISK"
- monthlyPayment premium / 12.0 5.00
31 What happens without braces?
- if ((carDoors 4) (driverAge gt 24))
- premium 650.00
- cout ltlt "LOW RISK"
- else
- premium 1200.00
- cout ltlt "HIGH RISK"
- monthlyPayment premium / 12.0 5.00
- The if clause is the statement following the if
32Braces define blocks of code
- Braces can only be omitted when each clause is a
single statement - if ( lastInitial lt 45 )
- volume 1
- else
- volume 2
- cout ltlt "Look it up in volume "
- ltlt volume ltlt "of NYC phone book"
33If-Then-Else for a mail order
- Assign value .25 to discountRate and assign value
10.00 to shipCost if purchase is over 100.00 - Otherwise, assign value .15 to discountRate and
assign value 5.00 to shipCost - Either way, calculate totalBill
34These braces cannot be omitted
- if (purchase gt 100.00)
- discountRate 0.25
- shipCost 10.00
- else
- discountRate .15
- shipCost 5.00
- totalBill purchase (1- discountRate)
- shipCost
35If statement is a selection
- of whether or not to execute a statement
- which can be a single statement or a block
36Terminating your program
- int number
- cout ltlt "Enter a non-zero number"
- cin gtgt number
- if (number 0)
- cout ltlt "Bad input. Program terminated"
- return 1
- // otherwise continue processing
37These are equivalent. Why?
- if (number 0) if (! number)
- . .
- . .
- . .
- . .
- Each expression is only true when number has
value 0.
38Write If or If-Else for each
- If taxCode is 7, increase price by adding taxRate
times price to it - If code has value 1, read values for income and
taxRate from cin, and calculate and display
taxDue as their product - If A is strictly between 0 and 5, set B equal to
1/A, otherwise set B equal to A
39Possible Answers
- if (taxCode 7)
- price price taxRate price
- if ( code 1)
- cin gtgt income gtgt taxRate
- taxDue income taxRate
- cout ltlt taxDue
- if (( A gt 0)(A lt 5))
- B 1/A
- else
- B A
40What output? and Why?
- int age
- age 30
- if ( age lt 18 )
- cout ltlt Do you drive?
- cout ltlt Too young to vote
41What output? and Why?
- int code
- code 0
- if ( ! code )
- cout ltlt Yesterday
- else
- cout ltlt Tomorrow
42What output? and Why?
- int number
- number 0
- if (number 0)
- cout ltlt "Zero value"
- else
- cout ltlt "Non-zero value"
43Chained If
- The if clause else clause of an if...else
statement can contain any kind of statement - including another ifelse statement
- This is called multi-way branching
44Chained if Statements
- if (Expression1)
- Statement_1
- else if (Expression2)
- Statement_2
- . . .
- else if (ExpressionN)
- Statement_N
- else
- Statement_N_plus_1
- EXACTLY 1 of these statements will be executed.
45Chained if Statements
- Each Expression is evaluated in sequence, until
some Expression is found that is true - Only the specific Statement following that
particular true Expression is executed - If no Expression is true, the Statement following
the final else is executed - The final else and final Statement are optional
- If omitted, when no Expression is true no
Statement is executed
46Multi-way Branching
- if (creditsEarned gt 90)
- cout ltlt "SENIOR STATUS"
- else if (creditsEarned gt 60)
- cout ltlt "JUNIOR STATUS"
- else if (creditsEarned gt 30)
- cout ltlt "SOPHOMORE STATUS"
- else
- cout ltlt "FRESHMAN STATUS"
47Writing Chained if Statements
- Display one word to describe the int value of
number as Positive, Negative, or Zero - Your city classifies a pollution index
- less than 35 as Pleasant
- 35 through 60 as Unpleasant
- and above 60 as Health Hazard
- Display the correct description of the pollution
index value
48One Answer
- if (number gt 0)
- cout ltlt "Positive"
- else if (number lt 0)
- cout ltlt "Negative"
- else
- cout ltlt "Zero"
49Other Answer
- if ( index lt 35 )
- cout ltlt Pleasant
- else if ( index lt 60 )
- cout ltlt Unpleasant
- else
- cout ltlt Health Hazard
50Write a void Function
- called DisplayMessage (which you can call from
main) to describe the pollution index value it
receives as an argument - Write a driver program to test this function
- Your city describes a pollution index
- less than 35 as Pleasant
- 35 through 60 as Unpleasant
- above 60 as Health Hazard
51- void DisplayMessage(int index)
- if (index lt 35)
- cout ltlt "Pleasant"
- else if (index lt 60)
- cout ltlt "Unpleasant"
- else
- cout ltlt "Health Hazard"
52The Driver Program
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void DisplayMessage (int) //prototype
- int main ()
- int pollutionIndex //declare variable
- cout ltlt "Enter air pollution index"
- cin gtgt pollutionIndex
- DisplayMessage(pollutionIndex) //call
- return 0
53Nested Decisions
if(isHungry(Lisa) isHungry(Ed))
if(isHere(Boss) isHungry(Boss))
eat(FOOD_FANCY) shiftAppts(12.0,pm,2.0,pm)
else if(isHere(Jim)
isHere(Lori)) eat(FOOD_CAFETERIA)
if(getTime() gt MID_DAY)
- Sometimes you will need more than two parts.
- Use nested if/else statements(can get very
messycareful indenting helps)