Title: Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design
1Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design
- Hypothesis testing
- Replicate sampling
- Errors and distributions
- Probabilities
- Statistical tests (Students t test)
- Plotting experimental data
2Testable Hypothesis
- General questions
- How are assembly/disassembly regulated?
- Do microtubules represent a simple dynamic
equilibrium? - Narrow to a single testable hypothesis
- Protein synthesis is central to gene expression
- Statement synthesis of new protein is necessary
for flagellar growth in Chlamydomonas
3Hypothesis Testing
- Null hypothesis
- no change
- no effect
- should be only one null hypothesis
- Alternative hypothesis(es)
- positive change
- negative change
- multiple choices possible
4Replicate Sampling
fix and stain sample
low power field of view
high power field of view
5Types of Error
20 min
40 min
6Sampling Error
Fix and stain 3 samples, same time
mean 3.1 µm
mean 3.3 µm
mean 2.8 µm
7Sampling and Data Distribution
average cells
- time 0 10 20 30
40 50 60 70 80 min
30 min sample
0 1 2 3 4
length (µm)
0 1 2 3 4
length (µm)
8Effect of Sample Size
n 5
n 20
dependent variable
independent variable
n 50
n 200
n 8
9Representing Error
normal distribution
-3 -2 -1 µ
1 2 3
standard deviations
Write mean standard deviation e.g., 13 3 µm
mean µ
standard deviation
10Representing Error on a Graph
In text or table write mean standard
deviation E.g., 13 3 µm
On a Graph
Use an error bar
Use standard deviation of the mean
typical sample standard deviation
cap bar mean
sample mean plus std error
sample mean minus std error
typical standard deviation of the mean
11Plot Continuous Variables
12Sample Graph
- Typical graph features
- Labeled axes
- Independent variable on x axis
- Error bars
- Trend line
- Proportion
- Figure caption w/number
Figure 1. Time course of growth of tentacles of
mysterious alien creature.
13Badly Proportioned Graphs
14Comparing Data Sets
large difference in means
small difference in means
small error
small error
1 µm
3 µm
large difference in means
small difference in means
large error
large error
1 µm
3 µm
15Comparing Small Samples
Blue group 1 Red group 2
small sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Eventual outcomes
group 1 ? group 2
group 1 group 2
16Non-Normal Distributions
skewed distribution
unknown distribution
bimodal distribution
17Probability and Hypothesis Testing
- Zero p lt 1
- Zero and one represent certainty
- Null hypothesis group 1 group 2
- p probability favoring null hypothesis
- If p lt 0.05, then reject the null hypothesis
- If p gt 0.05, then accept null or gather more data
18Students t Test
- Two sample test for small samples
- Assumes normal distribution if large enough
sample taken - Returns t statistic
- t, sample sizes, probability table yield p value
- If p lt 0.05, reject null hypothesis
19T Test Rationale
- t µ1 - µ2 (A B)1/2
- t is greater with larger difference in means µ1
- µ2 - (A B)1/2 is expression of random error
- t is smaller with larger error (A B)1/2
- Larger value of t means smaller value of p
- Smaller p means greater confidence in result
20Paired or Unpaired?
- Paired one to one correspondence between each
data point in set one and a unique data point in
set two - Example same subject before/after
- Unpaired random sampling of population
- Example cells fixed and stained at start of
experiment, different set of cells from same
culture fixed/stained at 2 hrs