Title: 3 keys to successful writing: MAP
13 keys to successful writing MAP
- Maintain focus and flow
- Craft topic sentences
- Use transitions
- Provide trail markers
- Maintain parallelism
- Avoid abstraction
- No empty pronouns!
- Use passive voice with caution
- Prune your sentences!
2Help readers focus their thinking use
- Parallel constructions channel the readers
attention and aid memory. - Lists are great way for reader to absorb
information, but you must maintain parallelism of
items in list or reader will get
3Present parallel ideas in parallel form.
- in lists
- in sentences
- Pay special attention to the first few words of
each item in list.
4Check out this set of instructions.
- Repairing the Acid Tank
- Replace tank bottom with 5/8 thick steel plate.
- Porosity holes in ring weldments should be
cleaned and rewelded. - According to company specifications, tank
5 Maintaining the parallelism
- Repairing the Acid Tank
- Replace tank bottom with 5/8 thick steel plate.
- Porosity holes in ring weldments should be
cleaned and rewelded. - According to company specifications, tank
noun phrase
prepositional phrase
6I researched and compared the performance
capabilities and FAA records of each aircraft, as
well as conducting a pilot survey.
Can you fix the faulty parallelism in this
7Lists cannot float on their own.
- Lists need context introductions and, often,
conclusions. - This list needs to be introduced and grounded
- cost
- efficiency
- time to construct
- Use a complete sentence to introduce a list.
8Avoid Abstraction
- even for the most technical material and the
most technical audiences . . .
9Passive voice usually makes writing more abstract.
- The evaluation of diamond film based on the final
criterion will be completed when the analysis of
the qualities is received from the Institute for
Advanced Technology (IAT). A request for the
resource files on diamond film will be submitted
to Norton Manufacturing. An additional
comparison of the results received from IAT will
be compared with information provided by Norton.
The evaluation of diamond dust will be used for
the comparison of the other nanocrystalline
10Can you rework the verb constructions?
- The evaluation of diamond film based on the final
criterion will be completed when the analysis of
the qualities is received from the Institute for
Advanced Technology (IAT). A request for the
resource files on diamond film will be submitted
to Norton Manufacturing. An additional
comparison of the results received from IAT will
be compared with information provided by Norton.
The evaluation of diamond dust will be used for
the comparison of the other nanocrystalline
11Use passive voice carefully never use it
Once the analysis of its qualities is received
from the Institute for Advanced Technology (IAT),
we will complete our evaluation of diamond film
based on the final criterion. In the mean time,
we will submit a request for the resource files
on diamond film to Bolton Manufacturing, in order
that we may compare the results received from IAT
with information provided by Bolton. Once our
evaluation of diamond film is completed, we can
compare it with the other nanocrystalline
12Passive voice can make writing ambiguous Who is
doing which testing?
The scope of this strategy does not cover testing
all the functionality of the different sub
components. It is expected that each component be
tested prior to the solution integration test.
13Empty pronouns also make writing more abstract.
In the future, the accountant responsible for the
proofs should initial and date appropriate
reports, sign out in the proof log, and revise
checklist procedures accordingly. This will
clearly indicate who has done the proof and when
it was performed.
14Empty Pronouns Exercise
- In the U.S., the chemical and petroleum
industries consume eight million tons of hydrogen
annually. This is produced from natural gas by a
process called stream reforming that extracts
hydrogen from hydrocarbons. This can occur by
one of two methods.
15Turning verbs into nouns makes writing abstract.
- The thermal decomposition of the TMAH occurs
rapidly at these temperatures and results in the
formation of trimethylamine and methyl alcohol. - TMAH decomposes quickly at these temperatures and
forms trimethylamine and methyl alcohol.
16Graphics in DocumentsGuidelines for Labeling
- Visual data cannot be understood without proper
labeling. - Label each graphic clearly with a figure or table
number and a title. - Place the figure number and title beneath a
figure (anything not a table). - Place the table number and title above a table.
- Discuss each graphic in body of proposal.
17Contaminated Air Inlet
Figure 5.2. Schematic of the experimental
18Table 2 Example of Table with Modified
19- Cite the source of every borrowed graphic,
under the title.
20Figure 2. United States Facilities with No. 2
Emissions Source Environmental Protection
Agency, 2000, ww.epa.gov/airs/mapview.htm