Title: Introduction to the Money Supply Process
1Introduction to the Money Supply Process
- Fundamental Property -- Money supply expands when
banks make loans (or more generally, expand loans
or buy bonds)
2Deposit Expansion The Individual
- Consider the following example.
- (rD 0.10, rT 0.05)
- Chase
- R 20000 D 70000
- L 90000 T 80000
- Bonds 50000 E 10000
3Computing Required and Excess Reserves
- Chase rD
0.10 - R 20000 D 70000 rT 0.05
- L 90000 T 80000
- Bonds 50000 E 10000
- RR rDD rTT (0.10)(70000)
- (0.05)(80000) 11000
- ER R - RR 20000 - 11000 9000
4Loan of 900 Step 1 -- Loan
is Approved
- Chase
- R 20000 D 79000
- L 99000 T 80000
- Bonds 50000 E 10000
- Borrower signs loan contract,
- receives check from bank.
5Step 2 -- Loan is Spent
- Chase
- R 11000 D 70000
- L 99000 T 80000
- Bonds 50000 E 10000
- Seller deposits check in her bank.
- Fleet
- ?R 9000 ?D 9000
6Bank Loaning and Money Supply Expansion
- Consider M2 C D T MMMF
- ? ?M2 ?C ?D ?T ?MMMF
- Our example
- ?M2 0 9000 0 0 9000
- (Chases loan leads to
new deposits for Fleet.)
7Key Concepts Money Supply Expansion
- Key is step 1, Chase expands its deposit
commitments without changing its reserves. - Note -- Process is symmetric. Repayment or
liquidation of loan leads to decrease in M2 (by
the amount of the loan).
8Deposit Expansion The Banking System
- Multiple Expansion -- An initial change in bank
reserves prompted by the Federal Reserve leads to
an eventual increase in the money supply which is
a multiple of that initial change.
9Developing a Formula for Multiple Expansion
- Define -- The Monetary Base, or
- High Powered Money (H)
- H C R
10Key Properties The Monetary
- The monetary base (H) is unaffected by changes in
public asset holdings. - The monetary base (H) is also unaffected by bank
loaning. - Important factors that change H Open Market
Operations and Discount Loans (DL).
11Discount Loans and the Monetary
- Example 1 -- Chase borrows 100 from the Federal
Reserve. - Chase
- ?R 100 ?DL 100
- ?H ?C ?R 0 100 100
12Open Market Operations and the Monetary Base
- Example 2 -- The Federal Reserve buys a 100 bond
from Chase. - Chase
- ?Bonds - 100
- ?R 100
- ?H ?C ?R 0 100 100
13The Nonborrowed Base
- The Nonborrowed Base (HNON)
- Key property -- The nonborrowed base is only
affected by open market operations.
14A Formula for Money Supply Determination
- Define the following variables.
- k C/D
- t T/D
- e ER/D
15Money Supply Determination The Formula
- M2 (1 k t) (HNON DL) MMMF
- (k rD rTt e)
- The money multiplier (m2)
16Computing the Money Multiplier An Example
- Suppose that
- C 550 rD 0.10
- D 600 rT 0.03
- T 3000
- ER 10.
- Compute the money multiplier (m2).
17Computing the Ratios
- k C/D 550/600 0.917
- t T/D 3000/600 5.000
- e ER/D 10/600 0.0167
18Plugging Into The Multiplier
- m2 1 k t
- k rD rTt e
- ?m2 1 0.917 5.0
- 0.917 0.10 (0.03)(5.0) 0.0167
- m2 5.84
19Effects of HNON and DL
on M2 Determination
- Since M2 (m2)(HNON DL),
- ?M2 (m2)(? HNON),
- ?M2 (m2)(?DL).
- In other words,
- HNON? ? M2?
- DL? ? M2?
- Changes in HNON or DL give banks reserves,
greater ability to loan.
20Effects of Reserve Ratios on M2 Determination
- Increases in reserve ratios hinder bank loaning,
thereby decreasing the multiplier and M2. - m2 1 k t
- k rD rTt e
- rD? ? m2? ? M2?
- rT? ? m2? ? M2?
21Effects of k (C/D) and t (T/D) on M2 Determination
- Changes in k and t have different effects on bank
loaning, the multiplier, and M2. - m2 1 k t
- k rD rTt e
- k? ? m2? ? M2?
- t? ? m2? ? M2?
22Effects of e (ER/D) on M2
- Changes in e affect the multiplier, which affects
M2. -
- m2 1 k t
- k rD rTt e
- e? ? m2? ? M2?
23M2 Determination Summary
- First, the formula again.
- M2 (1 k t) (HNON DL) MMMF
- (k rD rTt e)
24A Summary Table
- HNON? ? M2?
- DL? ? M2?
- rD? ? M2?
- rT? ? M2?
- k? ? M2?
- t? ? M2?
- e? ? M2?
25The Multiplier -- Trying to Control the Money
- M2 (1 k t) (HNON DL) MMMF
- (k rD rTt e)
- Federal Reserve controls HNON, rD, and rT.
- But M2 is also determined by public asset holding
(k, t, MMMF) and bank behavior (e, DL).
26Can the Federal Reserve Control the Money Supply?
- Practical Solution -- The Federal Reserve tries
to control money supply growth within a given
target range. If actual M2 growth falls within
the range, M2 is considered controlled.
27The Multiplier Effect and Controlling M2
- Consider formula for M2 determination (apart from
MMMF), written as follows (recall that H HNON
DL). - M2 (m2)(H)
28M2 Determination in Growth Rates
- Since the levels are multiplicative, the growth
rates are additive -
- Growth in M2 ?
- (Growth in m2) (Growth in H)
29Implications for M2 Control
- Growth in M2 ?
- (Growth in m2) (Growth in H)
- If the multiplier is roughly constant over time
(growth in m2 ? 0), then the growth rate of M2
will approximate closely the growth rate of the
monetary base.
30Difficulties in M2 Control
- Growth in M2 ?
- (Growth in m2) (Growth in H)
- But if the multiplier changes over time (growth
rate either positive or negative), then the
growth rate of M2 will deviate from the growth
rate of the monetary base.
31Non-Federal Reserve Changes in M2
- Best solution constant multiplier, zero DL.
Unfortunately, not true. - Second best solution predictable multiplier and
DL. - How to predict non-Fed controlled changes in M2?
What determines movements in the components
(k, t, e, DL, MMMF)?