Title: How to Write Product Descriptions that Sell
1How To Write Product Descriptions That Sell
2Nowadays the online shopping is becoming
extremely popular. If you want to achieve success
in this sphere you should know some rules
- Use subheadings within the description. You can
see a product description example here
- Dont use too much text! 2-3 sentences per
paragraph is all right. These are the examples
of product descriptions
- Try to use number or bullet points to make your
description clear and neat. Nobody likes to read
just a text. Some sample product descriptions can
be found on our website
- Break your long sentences into shorter ones. They
should be catching and easy to read and
understand. You can find a good example of
product description on the website.
- Describe all the benefits that your product has.
Add some more. People want to buy the best
things. Say how it is good at this and at that.
Ask our experts how to write a good product
description and they will tell you even more.
- Define your buyer audience. For example, you
should understand that perfumes in most cases are
bought by woman. So the perfume descriptions
should be tender and clear and they should make
an impression that this perfume is made only for
this special woman or man who she will present
- Define your tone of voice. It can playful or
cheering. But it should not be boring and tiring
like in an academic research. A product
description writer can help you with that.
- Do not write about the product but write about
solution! People are not interested in things but
in what they can do with them. For example, this
camera make super cool shots even at night. Just
look how it is described on MITs website
- Say why is your product better than others from
the same type. If you dont know how, the product
writer will give you a hand.
- Appeal to Your Readers Imagination. If you want
to sell the product you should tell what should a
person do with it and how, and why it is such a
necessary thing to buy. Website of the Washington
university is an excellent example
- Tempt with Social Proof. When people are
doubting whether to buy the product or not they
look for the feedbacks. If the feedback are
positive they will definitely buy the product.
- Add more qualitative pictures of the product.
Upload different pictures of the product. Have a
look on Yales homepage.
- Avoid clichés and jargon. People may not
understand them. Harvards website can serve as a
good example.
- Tell a Story. People are instantly absorbed by
the stories. - Homepage of Cleveland state university has a lot
of bright examples.
- Use power words. Such words as New, free,
guaranteed or you connects the subconscious
persons level and he or she understands that
this product is for them.
18- If you feel that you still need some help , check
our product description writing service. Only
best professionals works there .
19- Or maybe you want to do it yourself,
then here is a google book with some
professional tips
20- Want more ? Our professional writers and editors
will help you with a great pleasure! Check our
website productdescriptionwriter.net